Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a list of Frequently Asked Questions relating to OSS services. You can also ask Lance, our virtual Student Success Coach, located in the bottom right of your screen!
I need to talk to my Student Success Coach. How do I contact them?
Student Success Coaches are housed in the Office of Academic Advising, located in the Yeager Center B146. Your Student Success Coach is available to meet with you throughout your time at CBU to provide guidance and assistance as you make progress toward your degree.
What resources does the Office of Student Success (OSS) offer in addition to its four centers (Tutoring, Writing, Disabilities, and Veterans)?
Study Space: The OSS Study Space is located in Lancer Arms #54, upstairs, next to the Fowler Events Center. This comprehensive space offers open study seating, individual study carrels, reservable study rooms, and immediate access to peer mentors, tutors, and writing coaches. Visit our scheduling system to book an appointment or reserve a room.
Grammarly Premium: Through the University Writing Center, current CBU students have access to Grammarly Premium at no additional cost. Learn more about Grammarly HERE.
Laptop Kiosk: Located in Lancer Arms #54, our Laptop Kiosk offers free laptop rentals for up to four hours. Whether you need a device for a short study session or a quick assignment, our self-service kiosk provides easy access to technology to support your academic needs.
Anatomical Models: Housed in the University Tutoring Center (Lancer Arms #54), available models include a full-standing skeleton, a disarticulated skeleton model with individual bones, the brain, the eye, the heart, and detailed muscle models of the arm, leg, and mini-human. View a full catalog HERE and visit our scheduling system to RESERVE.
How do I make a Tutoring or Writing appointment?
- Visit our scheduling system HERE and log in with your LancerMail login information.
- From the Welcome page, select the resource you need.
- Enter your preferred appointment date, time, and modality (face-to-face or online) and select "Find Appontments."
- Select the appointment that works best for you and fill out the appointment form.
For more detailed appointment information, visit the University Tutoring Center or University Writing Center webpages.
I missed an in-class exam. Can I make it up?
Make-Up Exams are taken in the University Tutoring Center (Lancer Arms #54, upstairs, next to the Events Center). If you have missed an exam, please discuss your options with your professor BEFORE submitting a Test Contract request. Submitting a Test Contract does not guarantee approval to make up the exam.
- Student submits "Student Section" of Test Contract
- Faculty submits "Faculty Section" of Test Contract
- Student receives an email notifying them that the request has been approved, and they may schedule their exam. Exams must be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance.
I have testing accommodations. How do I schedule my exams with Disability Services?
Accommodated exams are taken in the Disability Services Center (Lancer Arms #38, downstairs, next to the Events Center). Only students who receive testing accommodations through the Disability Services Center may submit Test Contracts through the link below.
- Student submits "Student Section" of Test Contract
- Faculty submits "Faculty Section" of Test Contract
- Student receives an email notifying them that the request has been approved, and they may schedule their exam. Exams must be scheduled a minimum of 2 weeks in advance.
I've been Academically Suspended or Disqualified. How do I submit an appeal?
Students who have been placed on Academic Suspension or Academic Disqualification must appeal their academic status in order to continue enrollment at CBU.
- Submit an Academic Suspension or Disqualification form HERE. Be sure to answer all questions thoroughly, clearly, and honestly, and upload any supporting documentation you would like to include (i.e. medical documentation, transcripts from other institutions, etc.)
- The Admissions & Re-Entry Committee meets to review appeals once every two weeks. Your appeal will be added to the next available meeting for review.
- When the Committee has made a decision on your appeal, you will receive an email notifying you of their decision and any next steps to take.
More information about Academic Suspension or Disqualification processes can be found in the Academic Catalog. Visit "Academic Information" >> "Academic Policies" and be sure to select the appropriate catalog for your degree level (Undergraduate or Graduate).
Further questions about the Academic Suspension or Disqualification appeal process should be directed to studentsuccess@calbaptist.edu.