> Academics
> Schools and Colleges
> College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
> Center for the Study of Human Behavior
> Labs
> Culture and Character Lab
> Researchers and Research Assistants
Researchers and Research Assistants
Veola Vazquez, PhD
Dr. Vazquez's specific research interests include interracial relationships, parenting
of mixed race children and the development of virtues within varied cultural contexts.
She earned her bachelor’s degree from California Baptist University and both her M.A.
and Ph.D. from Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University. She is a licensed
psychologist and professor of psychology at CBU.
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
- Impact of racism on interracial marriages
- Race-related coping vs. religious coping
- Parenting mixed-race children
- Role of forgiveness in coping with racism
- Forgiveness processes among ethnic minorities
- Role of forgiveness and micro-aggressions
- Development of cultural humility in children
- Resilience of cultural minorities and wisdom
- Spiritual disciplines and resilience among cultural minorities