Exercise Physiology Lab
The primary aim of the exercise physiology lab is to understand the cellular response to exercise. While we all know that exercise is good for us, we really don't understand how this process works. Dr. Trevor Gillum's primary areas of research include thermoregulation, exercise and immune function and metabolism. His current research projects include how exercise training alters baseline protein expression, the impact of acute moderate exercise on immune function and how these processes may be different between men and women.
Lab equipment includes:
KinCom isokinetic machine
Delsys 8 channel EMG
GE 12 lead ECG
Monark Wingate cycle ergometer
Monark 828E cycle ergometer
Flow cytometer
Metabolic cart
Lactate analyzer
-80° freezer
Microplate reader (400–750 nm)
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research
There are numerous student-driven studies performed in the exercise physiology lab. The majority of these studies focus on health-related indices with regards to skeletal muscle function. The primary aim of these projects is to present the students' findings at the annual southwest regional meeting of ACSM. The best way for undergraduate and graduate students to be involved in research is to enroll in KIN 473 or to contact Dr. Gillum (tgillum@calbaptist.edu).
Student-Led Research Projects and Presentations:
Nguyen B and Gillum TL. "Manipulation of Step Height and Its Effect on Lactate Metabolism during a One-Minute Anaerobic Step Test." Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 29 (2015): 1578–83.
Williams N, Coburn J and Gillum TL. "Static Stretching vs. Dynamic Warm-Ups: A Comparison of Their Effects on Torque and Electromyography Output of the Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscles." Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.
Quesada T and Gillum TL. "Effect of Acute Creatine Supplementation and Subsequent Caffeine Ingestion on Ventilatory Anaerobic Threshold." Journal of Exercise Physiology Online 16 (2013): 112–20.
Facun, Sherwin and Gillum, Trevor. "Metabolic Comparison between Kettlebell Swings and Treadmill Running." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Hartsock, Aaron and Gillum, Trevor. "The Acute Effect of a Unilateral Shoulder Press of the Throwing Shoulder on Pitching Velocity." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Shook, Kara and Gillum, Trevor. "The Effect of Acute Quercetin Supplementation through FRS on Running Economy: A Randomized Double Blind Assessment of Recreationally Active College Age Males." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Bodell, Nathaniel and Trevor Gillum. "30 Minutes of Acute Moderate Exercise Prior to a High-Fat Meal Does Not Attenuate Postprandial Triglycerides in Postmenopausal Women." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Costa Mesa, CA.
Castillo, Micaela and Gillum, Trevor. "The Effects of an Acute Bout of Static Stretching on 800 Meter Run Time." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Costa Mesa, CA.
Adrian, Stephanie and Gillum, Trevor. "The EMG Activity of Figure Skating Off-Ice Single and Double Loop Jumps." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Williams, Nicole and Gillum, Trevor. "The Effect of Different Warm-Up Techniques on EMG Output and Torque of Quadriceps Muscles." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Jacob Perez, Endeah Chandler, Tyler Krieger, Josh Marsile and Trevor Gillum. "An Acute Leg Press Exercise Session Can Decreases Systolic Blood Pressure." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Reno, NV.
Laura Shipman, Ashley Bennet, Hannah Braun and Trevor Gillum. "The Effects of Power Balance Bands on Strength, Balance, and Flexibility." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Reno, NV.
Patrick Solano, Arron Bethel and Trevor Gillum. "Effects of Static Stretching on Maximal Leg Strength." Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Reno, NV.
Devin Bennett and Trevor Gillum. "The Effect of Morning Versus Afternoon Conditioning
in Stress Levels and URTI Symptoms in College Softball Players." Southwest ACSM Chapter
Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Quesada T and Gillum TL. "Effect of Acute Creatine Supplementation and Subsequent
Caffeine Ingestion on Ventilatory Anaerobic Threshold. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online 16 (2013): 112–20.
Faculty Peer Reviewed Publications:
Kuennen M, Jansen L, Gillum TL, GranadosJ, CastilloW, ChristmasK, NabiyarA. Dietary nitratereduces the oxygen cost of a loaded battle march performed in desert conditions but paradoxically elevates body temperatures. In Press. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
Granados J, Gillum TL, Castillo W, Christmas K, Kuennen M. Functional respiratory muscle training during endurance exercise causes modest hypoxemia but overall is well tolerated. In Press. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Castillo, M, Williams N, Jordan-Patterson A. Exercise, but not sleep loss, increases salivary antimicrobial protein expression. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(5): 1359–66. 2015.
