Nursing Faculty Loan Program
In This Section
The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) is a loan forgiveness program that prepares and trains qualified nurse educators to fill vacancies and serve as full-time nursing faculty for the prescribed period of time. The purpose of the Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) is to increase the number of qualified nursing faculty to facilitate education of the nurses needed to address the current nursing workforce shortage. The NFLP is funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and is administered by California Baptist University. Click here for more details and to access the NFLP Application.
Nursing Faculty Loan Administrator
Phone: (951) 343-4406
Fax: (951) 343-4515
Email: StudentAccounts@calbaptist.edu
Address: 8432 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm or by appointment.
ECSI – Nursing Faculty Loan Servicer
Phone: 1-888-549-3274
Website: www.heartlandecsi.com
Address: PO Box 718, Wexford, PA 15090-0718
ECSI Office Hours
7:30 am – 9:00 pm Eastern Standard
For NFLP a deferment status may be granted
- For periods (up to 3 years) of ordered active duty by the borrower as a member of a uniformed service (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps), or service as a volunteer under the Peace Corps Act, or
- For periods (up to 10 years) during which the borrower is pursuing a full-time or half-time course of study at a collegiate school of nursing leading to a graduate degree in nursing or is otherwise pursuing advanced professional training in nursing (e.g., post-doctoral program/fellowship).
During periods of deferment, interest on the loan continues to accrue at the prevailing market rate but is not required to be paid during this period. During the period of deferment, the borrower may repay the interest if they wish but is not required to do so.
The beginning of the borrower’s repayment period may be postponed only if the borrower is employed full-time as a nurse faculty at an accredited school of nursing and will request loan cancellation at the end of each complete year of this employment. To receive postponement of the repayment period, the borrower must submit a Request for Postponement of Installment Payment form to ECSI 30-days before the end of the 9-month grace period, and annually thereafter. Subsequent requests for postponement must be filed 30-days before the expiration date of the initial request for postponement for each year of employment. If the borrower ceases to be employed full-time as nurse faculty prior to the completion of a year, the postponement ends, and repayment period begins immediately.
A NFLP loan may be placed in forbearance when extraordinary circumstances affect loan repayment. Forbearance is limited to situations in which the borrower clearly intends to repay the NFLP loan but is temporarily unable to comply with the existing repayment scheduled. Periods of forbearance are not excluded from the borrower’s 10-year repayment schedule. During periods of forbearance interest continues to accrue on the unpaid principal balance of the loan.
As per the signed Promissory Note, borrowers are required to complete an “Exit Loan Counseling” session when they graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment. Exit counseling reviews the borrower’s rights and responsibilities, and important information needed to repay the Nursing Faculty Loan.
Borrowers may begin their “Exit Loan Counseling” by creating an account with ECSI at https://www.heartland.ecsi.net/ or by calling ECSI at 1-888-549-3274. Once the account is created, borrowers may follow ECSI’s instructions on how to complete the “Exit Loan Counseling”.
Moved? Married? Changed your phone number?
It is your responsibility to notify California Baptist University or ECSI within 10 days, if you change your name, your address, or your phone number.
Submit an address change by completing the following steps:
- Login to InsideCBU
- Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner
- Click on My Profile & Settings
- Click on Contact Information along the left side
- Click on the dropdown arrow in the Address bar
- Click on Current Addresses
- Edit the existing address to reflect your new address
- Click save. Please note: It may take the system up to 1-2 business days to process and reflect the change.
The NFLP loan will bear interest on the unpaid balance of the loan at the:
- Rate of 3% beginning 3-months after the borrower graduates from the advanced nurse education program and becomes employed as full-time nurse faculty at an accredited school of nursing for a consecutive 4-year period; or
- Prevailing market rate, as established by the Treasury Department, if the borrower fails to complete the advanced nurse education program or fails to establish full-time employment as faculty with 12-months after completion of the program.
- Prevailing market rate if the borrower ceases full-time enrollment as nurse faculty.
The school will cancel an amount up to 85% of the principal (plus interest) on an NFLP loan over a consecutive 4-year period as follows:
- Upon completion by the borrower of each of the first, second, and third year of full-time employment as a faculty member at an accredited school of nursing, California Baptist University will cancel 20% of the principal of, and interest on, the amount of the unpaid loan on the first day of employment; and
- Upon completion by the borrower of the fourth year of full-time employment as a faculty member at an accredited school of nursing, California Baptist University will cancel 25% of the principal of, and interest on, the amount of the unpaid loan on the first day of employment.
- Following graduation, the borrower must submit a Certification of Employment within a reasonable timeframe. If employment verification is not submitted within the 12 month period* after graduation, the borrower will not be eligible for the loan cancellation provision.
- To receive a loan cancellation, the borrower must submit the Request for Partial Cancellation of Loan form at the end of each complete year of full-time employment as faculty.
*The requirement to obtain full-time nurse faculty employment within 12 months of graduation has been extended to 24 months for NFLP beneficiaries with graduation dates during the AY 2019- 2021. This is part of the COVID-19 emergency relief measures.
The NFLP Loan is repayable in equal or graduated installments over a 10-year period beginning 9 months after the borrower:
Completes the advanced nurse education program,
Ceases to be enrolled as a student in the advanced nurse education program, or
Ceases to be employed as full-time nurse faculty.
If the borrower fails to make a scheduled repayment or fails to comply with any terms
of the promissory note the entire unpaid balance of the loan, including interest due
and accrued and any applicable penalty charges, will become due and payable immediately.
The school may disclose any delinquency or default on the borrower’s loan to credit
Payments should be made directly to CBU’s Nursing Faculty Loan Servicer, Heartland ECSI.
ECSI – Nursing Faculty Loan Servicer
Phone: 1-888-549-3274
Website: www.heartlandecsi.com
Address: PO Box 718, Wexford, PA 15090-0718
Office Hours
7:30 am – 9:00 pm Eastern Standard