Student Outcomes
- Writing, editing and revising: Graduating students will be able to write, edit, and revise a well-organized essay using clear syntax, diction, and style.
- Critical interpretation and analysis: Graduating students will be able to critically interpret texts based on literary theory, genre, and context.
- Research: Graduating students will be able to identify, navigate, and evaluate appropriate research tools and incorporate scholarly research into their own writing.
- Faith: Graduating students will be able to explain their worldview as well as biblical principles in relation to the creation and interpretation of literature.
Listening and reading: Graduates of the Spanish program will demonstrate listening and reading comprehension skills sufficient to understand any genre of literature or speech in the target language at a level equivalent to the advanced level according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
Graduates will demonstrate proficiency in speaking and writing the Spanish language: Graduates will conduct oral demonstrations and prepare academic papers in the Spanish language at a level equivalent to the advanced level according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
Analysis of the Spanish language: Graduates will understand and analyze various components of Spanish linguistics including the grammatical, lexical and orthographic features needed to communicate effectively.
Understanding of the target culture: Graduates will understand and examine Iberian and Latin American Culture in its diverse manifestations including history, geography, literature, music, art and social structures.
Cultural competence: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to function within the target culture in a manner considered culturally appropriate.
Knowledge of literature: Graduates will understand and distinguish specific traits of literatures in various Latin American nations and in Spain.
Analysis of literature: Graduates will examine and analyze Iberian and Latin American literature using a variety of approaches.