This course serves as an introduction to the exciting field of communication, journalism, and public relations and the value of a degree in the Communication Arts Department. Students will be exposed to the concepts related to the Communication Arts disciplines. The course has been designed to introduce communication, public relations, and journalism students to the skills needed for success in their chosen program and to provide an overview of their discipline as well as others in the department. Program requirements will be discussed for each major as well potential professions post-graduation. Pass/Fail. (1 unit; Fall)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
COM101-A Brodie, Victoria K |
09/03/2024 | W | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | James Complex 171 |
COM101-A Brodie, Victoria K |
01/13/2025 | W | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | TBA |
Functions, responsibilities, and influence of various mass media and emerging forms of niche media in society. Students review the theories, structures, functions, practices, economics, critical analyses, and historical aspects of mass media and its social responsibility in society. (3 units; Fall, Spring, & Online)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN150-A Singh, Sonya C |
09/03/2024 | TTh | 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM | James Complex 192 |
JRN150-C Pearson, MaryAnn |
09/03/2024 | MWF | 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM | James Complex 192 |
JRN150-B Singh, Sonya C |
09/03/2024 | MWF | 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM | James Complex 190 |
JRN150-A Pearson, MaryAnn |
01/13/2025 | T | 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM | TBA ONLN |
JRN150-B Brodie, Victoria K |
01/13/2025 | MWF | 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM | TBA |
An introduction to mass media writing. Students will utilize journalistic reporting, editing and writing for mass audiences intended for distribution across electronic and print media outlets. (3.0 units; Fall, Spring, & Online)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN170-A Singh, Sonya C |
09/03/2024 | MWF | 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM | James Complex 048 |
JRN170-A Singh, Sonya C |
01/13/2025 | MWF | 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM | James Complex 048 |
The desire to understand the world through images and text has never been in higher demand, thus the need for photojournalists with a commitment to truth is just as high. The emphasis is on how to use the camera to communicate a message of awareness and lasting impact. Weekly exercises, both written and photographic, will be the foundation of this experience. Recent trends in the industry, as well as philosophical and historical roots of the profession, will be examined. (3 units; Spring)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN210-A Singh, Sonya C |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | James Complex 048 |
This course prepares the student to work in the new media marketplace where online and digital platforms are as important as traditional print media by incorporating audio and video components to storytelling. Instructional goals are to enhance awareness of mobile journalism elements and skills; to introduce an understanding of ethics, standards and legalities of producing and publishing mobile journalism stories; and to provide knowledge and skills necessary to develop audio and video components of multimedia journalism. (3 units; Fall/Spring)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN216-A Kruppa, James K. |
09/03/2024 | MWF | 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM | James Complex 036 |
JRN216-A Kruppa, James K. |
01/13/2025 | MWF | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | TBA |
Principles and practical experiences in layout and design, including copy, typography, photos and cutlines, and developing pre-press documents to provide practical knowledge of state-of-the-art publishing technology. (3 units; Fall/Spring)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
01/13/2025 | MWF | 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM | James Complex 048 |
Planning, gathering material, writing and preparation of articles for specialized and general media publications, with emphasis on the magazine article and newspaper feature; includes overview of the magazine market. Laboratory and field work. Students may only earn credit for either JRN 312 or JRN 350. Prerequisite: JRN 170. (3 units; Spring)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN312-A Singh, Sonya C |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM | TBA |
Practice in gathering information, conducting interviews and using online databases in writing and reporting news stories. Emphasis on style, clarity, accuracy, responsibility in handling the reporting of news. Laboratory and fieldwork. Prerequisite: JRN 170. (3 units; Fall, odd years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
An introduction to the ethical and legal aspects of public relations and journalism, including print, online and broadcasting. Students will gain practical insight into the field through review of real-world case studies and materials on ethics, policies and law. (3 units; Fall, Spring, & Online)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN320-A Singh, Sonya C |
09/03/2024 | TTh | 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | James Complex 036 |
JRN320-A Pearson, MaryAnn |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | TBA |
A course involving students in an in-depth study of procedures of copy editing for newspapers, magazines and online media. Through assignments and exercises, students will develop superior skills in grammar and word usage, punctuation, spelling, style, fact-checking, use of reference books, and writing headlines and captions. Students will practice substantive editing, and proofreading for print and online media. The special conditions of the increasingly important Internet to copy editors will be demonstrated. Prerequisite: ENG 113, 113E, or JRN 170. (3 units; Spring & Online)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN349-A Singh, Sonya C |
01/13/2025 | MWF | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM | TBA |
This course prepares the student to work as a journalist in todays newsrooms, where the online and digital platforms are at least as important as the traditional print or broadcast platforms. The emphasis is on gathering assets in the field (text, photographs, video, audio) and then using those assets to tell a comprehensive story. (3 units; Fall)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN430-B Kruppa, James K. |
09/03/2024 | MWF | 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM | James Complex 036 |
Complete 6 units from the following:
Hands-on experience in the production of public-facing news broadcasts for CBU TV and/or Lancers Noticias, the student-run newscasts of Lancer Media Group. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units. (1-3 units; Fall)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
BMP220-A Kruppa, James K. |
09/03/2024 | Th | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | James Complex 048 |
