Lecture Series
The School of Christian Ministries Lecture Series provides an opportunity for students, faculty, pastors, and guests to learn from leading evangelical scholars who combine their academic expertise with service to the church. Our goal is to provide thoughtful academic presentations that stir godly affections and lead to action. If you have any questions about the Lecture Series or would like to know more about the School of Christian Ministries, please contact Anthony Chute, associate dean of the School of Christian Ministries.
October 3, 2023
Dr. Frank Thielman, chair of divinity and professor of New Testament at Beeson Divinity School
“God's Empowering Grace”
February 23, 2023
Dr. Mariam Kovalishyn, associate professor of New Testament at Regent College
“Good Religion? How the Gospel Transforms Everything (James 1:26-27)”
October 4, 2022
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson, chancellor’s professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary
“To Know Christ”
March 29, 2022
Dr. Walter R. Strickland II, assistant professor of Systematic and Contextual Theology at Southeastern Baptist
Theological Seminary
"The Gifts of the African-American Christian Tradition"
November 9, 2021
Dr. Gregg Allison, professor of Christian theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"The Holy Spirit and the Church"
September 28, 2021
Dr. Ray Ortlund, president of Renewal Ministries
“Revival: The Theology and Ministry of True Awakening”
March 11, 2020
Dr. David Platt, pastor of McLean Bible Church
“Disregarding the Goal of God”
November 7, 2019
Dr. Ronald L. Ellis, President at California Baptist University
"Thoughts on Building a University Committed to the Great Commission: A Quarter Century
and Counting"
October 24, 2019
Dr. Mike Bullmore, Pastor at Crossway Community Church
"The Five Greatest Heart Challenges of Preaching"
March 6, 2019
Dr. Graham Cole, Dean of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Just What Is The Holy Spirit Doing Now?”
February 14, 2019
Dr. Ray Ortlund, Pastor of Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee
“Gospel Culture: What It Is”
“Gospel Culture: How It Works"
October 16–17, 2018
Dr. David Dockery, President of Trinity International University
“Challenges, Coherence, and Confession: A Distinctive Approach to Christian Higher
“The Southern Baptist Convention: Understanding the Past, Charting the Future”
April 5, 2018
Dr. Ray Van Neste, Professor of Biblical Studies, Union University
“The Portrait of a Faithful Pastor”
February 5, 2018
Dr. D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“How Should Christians Think About Suffering and Evil?”
“What Happened When Joseph Faced Sexual Temptation?”
Oct 17, 2017
Dr. Doug J. Moo, Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College
“Celebrating Justification: Some Remarks on the Reformation Doctrine After Five Centuries”
“What Christian Higher Education Is All About: Renewing the Mind”
Mar 30, 2017
Dr. Tom Schreiner, Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean of the School of Theology,
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Justification by Faith Alone”
Nov 1, 2016
Dr. John MacArthur, President, Master’s College and The Master’s Seminary
“Why I Love the Church”
Sept 27, 2016
Dr. Gregg Allison, Professor of Christian Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“The Trinity and the Church”
Feb 23, 2016
Dr. John Mahony, Professor of Theology, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
“Purchased Grace”
Jan 28, 2016
Dr. D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Psalm 40”
Q&A Panel
Nov 3, 2015
Dr. Paul House, Professor of Old Testament, Beeson Divinity School
“Dietrich Bonhoeffer and His Vision for Education”
Oct 6, 2015
Dr. David Dockery, President of Trinity International University
“Southern Baptists and Evangelicals Revisited”
Sept 24, 2015
Dr. Steve Nichols, President of Reformation Bible College
“Courage, Conviction, and the Cross: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Our Cultural Challenge”
Apr 9, 2015
Dr. Timothy George, founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School
“Seven Turning Points in Luther’s Life”
Mar 10, 2015
Dr. George Guthrie, Professor of Bible, Union University
“Responding to False Forms of Ministry”
Jan 22, 2015
Dr. Steve Wellum, Professor of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Jesus as Lord and Son: Two Complementary Truths of Biblical Christology”
Nov 18, 2014
Dr. Bob Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary
“The Reality of God? Assurance in 1 John” (no video available)