Veteran (VA) Student Benefits Information
2023/24 Summary of Information for Veterans completing the B.S. in Aviation Flight at California Baptist University (CBU)
If you have additional questions with regard to your VA benefits, please contact CBU Military Benefit Coordinators at vabenefits@calbaptist.edu (951) 343-4236.
Instructional Facilities
A. California Baptist University employs all faculty and flight instructors, and owns all aircraft/simulators. CBU is certified by the FAA under 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 141 meeting all requirements for instrument and commercial ground/flight training thus meeting all R-ATP requirements.
B. Formal ground school is conducted at California Baptist University Airport Campus on KRAL.
C. Aircraft Inventory
Make | Model | N-Number | Horse Power | Single/Multi Engine | Leased/Owned |
Cessna | 150L | N935CB | 100 | Single | Owned |
Cessna | 172M | N944CB | 150 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N207CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N225CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N233CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N249CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N255CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N246CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N248CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N259CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N262CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N272CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N291CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N296CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N225CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N288CB | 180 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28-181 | N605FF | 180 | Sinlge | Leased |
Piper | PA28R | N373CB | 200 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA28R | N374CB | 200 | Single | Owned |
Piper | PA44 | N438CB | 180 | Multi | Owned |
Piper | PA44 | N486CB | 180 | Multi | Owned |
CR12Pro | AATD | N/A | N/A | Owned | |
DCX Max | AATD | N/A | N/A | Owned | |
FRASCA | TruFlight AATD | N/A | PA28 simulator | Owned | |
FRASCA | TruFlight AATD | N/A | PA28 simulator | Owned |
NOTE: Any veteran, serviceperson, reservist, or authorized dependent enrolled in a flight course may train only in the aircraft (a/c) approved by the FAA for that course. Hourly rates are shown in the cost breakdown and are based on the aircraft in the horsepower category and syllabus.
Training Syllabus
A student at the time of enrollment receives a copy of the FSDO approved Training Course Outline (TCO) as required under FAR 141.55(b). This is available on both TALON/ETA and InsideCBU. Contact the chief flight instructor immediately if you have any questions on how to find the training syllabi.
Instructional Schedule
The flight schedule follows the institutional calendar of spring/summer/fall semesters. If flight training is not finished by the end of the semester, students may be given a satisfactory progress (SP). Students have the subsequent three semesters to complete all course work. If the course work remains unfinished, a failing grade will replace the SP.
VA Education Benefits for Eligible Students
Although the term “veteran” is generally used to describe recipients of VA education benefits, students who qualify to receive education benefits for flight programs could be eligible servicepersons, veterans, reservists, or authorized dependents. Persons eligible to receive benefits under the Dependents Educational Assistance program (DEA, or Chapter 35) are not eligible to receive education benefits for any vocational flight program. However, certain dependents eligible under the Transfer of Entitlement (TOE) provision of Chapter 33 could potentially receive benefits for an approved flight program. Benefits for vocational flight training under Part 141 cannot be paid to persons eligible to benefits under the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP).
An eligible student may receive education benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for approved flight training; however, the amount of benefit payable is based on the type of education benefit program the student is qualified to receive. There are several benefit types currently paid by VA:
- Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)
- Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB, or Chapter 30)
- Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR, or Chapter 1606)
Detailed descriptions & eligibility requirements for each benefit program administered
by VA are online at
The annual cap for the 2024/2025 Academic year is $28,937.09. CBU offers $14,000 of additional funds through the Yellow Ribbon scholarship per academic year. This is matched by the VA bringing the total funds per fiscal year to $56,937.09 for 100% Post 9/11 GI Bill recipients for undergraduate programs. The fiscal year for these benefits begins August 1st. For example, a student beginning the program in spring can use these benefits in both the spring and summer semesters. Tuition rates in the summer are less providing the student the opportunity to cover the costs for those two semesters with the benefits more readily.
Education benefits paid under Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) for any approved flight training completed by the student are paid directly to the university and not to the student. These are tracked on the flight line in ETA/TALON available to each student to see all charges and current funds available on their account. The flight lab fees table at the end of this addendum provides exact lab fees for each course to include aircraft, simulator, instructor, and lab kit costs. Any costs above these are the responsibility of the student.
A. Veteran Benefits
Veteran students are required to meet with CBU Certifying Official to review flight
funding at the beginning of their academic program. Additional flight training above
the approved amount is the responsibility of the student. Unused approved funding
will be returned to the VA at the end of the term or SP extension.
B. Miscellaneous Information
Aviation Training adheres to schools’ policy in regards to Grading, Refunds, Withdrawal,
Attendance, and Academic Progress.
All Veteran Students are required to immediately notify the CBU Certifying Official
of any changes in schedule, flight training, flight funding or academic progress.
The CBU Certifying Official requests approved funds only.
