"CBU's nursing program was awesome because it had the latest and greatest technology that optimized learning and had clinical sites in high acuity facilities. ... CBU helped prepare me for the future as a registered nurse in the U.S. Navy."
Quick Facts
Program: B.S. in Nursing
Minor: Christian Studies
Graduation Year: 2022
Current Job Title: Navy Nurse
Hometown: Lincoln, CA
Current City: Norfolk, VA
Life at CBU
Why did you choose your major? What interested you in this particular field of study?
I chose nursing because I wanted a versatile and challenging career that allowed me
to care for people.
What did you like about being in this program at CBU?
CBU's nursing program was awesome because it had the latest and greatest technology
that optimized learning and had clinical sites in high acuity facilities.
What did you think of your professors?
I loved all of my professors and felt they genuinely cared about my success and wanted
to see me succeed.
Did you complete an internship?
I completed clinical hours at various sites that the university was able to coordinate.
Did you participate in anything else at CBU?
I participated in intramural sports and student leadership. Each allowed me the opportunity
to develop lifelong friendships and provided me with usable life skills.
How did you grow (spiritually, socially, educationally) while in this program at CBU?
I grew a lot in my faith by surrounding myself with others that also loved the Lord
and by being challenged by Christian studies courses. I grew socially by being forced
outside of my comfort zone and making new friends. I grew educationally by having
professors that encouraged my critical thinking.
Did your major help you figure out your purpose?
Yes! I found that nursing was what I am meant to do!
Life after CBU
What have you done since graduating?
I commissioned into the United States Navy as an officer. I completed required military
trainings to ensure I was able to practice as a registered nurse and perform my duties
as an officer.
What are your current job duties?
I am a registered nurse. I am in charge of ensuring my unit is up to date in required
military trainings. I ensure all documentation is being done to the standards of hospital
policy. I help junior enlisted sailors with their direct patient care and clinical
How has your time at CBU prepared you for life after college?
I believe CBU helped prepare me for the future by allowing me to learn valuable skills
for independence. CBU also provided me with leadership skills that I utilize while
overseeing junior sailors.
Is there anything you learned at CBU that you still use in your professional life
I use the skills I developed at CBU everyday. Skills as simple as cooking for myself
and doing household chores to as complex as my communication to my supervisors is
appropriate and professional.
How are you making a difference in the world? How are you living your purpose?
I am making a difference in the world by ensuring the members of the United States
military are healthy and are physically and mentally able to defend the freedoms of
our country. I am living my purpose my practicing as a registered nurse and providing
care to those who can?t for themselves.
What are your future goals and plans?
In the future I hope to further my education and become a certified registered nurse
anesthetist. I also hope to have a long and impactful career as a naval officer.
Would you recommend CBU to others?
I would recommend CBU to other students because it is a school that has great educational
opportunities and the professors ensure you are set up for success upon graduation.