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March 2025

Angela ONeillSince graduating from CBU, Angela (Sanicola) O'Neill, ’04, has taught, including at CBU, served as the Fine Arts Director for Crossroads Christian School and as the Arts Director for Mariners Church. Her passion for sharing the love of Jesus through creative expression has led her to write scripts, a musical, speak at events, lead ministries, and now, release her first book: Unspoken Word: One Moment With Jesus Changes Everything. This book weaves together storytelling from her life and Scripture, bringing to life 12 biblical encounters with Jesus.

Marian JacobsMarian A. (Crotinger) Jacobs, ’08, has a book releasing from B&H on July 1, 2025, titled, On Magic and Miracles: A Theological Guide to Discerning Fictional Magic. It's currently available for preorder.




ArceBrenda Arce, ’13, and her family (including two of her children currently attending CBU) are celebrating a new Baby Lancer! Little Heavanah just turned one this past February. Brenda says, “She is heaven sent :) Go Lancers!”




CrumbyKhristopher Wayne Crumby, ’14, has been working at the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office for the past six years. He was recently moved into a lead position within the Felony Prosecution Unit with an emphasis on prison crimes. His new responsibilities include mentoring new and up-and-coming attorneys who are ready to take the next step in their careers. He was recently featured in the first episode of a new social media campaign by the DA’s Office called “Origin Stories” where they highlight and tell inspiring stories about attorneys and their journey to becoming a prosecutor.

ArreolaJacob Arreola, ’16, and his wife, Alexandra, have the honor of pastoring Awaken Church in Fort Worth, TX. When they took over a year and a half ago, the church was on the brink of closing its doors. Today, it has come back to life, is filled up with new and matured believers and is making a significant impact in their city. Jacob says the longer he’s been out of CBU, the more he sees the impact it had on his life and the various ministry opportunities God has allowed him.


KetringRaquel Ketring, ’24, has accepted an RN residency at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital in Acute Care Pediatrics.




February 2025

SivonenHeidi (Joos) Sivonen, ’00, and her husband Mikko have been serving the Great Commission in Finland under the auspices of the International Mission Board for almost 19 years. She and Mikko have been married for more than 25 years. They have an oldest son at Masters University, another son about to graduate High School, and are homeschooling three children this spring state-side until May 2025.


In November of 2024, Christa (Ereksen) Banton, ’04, published research in the American Journal of Qualitative Research on how women are treated in the computer technology field. She found that many still feel lack of belonging as the field is heavily dominated by men. Her work is titled, “Examining the Retention and Exodus of Women in Technology.”

LunaRobyn (Glessner) Luna, ’05, and her husband, Michael, have a little Lancer, Luke Luna, who was born July 5th. He is their first child. He is five months old in the included photo.




DeanaDeana (Hodgeson) Kahle, ’09, was recently promoted to Executive Director at The Counseling Team International. They serve first responders and are "dedicated to serving those who serve" by providing short-term term counseling, training, and critical incident stress management to over 300 public safety agencies.



WillisOn January 31, 2025, Sarah (Olvera) Willis, ’10, and her husband, Kevin, welcomed their baby boy, Isaac, via embryo adoption. 




KoherAnnabel (Zandi) Koher, ’15, and her husband, Ryan, are blessed to share that they welcomed their first daughter, Abigail Lee Koher, on December 10th. She joins her two older brothers, Elias (five) & Hezekiah (four). They are now preparing to return their family to their mission field in Mozambique, following Ryan’s wrongful detainment in 2022/2023 and the closure of the case with no charges in October 2024.


SigmanMark Sigman II, ’19, adopted a loving pooch named Ash, who is his new companion in his path moving forward. He also turned 32 and got fully vested in RUHS Riverside County.




Janet AlvarezJanet (Alvarez) Calva, ’21, married her husband Emmanuel in 2021 during her last Semester of Nursing School. She also started a podcast named "The Emman & Jan Show" in 2022 as well as a brand business in 2023 called "Physically Fit Mentally Insane" that promotes physical and mental health. In 2024, she began a baking journey and initiated a baking page called "Sourdoughbeningins" on Instagram. She and her husband are always up to something, and it has not always been easy but, with God by their side, they have been able to enjoy the journey so far.

Analy JarboeAnaly (Garcia) Jarboe, ’21, and Kyle Jarboe, ’18, welcomed Hudson Barrett Jarboe on December 17, 2024.




ZaraZara Melcher, ’22, and her husband, Michael, welcomed their first baby, Remi Louise, on January 25, 2025.




Justine Bentley, ’23, is in her second year of teaching, and is clearing her credential in a few months. Since she has joined her current school, her work and efforts have been greatly valued. Her department officials loved some of her implemented strategies so much that they have decided to incorporate them into the curriculum for the English 4 course next school year.

HesterlyKinika Hesterly, ’23, and her husband, David, have started a mentorship company, Professional Success Mentorship, to assist aspiring professionals with career development resources and small business owners with content creation. Her mother, Lorean, passed away from cancer a few months shy of her graduation in 2023. She was a dedicated Christian and an alumna of the same Public Administration program at CBU. She is greatly missed.


Kelli M. Hicks, ’24, is very thankful to receive the Honor Society Induction Certificate during her undergrad studies online in CBU’s Graphic Design & Digital Media program. She is now continuing her studies in one of the graduate level programs. “Thank you to all of the staff and professors who helped me with my work.” She says, “Ms. Grace has been a great support! Also, there are many great professors there, Professor Park and others who really help the students in those programs! Thanks, CBU!”

