Health and Immunization Requirements
Immunization and Health Screening Policy
California Baptist University MSPAS program requires that its students be up to date on the following immunizations and skin tests. Students are expected to have these immunization current upon matriculation and updated as needed prior to beginning their clinical clerkships.
Immunization is required each year.
- Must be completed within the six months prior to entering the program.
- Applicants with a history of positive tests must provide documentation of appropriate screening/treatment.
- Prior BCG immunization does not preclude skin testing.
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP)
- Documentation of a primary immunization series (3 doses of any combination of DTP, DTap, DT, or Td), with a booster dose of Tdap given within the past 5 years.
- If you have not received a primary series, you will need to get an adult tetanus series which consists of 3 vaccine doses, the first dose administered at any time, with the second dose 1 month later, and the 3rd dose 6 months later. A dose of Tdap is required to be one of the doses in the series.
Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)
- Documentation of a primary immunization series of 2 doses, with the 1st dose given on or after 1st birthday and 2nd at least one month after 1st dose.
- You are exempt if you were born before January 1, 1957, or have documentation of a satisfactory antibody titer.
Immunization is required each year.
Hepatitis B
- Documentation of a primary immunization series of 3 doses, and a Hepatitis B surface antibody titer showing immunity.
- An antibody titer showing immunity without 3 doses will meet the requirement.
- If you do not have immunity, an adult series of 3 doses will be required, with the 1st dose administered at any time, 2nd dose 1 month later, and 3rd dose 6 months after 2nd dose. A titer is then required 1-2 months after completion of immunization series.
Chickenpox (Varicella)
- Documentation of a primary immunization series of 2 doses and a varicella IgG antibody titer showing immunity.
- If you have not had the primary series of 2 doses, a titer showing immunity will meet the requirement.
- If you have a titer showing that you do not have immunity, an adult series of 2 doses, with the 1st dose being administered at any time and the 2nd dose administered 1 month later, and a satisfactory titer 6 months after completion of series is required.
CDC Information: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/mening/who-vaccinate.htm. Bacterial Meningitis immunization is strongly recommended. See links below:
Meningitis Immunization Schedule: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2018.pdf
Comprehensive Immunization Schedule: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/adult/adult-pocket-size.pdf
Health Screening and Immunization Verification
A health screening and immunization record form is to be completed by the successful candidate and forwarded to the Student Health Center as part of the application process prior to, and as a condition of matriculation. Students will be required to update their health status and immunizations prior to entering the clinical phase of the program. Health screening, immunizations and tests are available at the Student Health Center. Candidates and students may obtain the immunizations from their own health care provider, but will still need to show proof and obtain clearance from the campus Student Health Services. Students must provide documentation of immunization or make arrangements with the Student Health Services to meet these requirements. Students must sign a release so that immunization records and health status verification may be sent to the program.