
"CBU was more than just an education for me. It prepared me spiritually, personally and professionally for life after graduation. I am living my purpose currently as a catering manager (event planner) at Disney. I work hard to glorify God through the way that I show up, speak, act and complete my work."

Quick Facts

Program: Public Relations, BA
Graduation Year: 2018
Current Job Title: Catering Manager (Event Planner) at Disney

Life at CBU

How did CBU prepare you for life after graduation?

CBU was more than just an education for me. It prepared me spiritually, personally and professionally for life after graduation. Not only were my academic pursuits enriched by a biblical worldview, my life as a student was marked by spiritual growth through discipleship, mentorship and the saturation of the gospel in everything I was involved in. Academically, I learned how to apply my degree in public relations to a future career, something I lean on every day in my job. Personally, I grew up at CBU, gained independence, and cultivated a community of friends and a local church that still play a pivotal role in my life today. Professionally, I had the opportunities to work with real-life clients in the classroom, interned for the Public Relations Society of America, actively participated in the student chapter of the same organization, worked on campus and attended seminars and conferences that gave me the training and tools I needed to have a fulfilling career. Overall, I left CBU with an understanding of how to pursue the gospel through my career and how to partake in the Great Commission in my everyday life. I feel equipped to be a husband, father, friend, employee, etc. and a large part of that is because of my time at CBU. 

Life after CBU 

How are you living your purpose?  

For me, living my purpose is not about a specific job that I feel called to do but rather what I do with what God has given me. I show up to work with a greater sense of why I exist and what my ultimate purpose is, which is to make God’s name known among the nations by making disciples and sharing the gospel. I am living my purpose currently as a catering manager (event planner) at Disney. It is there that I have the opportunity to share who Jesus is with my coworkers and clients. I work hard to glorify God through the way that I show up, speak, act and complete my work. I am living my purpose because my purpose is to make much of Jesus in every aspect of my life. 

What advice would you give new students?

Get involved. College will go by so quickly, so enjoy it while it lasts by making friends, memories and having fun. Work on campus, get involved in clubs, play intramural sports, go to fun campus events, and enjoy life as a college student. You should also get to know your professors, look for internships that will give you real world experience, go to the academic seminars even when they sound boring, and take advantage of opportunities that come your way to grow professionally. The Career Center is also a great resource that is sometimes ignored, but I recommend going at least once a year, doing mock interviews, and having your resume reviewed so that you can land jobs once you leave CBU. Spiritually, get involved with Challenge, go to a local church and look for ways to grow in your love for Jesus. You may feel busy now, but life will continue to give you more and more responsibilities, so take advantage of your college years to grow personally, professionally and spiritually so you are prepared for life outside of school.