Recommended Reading
The time, energy and resources that you commit now to your education and training will allow for great rewards later on! Below are some excellent resources that will help prepare you for your flight training at CBU. It is highly recommended that you make yourself familiar with these documents as it will greatly improve your success on the flight line.
You will need to be logged into InsideCBU in order to access some of the resources listed below.
Archer TX Pilot's Operating Handbook
The "manual" for the Archer TX.
Archer TX Pilot's Operating Handbook Checkout
Great way to learn about the Archer aircraft as you read the Pilot's Operating Handbook.
Archer TX Checklist
Study this to safely operate the aircraft. You will be expected to memorize the bolded
FAR / AIM (Download the most current PDF copy of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Basic Manual (with any changes)
Rules and regulations that govern the aviation industry. Recommended reading list
towards the front is a great place to start for Private Pilot!
Airplane Flying Handbook
Explains basic maneuvers and flight operations in aviation.
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
Explains a wide variety of topics related to aviation.
CBU Flight Operations Procedures
It is expected that anyone flying CBU aircraft will be familiar with these procedures
and abide by them.
Instrument Procedures Handbook (Download the complete PDF of the Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH))
This is an easy-to-read resource on how to fly under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
in the Air Traffic Control (ATC) System.
Instrument Flying Handbook (To download this handbook, right click the link and select "Save Link As")
This is an excellent resource to help you increase your instrument knowledge for the
FAA written or check ride.