Database Names and DescriptionsFull Text
Academic Search Premier
A great first stop when looking for scholarly journal articles, Academic Search Premier contains full text content across all academic disciplines from over 4,600 periodicals. Also contains some popular magazines. Most content is from the last twenty years.
Database includes full text.
Academic Writer (formerly APA Style Central)
Academic Writer helps you develop your writing and research skills, combining sophisticated learning and teaching tools, advanced authoring technology, and full integration of the APA manual.
Database includes full text.
This index database gathers article citations from journals in business, science, humanities, social science, medicine, technology and popular culture. It describes one article, news story, letter, or other item from a journal in each record, and provides a list of libraries that have the journal title for most items. Coverage includes over 15,000 titles from 1990 to the present.
Christian Periodical Index
Published by the Association of Christian Librarians, CPI is an interdisciplinary index of Christian periodicals. Search here if you're looking for articles or reviews written from an evangelical perspective.
Credo Reference
Credo Reference is a powerful source of introductory and reference information across all academic disciplines. Combining cross-searchable content from over 500 encyclopedias and other reference sources, Credo will also connect you to related materials in other library databases and collections.
Database includes full text.
Dissertations and Theses
The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses includes 3 million citations, over 1.5 million of which are available in full-text.
Database includes full text.
Ebook Central
Ebook Central is a database of over 130,000 e-books in all academic areas. This collection is also searchable via OneSearch and the OneSearch Catalog.
Database includes full text.
E-books on EBSCOhost
A collection of over 6,000 e-books on the familiar EBSCOhost platform. To discover all e-books, use OneSearch Catalog.
Database includes full text.
Films on Demand
This database includes over 20,000 online streaming educational videos from providers like PBS and Films for the Humanities & Sciences. Includes coverage of nearly all academic disciplines. Instructors can embed films in Blackboard for easy course integration. These videos are also discoverable through OneSearch and the library catalog (Webcat).
Database includes video.
Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library)
A cross-searchable collection of more than 2,500 reference volumes, including encyclopedias across all academic disciplines.
Database includes full text.
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints (formerly Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints is a great starting point for all of today's most common research topics. Featured "viewpoints" provide accessible overviews, which are supplemented by many articles from popular magazines and academic journals, as well as books, newspapers, statistics, videos and even audio recordings. A good way to get started is to click "Browse Issues".
Database includes full text.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a broad index of scholarly content across many different fields and content types.
JSTOR is an interdisciplinary database of back issues from the most important scholarly journals in many fields. Coverage of most journals begins with volume one and ends four or more years ago. The library currently provides access to twelve JSTOR collections: Arts & Sciences I-X, XII, and the Life Sciences collection.
Database includes full text.
OneSearch is a discovery service that lets you search across just about all of the library's collections at once. It includes everything in the library catalog, most databases, and much more. For finding books in our collections, use OneSearch Catalog or the "CBU Catalog Only" limiter. Databases that are not included in OneSearch include Dissertations and Theses and U.S. Major Dailies.
Database includes full text.
OneSearch Catalog
The easiest way to find books in the library's print and online collections. For more advanced searching, and account functions like renewing books and viewing due dates, use the Webcat Library Catalog. For books beyond the library's collections, use Camino or WorldCat.
Database includes full text.
OneSearch Reference
The easiest way to find academically credible overviews and introductions from academic encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks and other reference information sources from across the library's print and online collections.
Database includes full text.
RAND State Statistics
RAND State Statistics presents detailed historical and current statistical data on the state of California and the U.S. as a whole in categories like population, demographics, health, business, education, environment, economics, crime, labor, energy and more. Much of the data is available at city, county and state levels.
Database includes full text.
SAGE Premier
SAGE Premier is a collection of over 600 scholarly journals from one the world's largest and most respected publishers of academic information, with particular strengths in education, criminal justice and the social sciences.
Database includes full text.
This collection includes over 2,000 full-text journals -- and over 16 million articles -- from academic publisher Elsevier across all academic disciplines, with an emphasis on scientific and technical subjects.
Database includes full text.
A comprehensive general index of scholarly publications. Includes bibliographic records for academic journal articles primarily, but also for peer-reviewed books and conference proceedings. Scopus also provides advanced tools for analyzing the significance of individual journals, articles, scholars and institutions. Some journals are indexed as far back as 1823, but comprehensive coverage begins in 1996.
SHARE Institutional Repository
SHARE is an open access digital repository that collects, showcases, and preserves research produced by the California Baptist University community, bringing greater visibility to the scholarly pursuits and accomplishments of CBU's students and faculty. Currently, SHARE collects CBU graduate theses and dissertations.
Database includes full text.
This database includes access to over 20,000 e-books and 1,800 e-journals from Springer, a respected academic publisher. Most academic fields are represented, but it is strongest in the fields of science, technology and medicine. Please note that the library does not own all resources shown in this collection.
Database includes full text.
Statista is a user-friendly source for trustworthy statistics, with an emphasis on business applications. It also includes up-to-date reports on particular countries, companies, markets and trends. Don’t miss the Market Outlook expert tools, providing detailed data on consumer markets, digital markets, and automotive (mobility) markets.
Database includes full text.
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
Published annually by the federal government since 1878, and now published by ProQuest, The Statistical Abstract of the U.S. is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
Database includes full text.
Webcat Library Catalog
The Webcat Library Catalog is the traditional way to find the library's books -- both print books and e-books. For easier searching, use OneSearch Catalog. For finding books from beyond the library's collections, use Camino or WorldCat. Also found in Webcat are audiovisual materials like streaming video, music and DVDs. Access your library borrowing account using the "My Account" link to renew books, view due dates, etc.
Wiley Online Library
The web platform of the academic publisher Wiley includes a wide variety of scholarly journals and e-books across all academic disciplines.
Database includes full text.
WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, combining into one database the local catalogs of more than 71,000 libraries in 112 countries around the world.
Database includes full text.



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