"CBS has prepared me to enter a secularly dominated field with my faith foundations rooted in the authority of Scripture. CBS has taught me that Scripture speaks to counseling."

Quick Facts

Program: B.A. in Christian Behavioral Science
Graduation Year: 2016

What is the best thing about the CBS major at CBU?
The best thing about the CBS major at CBU is that it is a field that speaks to all of life. Its foundation rests on God's Word as the lens through which we see the world around us, including the behavioral sciences. One learns both the theological conversations and secular conversations taking place within a variety of fields, facilitating a holistic perspective on the world around us. 

Describe one memory from your time at CBU that involves the CBS major, CBS classes, etc.
I will never forget the countless number of times I was able to sit with my core professors, Dr. Lewis and Dr. Stokes, in Wanda's or in their offices. They were always open to questions and conversations about class and life. The wisdom and guidance I received during casual moments of conversation have been just as valuable to me as the knowledge received in the classroom. They genuinely care about their students and how they are applying their education in day to day circumstances. 

What has the CBS major done to help you prepare for your future goals?
CBS has prepared me to enter a secularly dominated field with my faith foundations rooted in the authority of Scripture. Going into the field of counseling, this steadfastness is vital. CBS has taught me that Scripture speaks to counseling. To help people requires a compassionate heart that seeks to listen and understand with patience, humbly allowing ourselves to be an instrument of healing in the Redeemer's hands.