Our Process
At Spiritual Life, we are investing in lives to develop followers of Jesus. Our unique process helps students come to know that their extrinsic worth and eternal value can be secure in Jesus Christ, and as a result, they will live out God’s purpose in community by becoming disciple-makers. In the context of Christ-like community, we desire for students to:
- Explore the gospel and what it means to be known by Jesus.
- Establish a relationship with and commit to following Jesus.
- Expand their faith by pursuing opportunities to grow in relationship with Jesus and to strategically serve others.
- Engage with others by developing a strategic personal ministry.
We believe that there are four unique stages of the discipleship process in a person’s life as seen in Scripture. The first stage is Explore, where someone might be curious but have no context of what discipleship looks like. Those in the Explore stage may have questions, doubts, or the notion that something could be missing in their life. We want to walk alongside those in the Explore stage to do just that: explore the gospel with them and what it means to be known by Jesus.
Resources: Chapel, SL Night
The third stage of the discipleship process we like to call Expand. It is during this stage of a believer’s journey that they begin to truly grow in their understanding of faith, God, the church, and what living for Christ looks like on a daily basis. As their worldview expands, they will begin to see God’s global plan and how they can be a part of it right now. We want to help students expand their faith by pursuing opportunities to grow in relationship with Jesus and to strategically serve others.
Resources: SL Night, SL Groups, D Groups
The second stage is Establish. Those in the Establish stage may have heard the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection but have yet to make a commitment to following Jesus. Maybe they’re familiar with Christianity or even attend a church. We want to come alongside those in the Establish stage to help them find eternal security in the finished work of Jesus. We want to help them establish a relationship with and commit to following Jesus.
Resources: Chapel, SL Night, SL Groups
The final stage is to Engage with others by developing a personal strategic ministry. Our desire in Spiritual Life is to make disciples who make disciples. Those in Engage are near the end of our process, but also at the beginning of a beautiful new process: walking alongside those who are Exploring, Establishing, and Expanding, to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples who know and follow Jesus.
Resources: D Groups, Ministry Teams
Have questions for us? Let us know by sending an email to spirituallife@calbaptist.edu.