Student Opportunities
Clubs and Honor Societies
Anthropology Club
Since its humble beginnings in 2009, the goal of Anthropology Club has been to understand and appreciate the importance of nature, animals and humanity and most importantly to share this importance with others. One of the most active clubs on campus, Anthro Club has been involved in various CBU activities including Club Fair and Homecoming in addition to weekly meetings and unique club-hosted events. Students in Anthro Club have also had the special opportunity to participate in career networking through exposure to fellow anthropologists near and far, via such professional conferences as the Southwestern Anthropological Association and the American Anthropological Association. Anthro Club also values interdisciplinary efforts and has worked with our Psychology and Sociology Clubs to promote learning about how the behavioral sciences are interconnected through widely attended panel discussions. Anthro Club continues to serve the student population of CBU, creating exciting events with an international flair!
Forensic Psychology Club
The Forensic Psychology Club is a new addition to the clubs available on campus. Its goal is to promote interest to the discipline of forensic psychology and offer opportunities to network with professionals for students interested in this exciting field.
Alpha Phi
Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society
The purpose of an honor society is to promote academic excellence, but the additional focus of Alpha Kappa Delta, the International Sociology Honors Society has always been to contribute back to the community both locally and globally. An established chapter of AKD, signifies that the institution’s Bachelor of Arts in Sociology meets high standards of program quality and scholarship. Members of an AKD Chapter must also meet high standards. The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences have had an established chapter since 2014 and in 2018 it was the recipient of the Chapter of the Year out of the 450+ chapters. Today, to become a member of our AKD Chapter, Alpha Phi of California, a student has to be at least a junior and rank in the top 35% of his or her class, or have an overall GPA of a 3.3. Additionally, they must have taken at least 12 hours of sociology course-work and are contributing members of their local and/or global communities. Our recent global outreach was the ‘5K Move for Malawi’ fundraiser established in 2020. Our first event resulted in over 50 participants raising $1800 that provided 25 kg of maize (a staple food product) for 262 families. We are looking forward to this becoming an annual event.
Psi Chi International Honor Society for Psychology
What is going to separate you from the rest and help further your exploration in the field of psychology? The Psychology Division within the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at California Baptist University is proud to support our students by offering them the opportunity to be a part of the Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology (Psi Chi CBU).
Psi Chi was founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. We want you to continue to develop and explore the field of psychology while at CBU, and becoming a member of Psi Chi will provide you with professional opportunities to put your passion of psychology to work. We look forward to seeing you follow God’s calling in psychology and becoming a Psi Chi member.