News • August 30, 2018

Kickoff event welcomes new graduate students to CBU

Kickoff event welcomes new graduate students to CBU

Riverside, Calif. (Aug. 29, 2018) – California Baptist University welcomed nearly 500 new graduate students at a kickoff orientation at the Events Center on Aug. 28.

The last time CBU hosted a similar activity was in 2011. The university decided to bring back the event to help connect graduate students to the campus environment and university resources, said Alma Salazar, director of graduate admissions.

“We have created a robust orientation designed to give pertinent graduate-level information,” Salazar said. “We are excited to begin welcoming our students with open arms at a time where we are seeing so much growth in our graduate student population.”  

More than 600 new graduate students expected at CBU this fall, with more than 2,000 total, Salazar said.

The graduate kickoff started with a resource fair, allowing students to connect with representatives from various campus offices. Additionally, students were able to meet with faculty from their respective school or college within CBU.

Andrew Greenfield, a Master of Science in Kinesiology student, said he chose CBU because of the small class size and the research opportunities.

“I am looking forward to getting to know my fellow students and my professors and being able to work closely with them,” Greenfield said.

Stephanie Stamper is pursuing a Master of Social Work. She appreciates how CBU integrates faith into its classes.

“I’m looking forward to better equipping myself to deal with the vulnerable populations and to gain more resources for the people I know need help,” Stamper said.

The orientation also addressed the “Core 4” at CBU, Lancer culture and student expectations.

Dr. Ricardo J. Cordero-Soto, associate professor of mathematics at CBU, spoke to the students about finding the right motivation for graduate school. There are several motivations for success in graduate school, but only one will make the students resilient enough to succeed, he said.

“A God-given-purpose is the driving force that will withstand the highs and lows of graduate school,” Cordero-Soto said. “We challenge each graduate student to be driven by a desire to live out his or her God-given-purpose.”

Contact CBU Marketing and Communication

Vice President for Marketing and Communication:
Angela Meluski

8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504