Simulator Training
For VA reporting purposes, the hours of training in flight simulators and flight training devices are dual instruction.
Medical Certification
Veterans, servicepersons, reservists, and authorized dependents may receive educational benefits for flight training provided they possess a valid medical certificate for the program for which they are enrolled. VA regulations 38 CFR 21.4235 (a)(2) require a class II or better medical certificate prior to entry in order to receive benefits for flight training programs other than Airline Transport Pilot (ATP).
Medical certificates must be kept current while the student is enrolled in the program.
Aviation Flight BS Academic Program
Units covered by VA benefits specifically within the four Aviation Flight BS concentrations
are 67 units for Commercial concentration, 59 units for Military concentration, 73
units for Missionary concentration, and 63 units for Unmanned Aerial Systems concentration.
47 units are included within the concentrations as lower and upper division required
core courses. The optional portions of the commercial and missionary concentrations
titled “Optional Flight Instructor Requirements” in the commercial concentration and
“Optional Multi-Engine Commercial Requirements” in the missionary concentration are
not covered by VA
A. Lower Division Courses
The lower division required courses add up to 25 units and include:
AVN 110 – Introduction to Aviation
AVN 210 – Aviation Meteorology
FLT 116 – Private Pilot Ground
FLT 117 – Private Flight I
FLT 118 – Private Fllight II
FLT 119 – Instrument Pilot Ground
FLT 214 – Instrument Flight I
FLT 216 – Instrument Flight II
FLT 224 – Modern Avionics and Navigational Aids
B. Upper Division Courses
The upper division required course of the core add up to 24 units and include:
AVN 310 – Aviation Law and Regulations
AVN 322 – Aviation Safety
FLT 326 - Human Factors
FLT 328 – Aircraft Systems
FLT 350 – Airplane Aerodynamics
FLT 410 – Turbine Systems
FLT 420 – Crew Resource Management
FLT 495 – Advanced Aerodynamics
C. Courses specific to each concentration
Each of the four concentrations include additional classes specific to those concentrations.
The commercial concentration includes:
FLT 301 - Advanced and Commercial Airplane Pilot Ground
FLT 311 - Commercial Pilot Ground
FLT 312 - Commercial Flight I
FLT 313 - Commercial Flight II
FLT 314 - Commercial Multi Engine Flight
AMG 426 - Airline Management OR FLT 430 - Airline Prep
There are three (3) additional commercial concentration electives. These can be selected
from the following courses:
AMG 424 – Business Aviation Management
AVN 390 – Leadership in Aviation
AVN 490 – Aviation Internship I
AVN 491 – Aviation Internship II
Optional Flight Instructor Requirements. Complete Four to Five (4-5) units from the
FLT 315 - Flight Instructor Pilot Ground
FLT 318 - Certified Flight Instructor Lab
FLT 319 - Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Lab
The military concentration of the Aviation Flight BS includes another 12 units. There
are 9 units within the required courses of the military concentration and include:
AVN 390 Leadership in Aviation
LDR 310 Leadership Theory
LDR 330 Personal Leadership
There are three (3) additional military concentration electives. These can be selected
from the following courses:
AIR 301 Air Force Leadership and Management I
AIR 302 Air Force Leadership and Management II
AIR 303 Air Force Leadership and Management III
AIR 401 National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society I
AIR 402 National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society II
AIR 403 National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society III
LDR 350 Communication Principals for Leadership
LDR 410 Ethical and Biblical Principles for Leadership
LDR 430 Decision Making and Leadership
LDR 450 Culture and Leadership
LDR 470 Groups and Leadership
MSL 301 Training Management and Warfighting Functions
MSL 302 Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations
MSL 401 The Army Officer
MSL 402 Company Grade Leadership
MSL 451 Seminar in Military History
POL 471 Terrorism
PST 405 Cross-Cultural Leadership
PSY 388 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
The missionary concentration requires students to declare and complete all requirements
for the Christian Studies Minor. Students may choose to declare and complete a Christian Studies major instead of
a Christian Studies Minor. Missionary requirements:
FLT 311 - Commercial Pilot Ground
FLT 312 - Commercial Flight I
FLT 313 - Commercial Flight II
FLT 315 - Flight Instructor Pilot Ground
FLT 318 - Certified Flight Instructor Lab
FLT 421 - Mission Aviation
Optional Multi-Engine Commercial Requirements
FLT 301 - Commercial Multi Engine Ground
FLT 314 - Commercial Multi Engine Flight
The unmanned concentration of the Aviation Flight BS includes another 18 units. There
are twelve (12) units within the required courses for the unmanned aerial system concentration
and include:
UAS 115 Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Systems
UAS 315 Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Flight Lab
UAS 325 Medium Unmanned Aerial Systems Operations I
UAS 425 Large Unmanned Aerial System Operations
There are six (6) units additional in the unmanned aerial system concentration electives.
