Step 2: Meet With Your Student Success Coach

Schedule an in-person or virtual appointment
  • Refer to your launch email to schedule an appointment
Prepare for your appointment
Your Student Success Coach will walk you through how to access the following:
  • Blackboard
  • LancerMail
  • Campus Store
  • Office of Student Success resources
  • Academic Calendar
  • Course and Fee Statement
  • Payment Plan
  • Financial Aid
  • Community Life (Clubs and Activities)


Frequently Asked Questions

Make sure to speak with your Student Success Coach about this. Our goal is to assist you in finding the most efficient path to degree completion.

Start by going to Step 1: Register yourself in first-semester courses. You can identify appropriate courses to register for in Section A.

R stands for Thursday.

TR stands for Tuesday and Thursday, "T" being Tuesday and "R" being Thursday.

Other than time, day, location and possibly professor, there’s really no difference. Choose any section that fits your schedule best.

Be sure to register in at least twelve (12) units, as this is minimum for full-time status.  While twelve (12) units is minimum for full-time status, we strongly recommend students enroll in an average of 15-16 units per semester.  You will be asked to acknowledge this when initially registering in classes.  Be sure to click the "Complete the Registration Agreement form" (gold button) on the Add/Drop Classes screen.

Avoid registering in any class you believe will be satisfied with transfer credit, and speak with your Student Success Coach about this. You will want to review your degree guide (or CBU unofficial transcript) throughout your time at CBU, and make adjustments as needed when transfer course work has been evaluated and appears on your record.

Challenging Your English or Math Placements
Your math and English placements were determined by any standardized test scores or transfer work submitted to CBU prior to admission.
If you believe you should be in a higher level math or English course, you can take a placement exam using the information provided here. The last day to challenge your English placement is Friday, Sept. 6th by 4:00pm.
Math Placement
What: Seek placement into a higher level
When: Anytime
Where: Anywhere you have a networked computer
How: Click here for instructions to create a Mobius account. You will then be able to purchase a login code with exam instructions.
Time: 30 to 45 minutes, depending upon course exam selected
Cost: $17.50
English Placement
Students must register into the class they were placed to complete their initial enrollment.
Placed into ENG113E?  
If your placement is the 4-unit ENG113E and you are currently enrolled in or have completed what you believe to be a college-level composition course, or if you have taken the AP Language and Composition exam, speak with your advisor.  Transfer courses and exam scores may affect placement.
If your placement is the 4-unit ENG113E and you submitted your SAT, ACT or CLT exam scores to CBU, then this is your placement.  You can challenge this placement by taking the English Placement Challenge exam offered by Modern Languages and Literature.  Contact Professor Jennifer Tronti at
If your placement is the 4-unit ENG113E and you did not submit SAT, ACT or CLT exam scores, this is your placement.  You are free to challenge this placement by taking the Accuplacer exam offered through the Office of Student Success at (951) 343-4349, and The Accuplacer exam is offered on all Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. throughout the summer.
Placed into ENG113?
If your placement is ENG113 but you feel you should have been placed into ENG123, you can take a challenge exam prepared by the CBU Department of Modern Languages & Literature. Those interested in taking taking this exam, contact Professor Jennifer Tronti at
Placed into ENG123?
If your placement is ENG123, this is the class in which you will need to register.  One cannot challenge out of ENG123.  Students who pass the challenge exam noted above will be permitted to register into ENG123. 
Additionally, any test scores, transfer work, or AP English Language and Composition scores submitted after initial registration may result in a change to your composition placement.  Notify your Student Success Coach if you are submitting additional transcripts or test scores.


Log on to InsideCBU and click on Academics tab (top) > Student Schedule (left hand side).

Schedule an appointment with your Student Success Coach. Their e-mail is included in the Class Registration email they sent you.

LancerMail (bookmark this!) is CBU's primary method of contacting you once you are enrolled. You can access it by logging into InsideCBU and clicking "LancerMail" from the Home tab under "Quick Links".(The login information is the same as your InsideCBU credentials). Check your LancerMail daily throughout your time at CBU as important information will be communicated to this account. 

BlackBoard is our instructional technology platform used in most classes at CBU. You can access it by logging into InsideCBU and clicking "BlackBoard Login" from the Home tab under "Quick Links." Please note, courses and course content may not appear until a few days prior to the first day of the semester.

You can buy textbooks from the Campus Store at

Yes, the Office of Student Success provides tutoring, writing assistance, assistance to students with disabilities, and certification of enrollment for veteran entitlements.

The Finanicial Aid Office is available for all financial-related questions and support.

The Student Accounts Office is available to set up a payment plan.

For more information about waiving your student health insurance, please click here.


Next Steps

Your enrollment at CBU is an easy two-step process. Head back to the welcome page to re-read the summary or proceed or to the previous step (registering if you think you missed something. Otherwise, schedule an appointment with your Student Success Coach today!

Contact Academic Advising

Phone: (951) 343-4567
Fax: (951) 343-4650
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Yeager Center
First Floor, Room B146
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504

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