How do I apply for the BILA program?

Candidates must first be accepted to the university. Please see our application requirements for specific instructions.

Does CBU grant the BILA authorization?

All completed BILA courses will be reflected on your CBU transcript. All California teaching credentials and authorizations are granted by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Completing the CBU BILA program will fulfill the requirements to receive a recommendation from CBU’s School of Education to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the BILA authorization.

What do I need to do to receive a recommendation from CBU for the BILA authorization?

  • Be accepted into the university
  • Hold a valid California teaching credential
  • Have an English Learner Authorization or CLAD certificate
  • Complete the nine required units 
  • Pass a program-specific interview in Spanish
  • Pass CSET 147 Spanish Subtest III
    • CSET 147 can be waived with:
      • A major in Spanish
      • Valid single subject Spanish teaching credential
      • Earning these simultaneously to the BILA

Do I need a credential to receive my BILA authorization?

Candidates need a valid CA teaching credential or to be in an accredited teaching credential program. The CTC will not grant the BILA authorization until a preliminary teaching credential has been granted.

What does the BILA allow me to teach?

Adding a BILA authorization will allow teachers to teach in a bilingual classroom within their respective credential area.

What is the format for the BILA classes?

Classes are offered in-person in the evenings to meet the needs of working professionals and undergraduate students. Courses are 16 weeks long.

Can I take the BILA classes all in one semester?

The three BILA classes can be taken one at a time (one per semester) or all at once (three during the summer semester, when available).