"The psychology program has given me the skills and knowledge needed to form an educated voice that is rooted in biblical truths. I feel more than prepared to succeed from the foundation that was built in the CBSS."
Quick Facts
Program: B.A. in Psychology
Graduation Year: 2016
What is the best thing about the psychology major at CBU?
I have enjoyed the [College of Behavioral and Social Sciences] here at CBU and, in
particular, psychology. For me, the faculty are the ones who have made it an enjoyable
experience for me. The professors are fully invested in each class discussion, assignment
and test and treat them all with equal importance. I have also enjoyed the small class
sizes. This has allowed for more in-depth discussion, and for me to receive tailored
help for my questions on assignments and tutoring on missed questions on tests and
quizzes. Ultimately, the psychology program has given me the skills and knowledge
needed to form an educated voice that is rooted in biblical truths.
Describe one memory from your time at CBU that involves the psychology major, psychology
classes or events in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.
One thing in particular that I have liked about the [College of Behavioral and Social
Sciences] are the semester panels that are put on by the CBSS clubs. These panels
bring together some of the most intelligent professors in the school and have them
answer some of the most pressing questions that are being asked in today’s society.
The professors featured on the panels do not treat the time as a lecture, but are
candid with the audience and speak from their experience and research.
What has the psychology major done to help you prepare for your future goals?
The psychology program has given me tons of exposure to different human services,
human development and human interaction. The CBSS also brings in professionals from
the behavioral health fields and they are able to give real-world experience and provide
counsel for personal future aspirations. Each class has sparked different interests
for graduate school whether it be social work, counseling psychology or industrial-organizational
psychology. Whichever graduate school and career I choose to pursue, I feel more than
prepared to succeed in the program from the foundation that was built in the CBSS.