Joseph Lindstrom, ’24, graduated with his Master’s in Education and received a pay raise in his role as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher at Pacific Coast Academy.

RolandAlayna Isabel (Flores) Roland, ’24, and her husband, Sean, were married while she was in the midst of her final semester of the Online MSCP program. Their wedding day was Friday, November 8, 2024.



January 2025

Mildred Wier-Jarvis, ’55, passed into spirit on July 11, 2024. Following a 23-year career with Bank of America, she and her husband of 68 years, Bruce Jarvis, ’60, moved to the Oregon coast. Until her death, much of her time was spent in volunteer service to the community.

Lesleigh J. Tolin, ’93, began her work in graduate school in her early 40's and graduated with her MS in Counseling Psychology. Today, she’s enjoying her solo private practice as a Grief/Loss Specialist in the Woodland Hills/Encino area of Southern CA.

BelloMichelle (Jacobson) Bello, ’96, and her husband Jon Bello, ’96, announce the marriage of Matthew Clegg, ’24, and Abigail Bello, ’24, on May 5, 2024. Many of their CBU friends were there, along with their church family from Fellowship Baptist Church.



GwachamAdaobi Gwacham, ’08, opened her second Chick-fil-A location in June 2023 and celebrated 10 years of her first location in December 2024.



RisingerStephanie (Atayde) Risinger, ’09, and her husband, Michael Risinger, ’12, moved from California to Kansas 10 years ago. In September of 2024, she began a new role at MidAmerica Nazarene University as the Director of Student Counseling & Wellness. Stephanie supervises the graduate students who provide counseling to the undergraduate students. She also provides training and serves as mental health consultant to staff and faculty. This semester she was given the opportunity to serve as adjunct faculty in the Master of Arts in Counseling program.

BossertAli (Barnes) Bossert, ’15, is an adjunct English professor at CBU and her husband, Jim Bossert, ’16, is the CBU Head Swim/Dive Coach. They met while on the swim team at CBU while graduate students. On December 22, 2024, they welcomed their second son, Samuel James Bossert.



CAVAD alumni Jordan Singer, ’15, won 6 ECPA (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association) top shelf book cover awards in 2024.

PradettoOn December 12, 2024, Joe Pradetto, ’16, was sworn in to the Palm Desert City Council.



WittSydney Witt, ’16, completed San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s Emerging Leader Program. This was a one-year leadership training program where she took classes on how to be a better decision maker, handle difficult conversations, and more. Sydney ended the program by conducting a presentation with her cohort to their Executive team about a new team member benefit initiative which was accepted.



Amber (Korras) Alvarenga, ’18, graduated from CBU with her BS in Criminal Justice in 2016 and her MA in Forensic Psychology in 2018. She recently developed a mentorship program for mental health professionals as well as students working towards entering the field. The program is designed to help mental health professionals overcome self-doubt and imposter feelings.

KistlerSince graduating, Harlan Bartlett Kistler II, ’18, has become an English Teacher and the Head Wrestling Coach at John W. North High School in Riverside, CA. Since taking these roles, he has coached his teams to three League titles, three CIF Individual Champions, five Master's Place winners including one Champion, five State Qualifiers, two State medalists (5th and 2nd respectively). His team holds two Academic Team titles, and they are currently ranked 18th in the state for wrestling. Harlan has worked as an AP teacher, ELD Teacher, Academy Teacher, English teacher and a PE teacher.

SinesioNicole Sinesio, ’21, and her husband Kenton McLain, ’22, met at Cal Baptist just two short weeks after their freshman year began in 2018. They have just closed escrow on their first home in Fallbrook, CA. “We wanted to wait until we could afford the land, life, and wedding of our dreams,” she says. “We were not financially stable enough until now to make that happen. Now we are going to be seeing the fruits of our labor in the avocado capital of the world!”


NapoliJenna (Olson) Napoli, ’22, and her husband, Tim, were married on November 15, 2024.



PerkinsAlicia Perkins, ’22, became a licensed marriage and family therapist in December 2024. She also got engaged to a wonderful godly man, Phillip Inzunza, a few days before Christmas. “God has been blessing me greatly since graduating with a master’s in counseling psychology from CBU!” She says, “Thank you so much! Go Lancers!”



RichardsonTiara Richardson, ’22, is Director of Student Services with San Bernardino City Unified School District and is wrapping up her Ed.D in Organizational Leadership this month. Additionally, she was just accepted into Harvard’s Executive Education Leadership program on Behavioral Insight and Public Policy.



TrumanMadison “Madey” Jewel (Liscio) Truman, ’22, is a certified massage therapist and started a travel massage business. She has a love for pottery and shortly after getting her massage therapy certification, her pottery business, Madey Made Pottery Co., took off.



MetzlerMichael Metzler Jr., ’23, co-produced and co-directed his current short film, “Portrait of a Smile,” which won 16 awards out of 18 festival selections, including Best Drama in Reale Film Festival, and Best Indie Short at the World Film Festival in Cannes. He’s also waiting to hear back from some significant Oscar-qualifying film festivals. Michael is currently in the pre-production process for his next project, which will be a feature film.



2024 Class Notes

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2020 Class Notes

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