Visiting Scholars

The College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design at CBU annually hosts semester and year-long visiting scholars, allowing scholars to further their scholarly work while sharing cutting-edge thinking with students and faculty at CBU.

Previous Scholars








Brian is the founder and director of the Anselm Society, a Colorado-based organization dedicated to a renaissance of the Christian imagination. He also serves as vice president of programs for the Colson Center.

Since receiving his B.A. in political theory from Princeton, Brian has worked for various think tanks and as a strategy consultant with over a hundred organizations in the theology, worldview, and culture space. He is a speaker and the author of numerous articles and essays. He was a contributing author to “Why Place Matters,” edited by Wilfred McClay.



Dr. J. Ryan Lister is an Associate Professor of Theology at Western Seminary; author of Images and Idols: Creativity for the Christian Life; and director of Discipleship and Doctrine for Humble Beast, which hosts the notable CANVAS conference focusing on Theology and Creativity.






Thomas Terry is the founder and proprietor of Humble Beast, a record label and ministry in Portland, Oregon. As a spoken-word artist and a member of Beautiful Eulogy, he seeks to bring creativity and theology together to glorify the Lord who created them both. Thomas lives with his wife, Heather, and two boys, Tobin and Kuyper, and serves as an elder at Trinity Church Portland. You can follow him on Twitter and find his words and music at

If you would like to be considered for a future Visiting Scholar position, please complete the form below:


Contact CAVAD

Dean: Dirk Dallas
Department Secretary: Elizabeth Dickerson
Phone: (951) 343-4531

James Building, 4th Floor, Rm J446
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504