This course covers research designs and methods, as well as analysis within evidence-based-practice. Students will evaluate research studies in communication sciences and disorders and apply results of research-based intervention in practice of speech-language pathology. They will also demonstrate understanding of the clinician's role as an evaluator and consumer of research, learn to critically read literature, apply findings, and identify their own priorities for research to advance both theory and practice in the communication sciences and disorders.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Ness, Bryan M.
01/13/2025 Th 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM Health Science Campus L247

The course provides detailed and in-depth study of normal development of articulation/phonology, the nature and causes of abnormal articulation/phonology, and the assessment and treatment of these processes. Students develop skills in the phonetic transcription of errors, administration and evaluation of articulation test results, and in planning of individualized treatment procedures.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Kim, Namhee
09/02/2025 T 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM Health Science Campus A016

The course guides students to develop an understanding of the clinical process, clinical terminology and contemporary professional issues affecting practice. They will also become familiar with processes involved in reviewing files, reviewing general disorder areas, understanding communication abilities of clients, positive and negative clinician traits, writing behavioral objectives, teaching and treatment techniques, data collection and analysis. Students will use this knowledge to prepare for their first clinical experience.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Sendor, Cindy Marie
09/02/2025 Th 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L246

The course focuses on pediatric language disorders in children ages 0-21, the impact of language disorders on academic performance, and high and low incidence disorders. Students will also become knowledgeable in prevention, screening, assessment, identification, and treatment of pediatric language disorders. Principles and techniques of assessment, intervention with a focus on the periods of emergent language, language for learning, and advanced adolescent language are also presented and integrated with students' clinical practicum.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Homer, Mercy Ann
09/02/2025 T 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L246

The course details the specialized skills necessary for conducting diagnostic assessment, as well as the knowledge and skills for assessment of communication disorders across the lifespan, interpretation of assessment findings, and communication of test results to clients and families. Students will acquire practical skills for assessing test development and measurement of validity, reliability, and standardized scores. Students will engage in active test administration, and combine case history assessment information to develop client profiles leading to diagnosis, recommendation, and treatment goals.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Homer, Mercy Ann
09/02/2025 Th 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM Health Science Campus A016

Students will study Autism Spectrum Disorder in terms of its diagnosis, etiologies, and characteristics across the lifespan. They will analyze and compare a variety of current, controversial, and traditional treatments and theories, as well as biomedical issues, special diets, and chelation. The course also focuses on the early childhood assessment procedures essential for diagnosis and intervention.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Homer, Mercy Ann
01/13/2025 T 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L249

This course provides detailed information regarding the peripheral and central nervous systems as they relate to normal speech and voice production, language, cognition, and swallowing. Students will practice relating site of lesion to corresponding disorders, and describe the neuropathologies that contribute to neurogenic communication disorders and dysphagia.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Vickers, Candace P.
09/02/2025 M 1:15 PM - 4:15 PM Health Science Campus L244

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with acquired neurogenic language disorders and the left hemisphere pathologies that cause them (stroke, brain injury). Students will describe and practice procedures for assessment, treatment and management of patients with all forms of aphasia in locations ranging from the intensive care unit and outpatient services to community based rehabilitation.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Vickers, Candace P.
01/13/2025 T 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM Health Science Campus L247

The purpose of this course is to equip graduate students with foundational knowledge in current best practice for diagnosis and treatment of acquired neurogenic cognitive communication disorders. The course provides essential information concerning cognitive communication disorders resulting from traumatic brain injury, right hemisphere brain injury and progressive neurological disorders (dementia). The course will also offer students a path to obtaining the Provisional Certificate in Brain Injury.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Ness, Bryan M.
05/05/2025 TTh 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM Health Science Campus L249

Students complete in depth study of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and related assistive technology used to aid individuals with complex communication needs (e.g., severe physical impairments, sensory impairments, severe communication disorders, etc). Students will gain experience in the selection and programming process, including practical skills for gaining funding for devices for clients in various settings. They will also analyze the impact of cognitive, educational, physical, psychosocial, and linguistic aspects of human behavior on AAC use, assessment, intervention, and research issues.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Nicks, Alexandria A.
01/13/2025 T 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM Health Science Campus L247

Students gain familiarity with detailed information about the nature of fluency disorders, as well as the assessment of and treatment of stuttering and fluency disorders for both pediatric and adult age groups. The course includes demonstrations of assessment and treatment of dysfluency and stuttering, as well as cluttering behaviors that interfere with ease of communication in home, school and community life.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Pulliam, Johanna Rochelle
01/13/2025 Th 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L249

This course reviews contemporary practice issues surrounding the educational system where many speech language pathologists work, including understanding/appreciation of varying processes/procedures, legislative foundations, the referral/assessment process, Student Study Team, IEP process, Response to Intervention (RTI) process, options for service delivery, collaboration, specific state curriculum standards, specialized services, and review of SLP role in public school.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Pulliam, Johanna Rochelle
09/02/2025 T 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L247

The course reviews current theories on language acquisition and practical application pertaining to culturally and linguistically diverse persons with communication disabilities. Students will explore and develop cultural competence for assessment, intervention, and family/community interactions in school, community and healthcare settings for persons across the lifespan. Students will gain practical experience in appropriate procedures for use of interpreters and describe community resources for language difference, disorder, and disability.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Homer, Mercy Ann
05/05/2025 T 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Health Science Campus L249

The course provides in-depth-study of etiology, interdisciplinary assessment, remediation of communicative impairments in children, and adults with craniofacial anomalies. Students will acquire detailed knowledge regarding etiological factors and methodology for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of functional and organic disorders of voice across the lifespan and in diverse populations.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Ness, Bryan M.
01/13/2025 W 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Health Science Campus L248

