Faculty Training
Please click the "Register" link to register for a training session.
Nearing Capacity
Subject | Contact | Location | ||||||||||
Teaching and Learning |
Robert Shields rshields@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |
Cottage 18 Conference room |
Teaching and Learning |
Robert Shields rshields@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |
https://calbaptist.webex.com/meet/rshields/ |
Instructional Technology |
Shawn Richter srichter@calbaptist.edu |
James 52 |
Scholarship |
Dr. Erin I. Smith esmith@calbaptist.edu (951) 552-8626 |
https://calbaptist-edu.zoom.us/j/86384920670?pwd=MENEL1NHUitmeXgzY0Q3bCtYMmVKZz09 |
Teaching and Learning |
Robert Shields rshields@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |
https://calbaptist.webex.com/meet/rshields/ |
Scholarship |
Dr. Erin I. Smith esmith@calbaptist.edu (951) 552-8626 |
https://calbaptist-edu.zoom.us/j/83167438288?pwd=Ym94clBtNUgwbkNyVjhiRVhXQUtkdz09 |
Instructional Technology |
Robert Shields rshields@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |
Cottage 18 Conference room |
Instructional Technology |
Robert Shields rshields@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |
https://calbaptist.webex.com/meet/rshields/ |
Instructional Technology |
Robert Shields rshields@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |
https://calbaptist.webex.com/meet/rshields/ |
Instructional Technology |
Robert Shields rshields@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |
https://calbaptist.webex.com/meet/rshields/ |
Instructional Technology |
Gary Lopatynski glopatynski@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4820 |
Cottage 18 conference room |
Teaching and Learning |
Robert Shields id@calbaptist.edu 951.343.4376 |