Publications and Presentations
Park, J. C., & Ramirez-Johnson, J. The Provision of Mental Health Services by Religious/Spiritual Leaders of Hidalgo County, Texas. Manuscript accepted to the Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Kim, S. J., & Park, J. C. (April 2021). Influence of Gender Role Attitude on Depression in Korean Employed Married Women: Focusing on the Differences Between Full-Time (FT) Workers and Part-Time (PT) Workers. Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Park, J. C. (October 2019). Anxious about being anxious. The Advocate Newsletter.
Park, J. C., Ramirez-Johnson, J., Perez, P. (2016). Impact of Education on Views of Homosexuality in the Senior Clergy of Hidalgo County, Texas. Journal of Religion and Health, 61,1-9.
Ramirez-Johnson, J., Park, J. C., Wilson, C., Pittman, S., & Diaz, H. (2013). “Deeply Woven Roots”: Health Initiatives and Community Social Services of Faith Based Organizations of the Hidalgo, County, Texas. Journal of Religion and Health, 53, 1199-1213.
Manuscript in Preparation
Park, J. C. An Evaluation of the CEHP Program, a Pipeline Program to Increase African-American Student Participation in the Health Professions. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Scholarly Engagement.
Park, J. C., & Ramirez-Johnson, J. The Motivational Processes and Religious/Spiritual Beliefs of Sex Workers in Reynosa, Mexico, and McAllen, Texas. Manuscript in preparation.
Berman, M., Park, J. C., Lindgren, M., & Hegel, M. Accept Yourself! A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Self-Acceptance-Based Treatment for Large Bodied, Depressed Women. Manuscript in submission.
Jin, D. H., Park, J. C., Betancourt, H., Flynn, P., Smith, J. C. Utilization of Spanish Primer to Communicate with Non-English-Speaking Hispanic Patients in the Interventional Radiology Laboratory. Manuscript in preparation.
Lecture Presentations
Park, J. C., & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (February 2020). The Motivational Processes and Religious and Spiritual Beliefs on Sex Workers. Lecture session at the American Annual Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Park, J. C., Matzel, S., & White, F. (August 2019). The Integration of the Trauma Recovery Center at the Alternatives to Domestic Violence. Lecture session at American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
Park, J. C., Matzel, S., & White, F. (April 2019). The Trauma Recovery Center at the Alternatives to Domestic Violence. Lecture session at Western Psychological Association.
Jin, D., Park, J. C., Betancourt, H., Flynn, P., Smith, J. C. Utilization of Spanish primer with non-English-speaking patients in interventional radiology. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe; 2018 Sep 22-25; Portugal: CIRSE 2018. Abstract ID #76790
Kim, S. J., & Park, J. C. (Feb 2018). Influence of Gender Role Attitude on Depression in Korean Employed Married Women: Focusing on the Differences Between Full-Time (FT) Workers and Part-Time (PT) Workers in South Korea. Lecture presentation at the Annual American Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Park, J. C., Ramirez-Johnson, J., Perez, P. (May 2017). Impact of Education on Clergy Perspectives on Sexual Orientation. Lecture session at Midwest Psychological Association.
Park, J. C., Saulman, K., & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (April 2017). Religious and Spiritual Beliefs and Its impact on Sex Workers. Lecture session at Southwestern Social Science Conference.
Park, J. C., Calkin, B., Schlussel, T., & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (April 2017). The Role of Faith Based Organizations in Mental Health. Lecture session at Western Psychological Association.
Park, J. C., & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (Feb 2017). The Effectiveness of Clergy in the Provision of Mental Health Services. Lecture session at the Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Park, J. C., Jin, D. H., Betancourt, H., Flynn, P., Smith, J. C. (May 2016). Utilization of Spanish Primer to Communicate with Non-English-Speaking Hispanic Patients in the Interventional Radiology Laboratory. Lecture session at Midwest Psychological Association.
Park, J. C. (April 2016). An integrated approach to trauma and substance abuse. Presentation at Trauma Seminar at Dartmouth Medical Center, NH.
Park, J. C., & DeBord, J. (Feb 2015). Program evaluation of a relationship group therapy program utilizing RET principles in the Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Unit. Symposium presented at the 18th Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference, Reno, NV.
Park, J. C. & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (November 2013). Clergy Perspectives on Homosexuality and Its Impact on Mental Health Services. Symposium presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Conference 2013, CA.
Park, J. C., & Shi, W. (September 2012). GABA modulation of dopamine neurons: Effects of anxiolytic drugs, zolpidem and other GABA receptor subtype drugs. Presentation to Department of Pharmacy. Loma Linda University, CA.
Park, J. C. & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (November 2012). The Beliefs and Intervention Practices of Clergy on Mental Health Issues. Symposium at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Conference 2012, Phoenix, AZ.
Poster Presentations
Jin, D. H., Park, J. C., Betancourt, H., Flynn, P., & Smith, J. C. (March 2016). Utilization of Spanish Primer to Communicate with Non-English-Speaking Patients in Interventional Radiology Laboratory. Poster presentation at the Annual LLU Post Graduate Convention.
Park, J. C. & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (May 2014). Do Clergy in Hidalgo County Serve as a Bridge or Barrier to Mental Health? Poster presentation at the Midwest Psychological Association.
Park, J. C. & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (June 2013). Faith based organizations and its impact on the community. Poster presentation at the International Positive Psychology Association.
Park, J. C. & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (April 2013). The Role of Clergy in Mental Health Services. Poster presentation at Annual Post Graduate Convention. Loma Linda University, CA.
Park, J. C. (October 2012). The CEHP Program: Increasing Racial and Ethnic Minority Representation in the Health Professions. Poster Session at Healthy Communities Convention.
Park, J. C. (August 2012). Addressing Racial and Ethnic Minority Disparities in Health Professions. Presidential Track Poster Session at the American Psychological Association.
Park, J. C. (July 2012). An Evaluation of a Health Professions Pipeline Program to Increase African-American Student Participation. International Congress of Psychology Conference.
Park, J. C. & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (March 2012). Health Initiatives and Community Social Involvement of Faith Based Organizations. Poster presentation at the Healthy People 2012 Lifestyle Conference.
Invited Talks, Interviews and Presentations
Park, J. C. (March 2019). Depression in the Korean American population of southern California (translated from Korean). Interview by The Korean Times Newspaper. http://www.koreatimes.com/article/20190327/1238998
Park, J. C. (November 2018). Evidence-based practices: Community resiliency model and EBT-plus. Alternatives to Domestic Violence. Panel discussion and presentation at the California Victim Compensation Board Treatment Recovery Center Conference. Los Angeles, CA.
Park, J. C. & Shi, W. (February 2013). Substance abuse and addictions: The modulating effects of GABAergic drugs on the dopamine system. Lecture presentation to Central LA Juvenile Hall,
Park, J. C. & Ramirez-Johnson, J. (March 2012). Faith-based organizations and mental health gatekeepers.” Presentation to Loma Linda Behavioral Health Institute, CA.