Guidance on Taking Immediate Action:  Individuals who believe they have either witnessed or been subjected to Sexual Discrimination as defined in the CBU Title IX Policy can report through any of the following methods: 

Call 9-1-1

Non Emergency

Report OnlineQR Code

Contact the Title IX Office

Send an Email

Contact Riverside Police Department
10540 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92505

Contact Department of Safety Services
Lancer Arms 43


Reporting Sexual Assault

Preserving Evidence

After a Sexual Assault, it can be difficult to know how to react. Below are important steps to help guide you through the process.

  • First and foremost get to a place of safety.
  • Do not shower, bathe, wash, change clothes, comb hair, eat or drink before a physical exam.
  • See “Seeking Medical Assistance” below for information on where to go for an exam, typically within 120 hours of an assault.
    • Physical evidence is important to both a CBU investigation, as well as a police investigation.
  • Note that even if you showered or washed, evidence may still be collectible and medical conditions can be treated, even after 120 hours.
  • Electronic evidence is very important for the outcome of an investigation.
    • Save and/or screenshot any relevant text messages, social media posts, photos, snapchats, voicemails or emails.
  • Give the evidence obtained to the Title IX investigator or Safety Services for use in a university investigation.

Seeking Medical Assistance

CBU Student Health Center
3626 Monroe Street; Suite B
Riverside, CA 92504

Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
10800 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92505
(3.2 miles from Campus)

Parkview Community Hospital
3865 Jackson St., Riverside, CA 92503
(1.2 miles from Campus)

Riverside Community Hospital
4445 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92501
(5.1 miles from Campus)

Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center
1845 Chicago Ave., Suite A
Riverside, CA 92507
(6.9 miles from Campus)
951.686.7273 or 866.686.7273

Riverside County Regional Medical Center / Sexual Assault Response Team
26520 Cactus Ave., Moreno Valley, CA 92555
(17.5 miles from Campus)

File a Complaint with CBU

In addition to or in lieu of filing a criminal complaint, individuals who believe they have either witnessed or been subjected to Sexual Discrimination are encouraged to file a complaint with the University. Complaints may be filed with the following.

Report OnlineQR Code

Title IX Office
Yeager Center D115

Department of Safety Services
Lancer Arms 43

Office of Residence Life
The Village 212

Human Resources Office
8471 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92504
Lancer Palms 37

Confidential Resources

Listed below are individuals who can assist you and be confidential. If you are not ready to initiate the complaint process, but want to talk to someone, please reach out to one of these resources.

Counseling Center
3626 Monroe Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Spiritual Life Staff
Dean of Spiritual Life/Campus Pastor

The following Counseling Center personnel are Confidential Resources at California Baptist University:

  1. Assistant Director of Counseling Center
  2. Lead Clinical Supervisor
  3. Marriage Family Therapist Trainees
  4. Marriage Family Therapist Associates

CBU's Commitment

California Baptist University is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex. Sex Discrimination violates an individual's fundamental rights and personal dignity. Sex Discrimination violates an individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity. CBU considers Sex Discrimination in all forms to be a serious offense.

Contact Title IX

Title IX Coordinator: Celeste Wilcox
Phone: (951) 343-4948

Yeager Center, Room D115
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504