Use the accordion for quick access to our most used tutorials. 

When building the course, you want to organize the materials in a way that help students access it smoothly.  The following tutorials help you organize content, create opportunities for interaction, create assignments, and create quizzes or exams.
Your Blackboard courses is automatically set as not available.  That means the students cannot see your course, which gives you time to update and make corrections.  We recommend that you make your course available to students to view a week prior to the start of class. 
Announcements are a helpful way to provide updates to students throughout the course.
You may also send emails to the whole class, certain groups, or individuals.

The Performance Dashboard in Blackboard can help you track your students progress in your course. It is important to remember to check the box of  tracking number of views for best results in any item, content, or assignment. 

Importing and Exporting a Course (Formerly Copying)


Course Copy Request


If you have a course copy request, fill out this form

Otherwise, you may perform a number of course copy actions yourself. Here are some tutorials:

It is a good idea to check your course by looking at the Student Preview prior to making it available. This helps you see if the assignments and materials show up the way you expect them to.
Student Preview Tutorial


It is a good idea to check your course by looking at the Student Preview prior to making it available. This helps you see if the assignments and materials show up the way you expect them to.
Student Preview Tutorial
How to self enroll in a Blackboard class

Contact the Teaching and Learning Center

Phone: (951) 552-8130
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Weekends closed

Lancer Arms 50
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504