BMP220-A Kruppa, James K. |
01/13/2025 | Th | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | TBA |
Advanced hands-on experience in the final packaging and production of public-facing news broadcasts for CBU TV and/or Lancers Noticias, the student-run newscasts of Lancer Media Group. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units. (1-3 units; Spring)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
BMP440-A Kruppa, James K. |
09/03/2024 | Th | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | James Complex 048 |
BMP440-A Kruppa, James K. |
01/13/2025 | Th | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | TBA |
Principle concerns will be advanced problem solving and messaging for photography as a key element in journalism, as well as exploring the photojournalist's role in the news and editorial process. Visual perception, the role of words, picture eding, taste and judgement will also play a part in class discussion and presentations. Each week, both visual and written assignments will move the class to a better understanding of the potential and power of a journalistic package. Prerequisite: JRN 210. (3 units; Fall, even years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
This course will provide students with an introduction to electronic and traditional broadcasting principles. Students will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate online and traditional broadcasting principles in the form of podcasts. (3 units; Fall)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN325-A Kaplan, David J. |
09/03/2024 | TTh | 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM | James Complex 375 |
JRN325-A Kaplan, David J. |
01/13/2025 | MWF | 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM | TBA |
This course provides students opportunities to participate in the production of audio and video news stories and newscasts, using professional principles, aesthetics, ethics, and practices of journalistic audio and video reporting, producing in-field and project assignments. (3 units; Spring, even years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
Online communication platforms are constantly changing. Due to this dynamic environment, communicators must understand the strategies behind online media. This course gives students an immersive experience in analyzing, creating, and developing communication plans to effectively reach a digital audience. In addition, students will analyze and produce content for current and emerging social media platforms. By the end of the course, students will have learned how to curate and develop a social media presence for both themselves as individuals and for corporate entities or small businesses. (3 units; Fall)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN370-A Romo, Sandra Jean |
09/03/2024 | MWF | 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM | James Complex 375 |
JRN370-A Romo, Sandra Jean |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | TBA |
Concentration upon a specific topic in the field of Journalism. Topic varies for different semesters. May be taken multiple times with change in topic. (3 units; Fall/Spring)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
A deeper understanding of the relationship of words and images will be explored, as well as ethical persuasion and strategic communication within the context of today's media landscape. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the issues and challenges involved in assembling optimum media strategies, and the selection of appropriate media. Serving the public through engaging, carefully selected visual strategies will be studied. Weekly visual, as well as written assignments will strengthen the classroom experience. Prerequisite: JRN 210. (3 units; Fall, odd years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
A single, primary, in-depth project, involving a social issue with the intent to educate, inform, and implement change, will be at the heart of the class. Weekly visual and written goals will provide consistent retooling along the way. The collection of images and other related content in the field, as well as research, message construction, writing and editing, will play vital roles. Real world investigation will be vital in thi advanced journalistic endeavor. Students will show and discuss their work weekly, hare progress and respond to questions and fine tune the direction of their projects together. The style, length, direction, point of view, and primary message will grow out of decisions made in these small groups. Depending on the decisions of the small groups, the project may become a collaborative effort. The final project will be both visual and written. Prerequisite: JRN 210. (3 units; Fall, odd years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
Principles and practices of writing in the shorter forms of journalism, including editorials and opinion essays for print, electronic and online media outlets. Includes writing columns, blogs, opinion-page articles, and reviews of theater, music, books, and film. Prerequisite: JRN 170. (3 units; Spring, even years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
Under faculty supervision, the student will be assigned to a position, utilizing principles of journalism acquired and employed throughout their university experience. This internship provides an opportunity for investigating and participating in field experience with a practitioner of the trade, giving depth and breadth to their understanding of journalism as a whole. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chair. (1-3 units; Fall/Spring)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN450-IN Brodie, Victoria K |
09/03/2024 | - | Instructor OFFC | |
JRN450-IN Brodie, Victoria K |
01/13/2025 | - | Instructor OFFC | |
JRN450-IN Brodie, Victoria K |
05/05/2025 | - | Instructor OFFC | |
JRN450-IA Brodie, Victoria K |
06/30/2025 | - | Instructor OFFC |
The tradition of investigative reporters, who uncover facts and write articles that expose waste, wrongdoing, mismanagement, fraud, conflict of interest and abuse of authority, and promote change and reform, has a long and proud history that stands alongside more conventional journalistic practices. Students are provided with reportorial skills and techniques required by journalists who develop articles of substance and depth in specialized areas, with emphasis given to research, analysis, and interpretation of complex issues in writing for publication. Prerequisite: JRN 170. (3 units; Fall, even years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN460-A Kaplan, David J. |
09/03/2024 | TTh | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | James Complex 191 |
This course is designed to improve and expand the news gathering and writing skills of the media student, further developing understanding of broadcast news writing, new judgment and construction of broadcast news stories, as well as social responsibility and an ethical framework for broadcast journalists. (3 units; Spring, odd years)
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
JRN470-A Kaplan, David J. |
01/13/2025 | M | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | TBA |
*Curriculum subject to change. Please see the current catalog for more information.