Subject Matter Competency and Basic Skills FAQs and Inquiries
There are several ways to meet basic skills competencies, please use the link below to the current BSR requirements directly from the CTC’s website.
California Education Code requires that all candidates for a teaching credential must demonstrate they are proficient in the subject matter area of their intended credential. Recent action by the Governor and the Legislature on AB 130 (Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021) has expanded the ways in which candidates may demonstrate subject matter proficiency. At this time, some aspects of the new law may be implemented while other aspects require regulatory approval by the Office of Administrative Law. The information below describes the various options allowable by this new law. For more information, please see Meeting Subject Matter competency below.
CTC Demonstration of Subject Matter
For more information, please see the following PDF:
Frequently Asked Questions
An evaluation of your transcript will determine which courses, if any, can be applied to continuing your credential program. Coursework older than five years will not be applicable to continuing your program.
The following is part of a communication sent to all teacher preparation programs regarding the new legislation. Please read carefully.
Changes to Options to Meet Subject Matter Requirement Signed into Law
On July 9, 2021, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 130 (Chap. 44, Stats. 2021)
which included significant changes in the options for candidates to demonstrate subject
matter competence. The new law would allow a new coursework option, the use of certain
majors, and a combination of coursework and passage of applicable examination subtests.
Although this law takes effect immediately, Commission staff will be seeking approval
of emergency regulations in order to fully implement this law. In addition, staff
is working on developing guidance documents, FAQs and technical assistance for program
sponsors as quickly as possible. More information on all of these resources will be
available soon and will be provided in the PSD eNews and other direct communications
to the field.
This is exciting news for our teacher credential candidates as it creates alternative pathways in meeting state competency requirements for program completion and credentialing. At this time, however, the CTC has not provided guidance on the implementation of AB 130 for teacher preparation programs. This means we do not yet know the specifics regarding which courses will apply toward competency requirements. In addition, we do not yet know if this legislation only applies to currently enrolled candidates and/or past candidates.
Upon acceptance to our program, your advisor may evaluate your transcript to determine if previous coursework covers any or all subject matter competencies.
In addition to the information above regarding subject matter competency students may have their transcripts evaluated by their advisor after being accepted into our program.