"Normally, what I do would take about two more years. But because of connections and because of a love of journalism and going above and beyond what people expected of me, I got it before then."
Quick Facts
Program: Journalism and New Media, B.A.
Graduation Year: 2021
Current Job Title: Breaking News Reporter, Just the News
Current City: Washington, D.C.
Life at CBU
Why did you choose to attend CBU?
The main reason was that I wanted a faith-based institution to help me approach the
world through a Christian perspective that would help me find what God wanted me to
do. Another reason was because it was the place that my parents attended, met and
fell in love.
Share a favorite memory of your time at CBU.
A lot of my favorites have to do with working with student publications. One that
stands out is covering a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Riverside in the summer
of my senior year. I spoke with officers who were helping control the crowd and members
of the public who were part of the protests. I felt a strong need to report on it,
and I landed two awards because of it.
Tell us about a professor who helped your CBU journey.
All my professors at CBU have been a huge help to me. One who helped me the most was
Dr. Mark Blincoe, professor of history. During my junior and senior years, I had serious
health issues. Dr. Blincoe helped keep me caught up on what I missed in class. My
health issues culminated in a hospitalization during my senior year when I had severe
sepsis. I'm still physically disabled from it. Dr. Blincoe's approach and kindness
helped me learn to navigate and handle this new reality.
What advice would you give to a CBU student?
Take advantage of all the opportunities, including travel opportunities to conferences,
and don't be afraid to ask questions. Also, don't be afraid to network with CBU alumni,
professors and even guests who visit the campus. I spoke with a reporter from The
Press-Enterprise who was a guest speaker in one of my journalism classes. I expressed
interest in working as a freelance reporter and was hired during my junior year as
a freelancer.
Life after CBU
How did CBU equip you to live your purpose?
CBU laid a lot of the groundwork for my career. The journalism program taught us many
aspects of journalism, including video editing, photography and photo editing, and
news writing. CBU also helped me spiritually by giving me connections to people who
helped me grow in my faith.
What are the job duties of your current position?
I monitor other news organizations, social media and high profile people to find the
latest news and events in politics and then write a report on it for the publication,
Just the News.
How did you land your current position?
I was a freelancer for The College Fix, a journalism website with college-age writers
and podcasters. My connections at Fix then led to the Washington Examiner, where I worked as a breaking
news reporter after graduation. Normally, what I do would take about two more years.
But because of connections and because of a love of journalism and going above and
beyond what people expected of me, I got it before then.