Publications and Presentations
Mauldin, K. N. (2013). A. Taylor (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Memory. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.
Jeneson, A., Mauldin, K.N., Hopkins, R.O., Squire, L.R. (2011). The role of the hippocampus in retaining relational information across short delays: The importance of memory load. Learning and Memory, 18(5), 301–5.
Jeneson, A., Mauldin, K.N., & Squire, L.R. Intact working memory for relational information after medial temporal lobe damage (2010). The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(41), 13624–13629.
Squire, L.R., van der Horst, A., McDuff, S.G.R., Frascino, J.C., Hopkins, R.O., & Mauldin, K.N. (2010). Role of the hippocampus in remembering the past and imagining the future. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 19044–19048.
Mauldin, K.N., Hoedt, C.W., O’Brien, B., Thomas, R.D. and Stephen D. Berry (2009). Rabbits Selectively Attend to the Relevant Dimension in a Bivariate Bilateral Conditioning Paradigm, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125 (5), 3205–3213.
Mauldin, K.N., Griffin, A. L., Oliver, C.G. and Berry, S.D. (2008). Hippocampal response patterns during discriminative eyeblink/jaw movement conditioning in the rabbit. Behavioral Neuroscience, 122(5), 1087–1099.
Asaka, Y., Mauldin, K.N., Griffin, K.N., Seager, M.A., Shurell, E. and Berry, S.D. (2005). Nonpharmacological amelioration of age-related learning deficits: The impact of hippocampal theta-triggered training. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (37), 2005, 13284–13288.
Abstracts and Presentations
Cleyet-Merle, B., Mauldin, K.N. (2018). “Personality and Mindset of Endurance Runners” Poster presentation given at the CBU Student Research Colloquium, Riverside, CA.
Vincent, N.V., Smith, E., Mauldin, K.N. (2018). “Repeated Exposure to Healthy and Unhealthy Images Alters Subsequent Food Evaluation” Poster presentation given at the CBU Student Research Colloquium, Riverside, CA.
Jeneson, A., Mauldin, K.N., Hopkins, R.O., Squire, L.R. (2010). “Intact working memory for objects-in-scene information after hippocampal damage” Poster presentation given at Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Mauldin, K.N., Thomas, R.D., Berry, S.D. (2007). “Striatal and Limbic Effects of Anterior Cingulate Cortex Lesions during Interdimensional Transfer and Reversal in a Bilateral Classical Conditioning Task” Poster presentation given at the Ohio Miami Valley Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, Cincinnati, OH.
Mauldin, K.N., Thomas, R.D., Berry, S.D. (2007). “Striatal and Limbic Effects of Anterior Cingulate Cortex Lesions during Interdimensional Transfer and Reversal in a Bilateral Classical Conditioning Task” Poster presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Mauldin, K.N. (2007). “Cognitive and Neural Approaches to the Learning and Transfer of Category Structures” Oral presentation given at Dartmouth University, Hanover, NH.
K.N Mauldin, C.W. Hoedt, W.P. O’Brien, L.C. Hoffman, R.D. Thomas and S.D. Berry (2006). “Neurobiology of bilateral rabbit eyeblink conditioning: adaptation to categorization experiments.” Poster presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA.
L.C. Hoffmann, K.N. Mauldin, R.D. Darling, S.D. Berry (2006). “Impact of hippocampal state on cerebellar physiology during theta-triggered classical conditioning in the rabbit.” Poster presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA.
K.N Mauldin, L.C. Hoffman, and S.D. Berry (2006). “Neurobiology of bilateral rabbit eyeblink conditioning: adaptation to categorization experiments.” Poster presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Pavlovian Society, Philadelphia, PA.
K.N. Mauldin, C.W. Hoedt, W.P. O’Brien, R.D. Thomas, and S.D. Berry (2006). “Can Rabbits Selectively Attend to Varying Dimensions in a Bilateral ConditioningTask?.” poster presentation given at the Ohio Miami Valley Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, Oxford, OH.
K.N. Mauldin, C.W. Hoedt, W.P. O’Brien, R.D. Thomas, and S.D. Berry (2006). “Can Rabbits Selectively Attend to Varying Dimensions in a Bivariate Bilateral Conditioning Paradigm?” oral presentation given at Midwestern Cognitive Psychology Conference, Indiana University.
K.N. Christy (Mauldin), M.R. Warden, and S.D. Berry (2004). “A more refined analysis of learning rates: Using model fitting to define three stages of learning.” poster presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LO.
M.R. Warden, C. W. Jones, K.N. Christy (Mauldin), and S.D. Berry (2004). “A more refined analysis of learning rates: Using curve fitting to specify the exact trial that learning occurs.” poster presentation given at the Ohio Miami Valley Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, Dayton, OH.
Kristin Christy (Mauldin), Mark Hammerly, John Parker & Dr. Robin D. Thomas (2003). “Generalization of Implicit Structures.” oral presentation given at the 2nd Annual Cognitive Neuroscience of Category Learning Workshop, NYC, NY.
Kristin Christy (Mauldin), Mark Hammerly, John Parker, & Dr. Robin D. Thomas (2003). “Generalization of Implicit Structures.” oral presentation given at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Mathematical Psychology, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah.
Kristin Christy (Mauldin), Mark Hammerly, John Parker, & Dr. Robin D. Thomas (2002). “Cognitive Style, Categorization, and Implicit Learning” poster presentation given at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Kansas City, MO.
Kristin Christy (Mauldin), Mark Hammerly, John Parker, & Dr. Robin D. Thomas (2002). “Cognitive Style, Generalization, and Implicit Learning” poster presentation given at 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Oxford, OH.
K.N. Mauldin, C.W. Hoedt, B.P. O’Brien, R.D. Thomas, and S.D. Berry (2006). “Can Rabbits Selectively Attend to Varying Dimensions in a Bilateral Conditioning Task?.” poster presentation given at the Ohio Miami Valley Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, Oxford, OH.