The course provides detailed study of motor speech disorders in children/adults resulting from developmental, acquired, and progressive conditions caused by damage to the central or peripheral nervous system. Students will utilize knowledge of the neurological bases of speech production and neuroanatomy in gaining skills for differential diagnosis of motor speech disorders, and plan assessment and treatment for persons with apraxia of speech and/or the dysarthrias.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Vickers, Candace P.
09/02/2025 Th 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L247

Students complete in-depth study of the anatomy and physiology of the normal swallow in children and adults, neurological and oncologic disorders which affect the swallowing process, and evaluation of the patient with dysphagia for both clinical and instrumental analysis. Treatment plans based on history and evaluation results will be designed and examined. Students will also analyze the impact of historical and current research on the assessment and management of swallowing disorders.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Ness, Bryan M.
09/02/2025 Th 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM Health Science Campus A015

This course will introduce students to the counseling skills needed by speech-language pathologists in their daily interactions with clients/patients and their families. A broad overview of counseling theories and techniques will be provided. Students will understand the emotional needs of individuals with communication disorders and their families and how communication disorders affect the individual and family system. Counseling needs of individuals with specific disorders will be discussed, including those with voice and resonance disorders, fluency disorders, autism spectrum disorders, hearing loss, acquired/adult language and cognitive disorders, and congenital disorders.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Vickers, Candace P.
05/05/2025 T 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L249

Students complete a Capstone project in which they explore a special interest in the field of speech language pathology. Projects may consist of a detailed case study, comprehensive literature review, or service oriented research project. A further requirement of the course includes student's completion of an electronic portfolio which provides evidence of both academic and preprofessional accomplishments during graduate school which will support the student for pursuing employment in the field.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Kim, Namhee
01/13/2025 W 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM Health Science Campus L244
Ness, Bryan M.
01/13/2025 W 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM Health Science Campus A013

The Praxis Review course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive review of communication and swallowing processes, and their assessment and treatment as a preparation for taking the national Praxis examination in speech language pathology. In addition, the course will emphasize understanding of the current Praxis exam format, question style, and test taking strategies. Students will prepare for next steps in pursuing the speech language pathology services credential, clinical fellowship year, and required professional experience for state licensure.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Homer, Mercy Ann
01/13/2025 W 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Health Science Campus L248

This IPE introductory course provides exposure to learners early in their educational programs to engage in activities that offer knowledge based information, focused on "describing roles and responsibilities" and "demonstrating awareness of interprofessional (IP) communication and teamwork in the context of shared curricular topics required across health professions. An introductory level hybrid course of Inter-Professional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies and an end of course seminar for all students will be required.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Herrera, Dayna L.
09/02/2025 - Online

This course will engage intermediate learners in their educational program together through their own programs activities that provide opportunities to continue to build upon IPE competencies and develop collaborative skills, knowledge and attitudes. Programs will integrate multifaceted active teaching methods such as simulation, problem-based learning, clinical practicum, community-based projects, service-learning, and other IPE activities.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Herrera, Dayna L.
01/13/2025 - Online
Herrera, Dayna L.
09/02/2025 - Online


Students will acquire 45 hours of clinical experience in the following areas: 1) administration of hearing screenings for children and adults and supervised clinical experience in provision of aural habilitation and rehabilitation services, and, 2) assessment and intervention in the areas of phonology, language disorders of children, fluency, and autism spectrum disorders. Clinical contact will include linguistically and culturally diverse populations across the life-span in a variety of settings.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Edinburgh-Taylor, Maya Nicolette
09/02/2025 Th 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Health Science Campus L249

Students will acquire 45 to 60 hours of clinical experience in both assessment and intervention in the areas of articulation and phonology, language disorders of children, fluency, autism spectrum disorders and acquired neurogenic communication disorders. Clinical contact will include linguistically and culturally diverse populations across the life-span in a variety of settings.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Ross, Michelle
01/13/2025 Th 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Health Science Campus L247

Students will acquire 45 to 60 hours of clinical experience in both assessment and intervention in the areas of acquired neurogenic communication disorders as well as in phonology, language disorders of children, fluency, autism spectrum disorders, and acquired neurogenic communication disorders. Clinical contact will include linguistically and culturally diverse populations across the life-span in a variety of settings.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Edinburgh-Taylor, Maya Nicolette
05/05/2025 Th 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM Health Science Campus L248

Students will acquire 45 to 60 hours of clinical experience in both assessment and intervention in the areas of acquired neurogenic communication disorders as well as in phonology, language disorders of children, fluency, autism spectrum disorders. Clinical contact will include linguistically and culturally diverse populations across the life-span in a variety of settings.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Homer, Mercy Ann
09/02/2025 T 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Health Science Campus A015

Students will acquire 105 hours of direct clinical experience in an externship in a public school setting. Students will compete both assessment and intervention in the areas of phonology, language disorders of children, fluency, and autism spectrum disorders. Clinical contact will include linguistically and culturally diverse populations across the lifespan in a variety of settings. Students may focus on a specialty area: acquired neurogenic, voice, cranio facial disorders, and cognitive disabilities.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Homer, Mercy Ann
01/13/2025 T 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Health Science Campus L249

Students will acquire 105 hours of clinical experience in community, health-care and/or medical settings. Clinical contact will include specialty areas of acquired neurogenic communication disorders, voice and resonance disorders, and dysphagia with linguistically and culturally diverse populations.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Ross, Michelle
05/05/2025 W 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Other Non-Site Locations OTHR

The comprehensive examination will cover content from the first five semesters of the program. If a student does not pass the comprehensive examination, he or she will need to re-enroll in the course.

InstructorStart DateDaysTimeLocation
Kim, Namhee
05/05/2025 M 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Health Science Campus L249