Department of Allied Health Professions
In This Section

Welcome to the CBU Department of Allied Health Professions. Our faculty are pleased that you are considering a degree in one of the allied health professions: an associate's degree to become a physical therapist assistant, a bachelor's degree in radiologic sciences or a graduate degree in athletic training. Our degree programs empower students to live their purpose as allied health professionals while studying in a nurturing faith-based environment.
About Us
The Department of Allied Health Professions is a multidisciplinary department dedicated to preparing students to contribute to a global society and a diverse workforce through academic and clinical training of allied health professionals. This is accomplished by providing students with the knowledge and skills basic to the practice of their disciplines from a Christian worldview, instilling them with the fundamental attitudes of professionalism, and enabling them to function in interprofessional collaboration that emphasizes whole person care.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or any of our professors so that we may help direct you toward the fulfillment of your goals.
– Dr. Nicole MacDonald
Department Chair, Allied Health Professions
Contact Us
Department Chair: Dr. Nicole MacDonald College of Health Science Administrative Assistant: Stephanie Moreno (951) 552-8531 smoreno@calbaptist.edu