"The classes on counseling are what affirmed that counseling is my passion. Getting hired in a counseling office has been unspeakably fruitful in giving me a very realistic taste of what my future entails."
Quick Facts
Program: B.A. in Psychology
Graduation Year: 2017
Current Job Title: Counselor
Life at CBU
What is the best thing about the psychology major at CBU?
The psychology major at CBU seems to be a place where academics and Christianity collide
in a beautiful way. Psychology is notorious for being inherently secular, however,
the program at CBU showed me how what you learn in the field of psychology can be
used for the purposes and glory of God. On top of that, every faculty member is an
expert in their field and desires strongly to pour into their students, if they show
that initiative. There is so much knowledge, wisdom and love to be poured into the
student by the faculty that so much more than an education can be earned. Not only
is the student well equipped to take on the world outside of CBU, they are prepared
to influence and shape that world in a significant way. There is a testimony that
speaks to this truth, that employers are specifically seeking CBU psychology students
to fill positions.
To summarize then, the best thing about the psychology major at CBU is that the student is handed the greatest of opportunities to learn, grow and impact their world with the skills and experience that can be gained from the faculty and professors; all for the purposes and glory of God.
Describe one memory from your time at CBU that involves the psychology major, psychology
classes or events in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.
I participated in the CBU Research Colloquium in April. The research that I had done
was with a partner who was also a psychology major and Professor Erin Smith. We had
worked and slaved over this research for the good part of a year. There were late
nights, humiliating paper drafts (with red marks everywhere), and a lot of last-minute
scrambling. I remember getting our data for the first time on a Friday, not being
able to see it until the following Tuesday, and then presenting the completed research
at the colloquium that following Thursday. When I showed up to the colloquium, I stepped
into a room filled with students and graduate professors, both of which had research
to present. Needless to say, I felt like a small fish in a small but very vicious
pond. All of that drafting, scrambling over the data, revisions and late nights were
not in vain though. Those are exactly what prepared my partner and I to discuss our
findings at such a high level. On top of that, it is fantastic practice for when we
presented that same research in Boston at the end of May.
If you’ve been involved in any form of service learning related to any of your behavioral
science classes, how did it impact you?
Being a TA for Professor Goodman, I was tasked with chores and assignments, like grading
or setting up class or other related things. Professor Goodman has a huge heart and
she loves to help those who have a hard time helping themselves, or who are oppressed
and don't have the power to help themselves. Professor Goodman asked me to do some
research for immigrants that she knows. These are honest guys doing hard work, with
pure intentions, in a place that hands them opportunity. She asked that I do some
digging and find out exactly what their rights are, and exactly what laws say can
happen to them. So, I did a lot of digging and found what their rights are, how they
should be treated, how they can advocate for their rights, and how they can behave
so that they have less odds of being transported back to their home country. After
all of this work I did, even to the point of hunting down President Trump’s actual
executive orders on the matter, she replied back with "Great, now can you find all
of that in Spanish?" She was setting up materials that she could give to the men that
she ministered to so that they could protect themselves and carry some extra dignity.
This was faith, and academics in action, producing a good fruit; and I got to be a
part of it.
Life after CBU
What has the psychology major done to help you prepare for your future goals?
This question is ironic, because the psychology major is what shaped my future goals. The
psychology major, and my participation within the department, is what showed me that
I love research. The classes taught by Dr. Vazquez on counseling is what affirmed
that counseling is my passion. Establishing myself there is also what led to my getting
hired in a counseling office, which has been unspeakably fruitful in giving me a very
realistic taste of what my future entails, Lord willing. The psychology major at CBU
puts out such well-rounded students that they can confidently step into a real-world
opportunity, not simply with a feeling of preparation, but with a feeling of confidence.
My testimony at the school can be a testimony to this truth. I am a product of the
psychology major, and have raised my own expectations of myself and know that what
is required of me now is to set my sights on a PsyD, something that I never believed
could have happened to me before getting accepted to CBU with roughly a 2.5 GPA. The
psych major metamorphosed me.