Mission & Vision
Our Mission
In the 1954 Articles of Incorporation, California Baptist University stated a defining purpose to “conduct regular four year college courses in education, music, sciences and the liberal arts and to grant certificates, diplomas and any and all degrees evidencing completion of any course of training . . . as may be needed and advantageous in preparing and qualifying ministers and others for Christian work.” The continued pursuit of excellence in the 21st Century by California Baptist University demands skilled and talented mathematical science professionals.
Our mathematical science programs provide firm foundations in the traditional pure and applied disciplines of mathematics. We offer majors in actuarial science, statistics and data analytics, sports analytics, foundational mathematics, and mathematics; in addition, we offer minors in applied statistics, actuarial science, physics, and mathematics, and a certificate in actuarial science. We also have one graduate program, a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences exists to serve five principal student populations:
- Undergraduates desiring to major in any of the above majors;
- Undergraduates wishing to enrich their education by pursuing one of the above minors;
- Undergraduates in degree programs that require statistical or mathematical coursework, including the liberal arts major;
- Undergraduates needing to satisfy general education requirements and;
- Graduates in the M.S. of Applied Mathematics program.
The development of this program are a perfect fit with our mission-oriented, purpose-driven goals of a world-changing Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20).
His and Our Vision
Mathematical Sciences at CBU Means:
1) Biblically Rooted
- Students value the fundamental roots of logic and mathematical thought that historically stem from a faith-basis and reflection of accountability to Christ’s Lordship and the Scriptures;
- Students discover and think God’s thoughts after Him. He is the Logic of the Universe and all derive being and meaning from Him;
- Students are spiritually literate and morally prepared to value each person as a unique creation of Almighty God. They seek to build and encourage others in home, church, community, nation and world.
2) Globally Minded
- Students seek quantitative ways to advance The Great Commission and are prepared to serve internationally in applying their skills to meet fundamental human physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
- Students are culturally, philosophically and aesthetically aware of the roots and backgrounds of math and can give “honor to whom honor is due.”
3) Academically Prepared
- Students have a solid foundation of mathematical processes at a level comparable to that of students graduating with mathematical science training at other universities. These processes include (but are not limited to) a proficiency in logic, problem solving, and methods of proof.
- Students demonstrate their ability to apply mathematics in other fields at an appropriate level and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge acquired from their major to real world models.
- Students master abstract mathematical concepts, including analysis, number theory, various geometries, abstract algebra, and critical reasoning.
- Students acquire up-to-date skills and/or applications of modeling, statistics, and computer programming related to future career choices.
- Students apply their knowledge of mathematics through an in-depth senior project/research experience. Results will be presented in both written (paper, publication, etc.) and visual (PowerPoint, poster, etc.) formats.
4) Equipped to Serve
- Students study and pursue graduate studies and careers in the workplace with excellence;
- Students implement a personal and social ethic in employing their quantitative skills that positively impacts multiple levels of local, national, and international communities
How Does This Work Out for Students?
CBU's Department of Mathematical Sciences:
1) Prepares Students for Graduate School
- Over 25% of our math majors went on to PhD programs in recent years.
- Almost all of these students received full tuition scholarships and received additional financial support through research and/or teaching fellowships.
- In the past five years, our graduating seniors have been accepted to graduate schools in mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics, computer science, physics, and economics at USC, UCR, ASU, Auburn, to name a few.
- THE BIG REASON is we strongly encourage and support mathematical science majors to participate in a research experience.
2) Prepares Students for World-Changing Careers
- Our recent majors serve at Google, data mining firms, consulting, software engineering, high-school teaching, actuarial science, criminal policy analysis, and many other world-changing, community-serving careers.
3) DOES RESEARCH and Publishes It
- Every math major has a research experience before they graduate, in the form of a Senior Capstone involving research or industry-related project.
- Faculty often jointly author papers with students.
- Some students have independently authored papers and presented at International and National Conferences – like Joint Mathematical Meetings (AMS and MAA), San Diego, January 2018 with 6450 attenders the largest math conference in the world!
4) Faculty Live Their Purpose—to Enable YOU to Excel!
- Our regular faculty hold PhDs from some of the best programs in their research areas.
- Faculty have won teaching awards at their previous institutions.