1. Faith / Art Integration: Art Majors will engage in the practice of art as an extension of Christian ‘Being’, understood in all of  its aesthetic, social and ecclesiastical dynamics.
  2. Visual Literacy: Art Majors will demonstrate a critical and working familiarity with the themes and concerns of contemporary art, as well as the canon of Western art and non-western traditions in their aesthetic, intellectual and spiritual implications. Evidence of this will be manifested through directed projects and their capstone exhibition.
  3. Creative Thinking: Art Majors will demonstrate the ability to engage in associative/spatial thinking dynamically channeled through various media through directed formal and conceptual problems as well as self-determined projects.
  4. Media Fluency: Art Majors will demonstrate an ability to command the inherent dynamics of a variety of 2&3 dimensional media as applied to directed and self-determined expressive goals.
  5. Professional Awareness: Art Majors will acquire the ability to assess the professional implications of their expressive decisions and the protocols of presentation that these varying destinations for artwork require.

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