
Journalism, BA

While the need for trustworthy news hasn’t changed, the way we tell that news has. The field of journalism is evolving to coincide with advances in digital media, and CBU’s bachelor's in journalism program is keeping pace. 

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Program Intro

The new media available to us has opened up new methods for how we share stories. As Christians, we are naturally seekers of truth — an essential quality of a journalist — and at CBU, students learn how to tell the truth, share stories, build communities and uncover injustices in the most powerful ways.

37 Units

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2 Broadcast Media Outlets
6 Student-Run Publications

Why Study Journalism at CBU?

Learn transferrable skills

CBU’s journalism major teaches students how to research, interview, write, edit, design and use a camera — not just in a classroom but in field assignments, student publications and internships. Students also use social media to engage different audiences and publish stories across a variety of traditional and digital platforms. The skills students gain are transferrable to many other fields, including marketing, business and politics.

Tell untold stories

For the last three years, a group of journalism students have traveled to Louisiana to capture the stories of Angola prisoners. They write articles, take photos and create videos for a nonprofit that seeks to teach biblical parenting to the prisoners and coordinate visiting opportunities with their children.

What You'll Learn

Program Details

JRN 216: Digital Storytelling

Learn skills to prepare for the new marketplace of converging online and digital platforms.  Explore how to integrate audio and video components to tell a powerful story. Prepare for the complex field of mobile journalism and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop audio and video components to produce multimedia projects.

JRN 370: Social Media Strategies

This course provides students opportunities to analyze, use and produce content for current and emerging social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, YouTube, Reddit and other professional business platforms.

JRN 430: Multimedia Reporting, Editing and Producing

This course prepares the student to work as a journalist in today’s newsrooms, where the online and digital platforms are at least as important as the traditional print or broadcast platforms. 

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Victoria Brodie, Ed.D.

Associate Professor of Public Relations
Department Chair, Communication Arts

Office Phone: 951-552-8310
Office Location: James Building 044

MaryAnn Pearson, Ed.D., APR

Professor of Communication and Leadership Studies
Communication and Leadership Studies

Office Phone: 951-552-8186
Office Location: James Building 040

Sonya Singh, M.A.

Instructor of Journalism

Office Phone: 951-552-8911
Office Location: James Building 078


Normally, what I do would take about two more years. But because of connections and because of a love of journalism and going above and beyond what people expected of me, I got it before then.

Misty Severi '21
Breaking News Reporter, Just the News

Read Misty's Story

Adam Douglas

Studying journalism at CBU taught me the value of research and the vital role that news media play in society. Being able to be a part of Lancer Media was tough and pushed me daily, but gave me experience in the media field that I don’t think I could get anywhere else.

Adam Douglas '20

Isabella Damen

I want to write for television. A degree in journalism helps you get internships with production studios and helps you write well. Most of what we do is very hands on, which gives us the advantage of experience that other students don't have.

Isabella Damen '21

Kylie Voda

I love to write and tell stories, so journalism felt like the perfect option for me. I love the journalism program at CBU. The professors all have extensive experience in the field, and they teach you using books as well as real-world experiences. I hope to write for a well-known publication in the future or maybe venture into the world of public relations.

Kylie Voda '21

cbu tv

Student Opportunities: Lancer Media Group

In Lancer Media Group, students have the opportunity to write, edit, design, shoot and produce stories, photos and video packages for CBU's six campus publications: Angelos yearbook, The Banner newspaper, The Banner Online, CBU TV, Lancers Noticias and Pursuit magazine. There are many opportunities to grow in leadership skills and build a portfolio of works.

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Student Opportunities: Serve the Community

In the journalism program, students will have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice with hands-on experiences that also answer the call to serve. In the past, CBU students have partnered with the Inland Empire nonprofit Social Work Action Group to visit homeless communities in the desert to tell the stories of men and women working on their journey to exit the streets, reunite with family and lead independent lives.

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Career Possibilities

Journalism majors can apply their field of study to a variety of careers. Some careers listed below may require further education.

  • Reporter
  • Anchorperson
  • Photojournalist
  • Freelance Writer
  • Magazine Editor
  • Copy Editor
  • Corporate Communicator
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Foreign Correspondent
  • Blogger
  • Broadcast Journalist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Author

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Join our community. At CBU, you’ll be challenged to become an individual whose skills, integrity, and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish you in the world.