CBU has provided a number of powerful tools to you for to create online courses, facilitate synchronous remote class sessions, record and edit videos and powerpoints, and even take attendance during online class meetings.

Click here for information on how to access CBU's core technologies.

Click here for information on how to earn the Technology Basics Certificate.

Click here for information on how to earn the Integrated AI Educator Badge.

The links below provide tutorials for these tools that are available to you.

All courses at California Baptist University are loaded on Blackboard. To access tutorials on attendance, assessment, creation of content, navigation,  etc. in Blackboard, follow this link: Blackboard Tutorials

Zoom is a videoconferencing app that can be used to deliver courses remotely, host meetings or have office hours. 

To obtain an account, faculty may contact the Teaching and Learning Center.

Zoom accounts use a unique login, so please store your username and password in a secure location.

To access Zoom, follow this link, and click "Sign In" towards the top and to the right of the screen: Zoom login

To access tutorials on scheduling  meetings, taking attendance, recording meetings, and integrating Zoom into Blackboard, click this link: Zoom Tutorials

WebEx is a videoconferencing app that can be used to deliver courses remotely, host and record remote meetings (and office hours).

Students do NOT need an account to access your classes or office hours.  Simply set up a meeting, and then send students the link.  Directions for how to do this and more can be found in the tutorials.

WebEx has a unique password, so you will not be able to use your Single Sign On (CBU username and password). Your username is your CBU email, and the password you created when you set up the account.  Be sure to store that password somewhere safe.

To access WebEx, follow this link: WebEx login

To access WebEx tutorials, (such as how to integrate WebEx with Blackboard, how to take attendance, or how to use the Cisco WebEx classroom kits) follow this link: WebEx Tutorials

Box.com is like Google Drive. You can save and share large files, create folders, embed those files into Blackboard and even have the Box.com folder visible as a folder on your desktop. Additionally, Box is great for collaborating on documents with your colleagues. 

It is important to note that students do not have Box accounts.  Faculty can still provide a link to documents in Box, but students will not be able to collaborate (edit) documents in Box.

To access this tool, follow this link and use your Single Sign On (CBU username and password): Box.com

For tutorials, follow this link: Box Tutorials

Kaltura allows you to create and edit videos that can be embedded into Blackboard. If you place your recordings of your Zoom or WebEx classroom sessions into your Kaltura Space, you can add quizzes into the videos and link those to Blackboard. You can even import videos from youtube into Kaltura, or you can capture new videos with the capture tool. See the Kaltura Tutorials here.

Annoto is an interactive tool that allows instructors to create video-based discussions and assignments. Instructors and students can comment on videos using text and video, providing a powerful way to collaborate with classmates. Instructors and students can also add personal notes to a video.

Instructors can use Annoto to add graded quiz interactions to Kaltura videos; when quizzes are added, a corresponding column is added to the Blackboard Grade Center.

For tutorials on how to use this tool, follow this link: Annoto Tutorials

Cisco kits can be found either on a cart, as they were last semester, or installed in the room.  Regardless of the installation type, the system works the same way. 

Here are the directions for using the Cisco Kits: Using the Cisco Kit 

Found in the Yeager Center and Business Building classrooms (with the exception of BUS 106), the Integrated systems work with the computer in the podium.  If you are in one of those classrooms, use these directions: Using the Integrated Classroom

Additional Troubleshooting tips can be found in this document: Integrated Classrooms Troubleshooting

Taking Attendance

Faculty take attendance in InsideCBU.   It is important to follow these steps every week.  Please have your attendance in by Monday at 4pm for the prior week.

Tutorial for Taking Attendance

Adjusting Sessions for Attendance

If you have to cancel class for any reason, or if one of your class sessions falls on a holiday, please be sure to go into the Attendance system to adjust the session.  This must be done for Thanksgiving and Spring Break by the professor.

Tutorial for Adjusting Class Sessions

CBU has provided some additional resources including  Qualtrix (Survey dissemination), LiveText (Portfolio management), TaskStream (Portfolios and assessments), and Respondus (lock-down browser). Click here for these tutorials.


Contact the Teaching and Learning Center

Email: tlc@calbaptist.edu
Phone: (951) 552-8130
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Weekends closed

Cottage 18
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504