Granados J, Gillum TL, Christmas K, Kuennen M. Prohormone supplement 3b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-17-one enhances resistance training gains but impairs user health. Journal of Applied Physiology. Mar;116(5):560–569. 2014.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Riley L, Holguin T. Sex and menstrual phase effects of salivary antimicrobial protein expression in response to acute treadmill running. Exercise Immunology Reviews. 20:23–38. 2014.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Schneider S, Dokladny K, Moseley P. Salivary antimicrobial protein response to prolonged running. Biology of Sport. 30(1):3–8. 2013.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Sex differences in heat shock protein 72 expression after acute exercise in the heat. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 11(4). 2013.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Schneider S, Moseley P. A review of sex differences in immune function after aerobic exercise. Exercise Immunology Reviews. 17: 106–23. 2011.
Kuennen M, Gillum TL, Dokladny K, Bedrick E, Schneider S, Moseley P. Thermotolerance and heat acclimation may share a common mechanism in humans. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology. In press, 2011.
Kuennen M, Gillum TL, Amorim F, Sub Kwon Y, Schneider S. The effect of palm cooling on hyperthermic subjects. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 108(6): 1217–23. 2010.
Gillum TL, Kravitz L. Assessing the lactate threshold. Idea Fitness Journal. 5(2): 21–23. 2008.
Gillum TL, Dumke CL, Ruby BC. Muscle glycogenolysis and resynthesis in response to a half-ironman triathlon. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 1: 404–9. 2006.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Sex differences in heat shock protein 72 expression after acute exercise in the heat. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. In Press.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Schneider S, Dokladny K, Moseley P. Salivary antimicrobial protein response to prolonged running. Biology of Sport. 30(1):3–8. 2013.
Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Gillum TL, Castillo M, McKenna Z, Tobi-Patterson J, Bohnert C. Exercise increases salivary granulocytes and lymphocytes, but not monocytes. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Gillum TL, Castillo M, Williams N, Jordan-Patterson A. Exercise, but not sleep deprivation, increases salivary alpha-defensins and cathelicidin. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
Wigginton M, Barth M, Gillum TL, Sands C. Assessment of physical activity and health indicators in American-Indian high school students. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.
Granados J, Gillum TL, Kuennen M. Advantages and Disadvantages to prohormone supplementation in resistance trained males. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
Gillum TL, Williams N, Stone K, McLeod S. Sleep, stress, and sickness in collegiate cross country runners while in season. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
Gillum T, Holguin T, Riley L. Men and women differ in antimicrobial protein expression. California Baptist University. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Gillum T, Gourley C, Kuennen M, Schneider S. Antimicrobial protein response to prolonged running. California Baptist University. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
Gillum T, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Alumbaugh B, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Gender differences in heat shock protein 72 expression and inflammation in response to acute exercise in the heat. University of New Mexico. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Kuennen M, Gillum T, Christmas K, Daklodney K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Thermotolerance and heat acclimation share a common mechanism in humans. Experimental Biology. Anaheim, CA.
Gillum T, Kuennen M, Christmas K, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Time course of intracellular heat shock protein 72 expression during and after acute cycle ergometry. University of New Mexico. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA
Kuennen M, Gillum T, Christmas K, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Assessment of heat shock protein 72 day-to-day reliability. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA
Mermier C, Kuennen M, Gillum T, Christmas K, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. The effect of mild dehydration on heat shock protein 72 expression during an acute cycling bout. University of New Mexico. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA
Kuennen M, Gillum T, Amorim F, Sub Kwon Y, Schneider S. The effect of palm cooling on hyperthermic subjects. University of New Mexico. 2008 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN
Gillum TL, Dumke CL, Ruby BC. Muscle glycogenolysis and resynthesis in response to a half-ironman triathlon. University of Montana. 2006 Northwest American College of Sports Medicine. Corvallis, OR
Gillum TL, Williams N, Stone K, McLeod S. Sleep, stress, and sickness in collegiate cross country runners while in season. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
Granados J, Gillum TL, Kuennen M. Advantages and Disadvantages to prohormone supplementation in resistance trained males. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
Wigginton M, Barth M, Gillum TL, Sands C. Assessment of physical activity and health indicators in American-Indian high school students. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.