1. Students will have a solid foundation of statistical, business and sports fundamentals at a level comparable to that of students graduating with a BS in Sports Analytics at other universities. Processes should include (but are not limited to) a proficiency in data analysis and visualization, computer skills, and applications and extensions to realms of sports operations.
  2. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply data science and analytics in sports and other fields at an appropriate level and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge acquired from their major to real world models.
  3. Students will demonstrate mastery of data analysis and statistical concepts by communicating critically reasoned analysis through written and oral presentations.
  4. Students will acquire up-to-date skills and/or applications of computer programming related to future career choices.
  5. Students will apply their knowledge of data science and analytics through an in-depth internship/senior project/research experience. Results will be presented in both written (paper, publication, etc.) and visual (PowerPoint, poster, etc.) formats.