This course describes how the cognitive processes of thought, perception, attention, and problem-solving develop in infants and young children. Students will have the opportunity to explore the value of active learning in the development of knowledge, the specific ways in which children construct knowledge, and the theoretical models that support cognitive development at home and in school.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | TTh | 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | Yeager Center B114 |
This course explores the concept of active learning and its importance to children's construction of knowledge through perception and movement, essentials of every learning experience.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | T | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B218 |
This course introduces students to the process through which a child develops a sense of self within a socio-cultural system. Students will learn the significance of a supportive interpersonal environment for personality development. They will evaluate theories of emotional and personality development in infants and young children. They will describe the effects of social and emotional development on learning.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH350-A Noh, Jee_Young |
01/13/2025 | T | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B112 |
ECH350-B Noh, Jee_Young |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Yeager Center B219 |
ECH350-C Noh, Jee_Young |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | Yeager Center B219 |
Assessment procedures for use with infants, toddlers, and preschool children with disabilities. Includes information on basic assessment issues and concerns, specialized assessment instruments for particular developmental domains, and recommended procedures for assessing young children with mild to moderate disabilities. Students will become familiar with a wide range of assessment approaches and understand how assessment results can be used in curriculum planning and program evaluation for general and special education.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH365-A Navarro, Jocelyn D. |
01/13/2025 | W | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B222 |
This course will explore spiritual development in young children from a biblical perspective including the role of Scripture in spiritual formation. Students will learn how to facilitate effectively the spiritual growth of children through a comprehensive understanding of the process of spiritual formation.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH370-A Noh, Jee_Young |
01/13/2025 | T | 7:05 PM - 9:30 PM | Yeager Center B112 |
Students will examine theories of learning as they apply in special education, particularly as they apply to behavior management in young children including children with disabilities. Principles of applied behavior analysis will be used in a case study.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH385-A Navarro, Jocelyn D. |
01/13/2025 | Th | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B222 |
Students will investigate learning environments for young children including home learning, hospital intervention programs, childcare centers, public school environments, and residential programs. They will examine the characteristics of model learning environments and how to plan for non-disabled children as well as children with various types of disabilities.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | TTh | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Yeager Center B259 |
Students will examine the role of the early childhood intervention specialist as a member of interdisciplinary teams through readings, observations, interviews with professionals and family members. They will acquire skills in working with interdisciplinary team members.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH415-A Perez, Cristian |
01/13/2025 | M | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B222 |
Students will gain understanding of research in the area of early childhood intervention. Using the topic of inclusion as a focus, students will read and critique research in the areas of special education policy, professionals' beliefs and relationships, family concerns, issues of culture, and child outcomes. In addition, students will write an integrative research review in an area of interest, and they will orally present their review to class members.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH455-A Navarro, Jocelyn D. |
01/13/2025 | MW | 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM | James Complex 104 |
This course is a study of the methods and principles of supervising teachers, assistant teachers, student teachers, parents and volunteers in early childhood and child development classrooms. Emphasis is on the role of administrators and classroom teachers who function as mentors to new personnel while simultaneously addressing the needs of administrative concerns, other staff, children and parents. Practical experience is attained in verbal and written communication. Attention is given to the role of communication as the conduit for establishing good interpersonal relations. This course is designed to be in alignment with the California Child Development Permit training requirements which state a Master Teacher must have a minimum of two (2) units in adult supervision.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | W | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Yeager Center B259 |
This course involves an introduction to management skills and administrative responsibilities pertaining to the successful operation of care and educational environments for early childhood programs. Emphasis is on the administration of programs for infants, toddlers, preschool, and school-age children. Content areas include: child and program development, adult supervision and management, family and community relationships, human resources development, business and fiscal management, and technological skill development. This course satisfies the Child Development Permit Requirement for Site Supervisor and Program Director Levels.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | W | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B259 |
This course examines the dynamics of management behavior and responsibilities, and the communication process within the organization. It includes the essentials of curriculum design, and its implementation and maintenance through systems of professional staff accountability. Quality program standards are reviewed and their link to professional growth planning and development are addressed. Presented as the foundation for effective management is skill building in leadership, teamwork, time management, sensitivity toward diversity, and advocating for the principles of developmentally appropriate practices. This course satisfies the Child Development Permit Requirement for Site Supervisor and Program Director Levels.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH462-A Navarro, Jocelyn D. |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | Yeager Center B222 |
Choose one of the following courses:
Students will investigate how issues of culture affect beliefs and relationships among professionals and families with young children including children with disabilities and how multiple perspectives can affect child outcomes. Students will choose an area of interest to investigate using problem-based learning and present the result of their research to class members.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | TTh | 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | Yeager Center B259 |
This course is designed to give students an opportunity for observation, practice, and service in a global context. The field experience will allow students to extend their learning through the designing and implementation of content-specific pedagogy and teaching strategies. Reflective practices will give students the opportunity to assess discipline-specific areas and gain cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
Choose one of the following courses:
This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of curriculum development in early childhood educational settings. Students will examine the principles involved in planning, implementing and evaluating developmentally appropriate curriculum in all developmental domains. Course content will emphasize the teacher's role in providing educational experiences that foster optimal growth and development of the individual child.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
This course will provide an introduction to the theory and practice of curriculum development in Pre-K settings with a specific focus on STEM integrated with the Arts. Students will learn how to design, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate programming (DAP) as well as the educator's responsibility in providing experiences that cultivate development of the whole child.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH440-A Navarro, Jocelyn D. |
01/13/2025 | TTh | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Yeager Center B222 |
The nature, determinants, adjustments, and problems of persons who have cognitive gifts and talents, cognitive delays, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and who have emotional or behavior disorders will be studied in conjunction with appropriate educational interventions in the mainstream classroom and other settings. The course will acquaint students with (a) characteristics and needs of children with disabilities that affect learning, (b) methods of assessing disabilities, (c) components of the Individual Education Program (IEP), (d) instructional strategies and material, (e) positive behavior support, (f) special needs of families of learners with disabilities, (g) agencies and professional supporting learners with disabilities, and (h) legislation, including Public Law 94-142, IDEA (Part B and Part H), the American Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504"), as well as subsequent amendments relevant to special education.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
EDU341-A McNair, Jeff L |
01/13/2025 | Th | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B221 |
09/02/2025 | W | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B251 |
Students will reflect on current trends and research in early intervention, including instructional content and practice for young children with disabilities. Students will apply and synthesize knowledge of early childhood intervention practice and research through analysis of videotapes and case studies as well as field work experiences.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | M | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B259 |
Through fieldwork and interaction with professionals from the community, students will become familiar with the particular needs of young children with low incidence disabilities and their families.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | Th | 4:30 PM - 6:55 PM | Yeager Center B218 |
This course is a practicum that includes observation, participation, and teaching in the early childhood setting from birth through transitional kindergarten. Emphasis is on program planning including assessment for children in early childhood education and early childhood intervention. This course meets the requirements of the California Child Development Permit, Core Areas: Child Growth and Development, Child, Family and Community and Programs and Curriculum.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
09/02/2025 | T | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM | Yeager Center B222 |
This capstone course serves to assess student learning in the Early Childhood Studies program. Students will draw on their work in early childhood studies classes to provide evidence of developing skills, knowledge and dispositions for becoming an early childhood educator.
Instructor | Start Date | Days | Time | Location |
ECH498-A Noh, Jee_Young |
01/13/2025 | - | Online |