These can be selected from the following courses:
COM 308 Interpersonal Communications
GDM 341 Video Fundamentals
UAS 326 Medium Unmanned Aerial System Operations II
UAS 400 Special Topics in UAS
UAS 415 Unmanned Aerial System Mission Planning
POL 471 Terrorism
Flight Lab Fees
Course | Activities | Hours | Hourly Rate | Total Cost | Course Cost |
FLT 117 Private Flight I | Ground Hours | 19.5 | $60 | $1,170 | $8,384 |
Dual AATD Hours | 4.9 | $160 | $784 | ||
Dual Archer Hours | 21 | $295 | $6,195 | ||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
ForeFlight ProPlus | $135 | ||||
FLT 118 Private Flight II | Ground Hours | 26.5 | $60 | $1,590 | $12,922 |
Dual Archer Hours | 26 | $295 | $7,670 | ||
Solo Archer Hours | 10.5 | $235 | $2,468 | ||
Dual AATD Hours | 3.9 | $160 | $624 | ||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
Solo Archer Hours (checkride) | 2 | $235 | $470 | ||
FLT 214 Instrument Flight I | Ground Hours | 28 | $60 | $1,680 | $7,878 |
Dual Archer Hours | 9 | $295 | $2,665 | ||
Dual AATD Hours | 19 | $160 | $3,040 | ||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
ForeFlight ProPlus | $135 | ||||
Jeppesen 141 IFR Ground | $169 | ||||
Jeppesen charts in ForeFlight | $99 | ||||
FLT 216 Instrument Flight II | Ground Hours | 16 | $60 | $960 | $6,833 |
Dual Archer Hours | 17 | $295 | $5,015 | ||
Dual AATD Hours | 1.8 | $160 | $288 | ||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
Solo Archer Hours (checkride) | 2 | $235 | $470 | ||
FLT 312 Commercial Flight I | Ground Hours | 10 | $60 | $600 | $21,365 |
Dual AATD Hours | 1.3 | $160 | $208 | ||
Dual Arrow Hours | 10 | $310 | $3,100 | ||
Dual Archer Hours | 9.5 | $295 | $2,803 | ||
Solo Archer Hours | 60 | $235 | $14,100 | ||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
Jepp 141 Commercial Ground and Charts | $220 | ||||
JEPPESSEN Charts in ForeFlight | $99 | ||||
ForeFlight ProPlus | $135 | ||||
FLT 313 Commercial Flight II | Ground Hours | 30 | $60 | $1,800 | $14,702 |
Dual Arrow Hours | 37 | $310 | $11,470 | ||
Dual AATD Hours | 5.2 | $832 | |||
ETA Talon | $160 | $100 | |||
Solo Arrow Hours (checkride) | 2 | $250 | $500 | ||
FLT314 Commercial Multi-Engine Flight | Ground Hours | 11.9 | $60 | $714 | $10,262 |
Dual Seminole Hours | 18.5 | $450 | $8,325 | ||
Dual AATD Hours | 1.3 | $160 | $208 | ||
Solo Seminole Hours (checkride) |
2 | $390 | $780 | ||
ForeFlight ProPlus | $135 | ||||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
FLT 318 Certified Flight Instructor Lab |
Ground Hours | 43 | $60 | $2,580 | $5,670 |
Dual Archer Hours | 7 | $295 | $2,065 | ||
Dual AATD Hours | 2 | $160 | $320 | ||
Solo Archer Hours (checkride) | 2 | $235 | $470 | ||
ForeFlight ProPlus | $135 | ||||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
FLT 319 Certified Flight Instrument Instructor Lab |
Ground Hours | 17.1 | $60 | $1026 | $4,006 |
Dual Archer Hours | 5 | $295 | $1,475 | ||
Dual AATD Hours | 5 | $160 | $800 | ||
Solo Archer Hours (checkride) | 2 | $235 | $470 | ||
ForeFlight ProPlus | $135 | ||||
ETA Talon | $100 | ||||
FLT 419 Multi Engine Instructor Lab |
Ground Hours | 16 | $60 | $960 | $8,725 |
Dual Seminole Hours | 15 | $450 | $6,750 | ||
Solo Seminole Hours (checkride) |
2 | $390 | $780 | ||
ForeFlight ProPlus | $135 | ||||
ETA Talon | $100 |
Ground time includes orals and pre/post flight briefings
Archer Hourly Rate: $235
Arrow Hourly Rate: $250
Seminole Hourly Rate: $390
FRASCA AATD Hourly Rate: $100
CFI Hourly Rate: $60
*Under Title 38 section 103 of the Colmery Act, VA Chapter 31/33 recipients are exempt
from having to meet all financial clearance requirements and complete full payment
with verified funds to cover their flight lab fee prior to receiving clearance to