Academic Offerings
The Center for Creativity and Christian Witness hosts a series of academic courses that illuminates the intersection of creative practice and gospel witness as it relates to the creative person, the creative process, the creative product, and the purpose of creativity.
Christian Purpose of Creativity
This course observes contemporary creative culture's ideas about the purpose of creativity. After critically examining current thinking, this course examines Biblical and theological principles of creativity – building a working theology of creativity that sets a foundation and direction for the purpose of Christian creativity.
Christian Identity of the Creative
This course examines the phenomena of identifying as a 'creative', and what creative culture says a creative should be. More specifically, this course explores the cultural influence of emotivism and expressive individualism on creative identity. Lastly, this course, in contrast, explores Biblical principles of finding identity in Christ and how that applies to a creative life.
Christian Formation and the Creative Process
This course examines how the creative process shapes the creative product and the creative person. The course examines current approaches to the creative process and observes the impact on the creative. Lastly, this class explores the concept of creative process liturgies as a Christianly way to conceptualize and carry out the creative process in a way that forms the Christian creative and creative product alike.
Christian Witness of the Creative
This course explores creative products' role as a cultural apologetic and gospel witness in contemporary culture. Exploring the role of goodness, truth, and beauty in culture, the course identifies the limitations of some creative mediums to speak propositional truth. Following, the course examines the strategic role that goodness and beauty can play in gospel witness – calling all creatives to participate in the Great Commission.