Engineering, BSE

Without engineers, much of the world as we know it wouldn’t exist. They’re responsible for an extensive number of inventions we rely on every day. 

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Program Intro

CBU’s engineering degree gives students the broadest number of outcomes, offering concentrations in agriculture, business, civil engineering, global applications, internet of things, mechanical engineering and pre-med. Engineers have an innate curiosity to understand how things work and that curiosity is what drives CBU’s graduates who are known for their leadership skills, critical thinking and team spirit.

109 Units

*87-109 units, depending on concentration

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7 Concentrations
100 % Christian Faculty and Staff

Why Study Engineering at CBU?

Work in the industry and gain real-world experience

One of the most important parts of students’ college training will be learning in a real engineering job. Students have a special course to prepare them for this first engineering job. Their official internship will be the summer of their junior year, although other opportunities may occur for them to work in the industry.

Learn how to manage projects

Industrial representatives continue to emphasize that they wish new engineers had more project management experience. Engineering students in their junior year work with and co-mentor business students. Our goal is that eventually all students in our program will develop one of their own creative ideas and go through the process to receive a provisional patent.

Have a cross-cultural experience

All engineering students are required to have a cross-cultural experience. This can be achieved several ways including participating in an International or Engineering Service Project (ISP or ESP), choosing a senior capstone project with cross-cultural emphasis, taking an approved intercultural studies course, or going on an approved study abroad.

What You'll Learn

CBU engineering graduates are expected to acquire:

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Program Details

EGR 332: Communication Systems

Introduction to principles of modern communication systems with an emphasis on digital data transmission.

EGR 442: Computer-Aided Engineering Design and Visualization

Design, analysis and visualization of engineering components and systems using interactive computer programs with emphasis on computer simulation.

EGR 453: Environmental Engineering I

Introductory study of water treatment and supply, wastewater collection and treatment common to rural and metropolitan areas.

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  • Agricultural Concentration
  • Business Concentration
  • Civil Engineering Concentration
  • Global Applications Concentration
  • Internet of Things Concentration
  • Mechanical Engineering Concentration
  • Pre-Law Concentration

John Butler, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Office Phone: 951-552-8363
Office Location: College of Engineering Building, TEGR 325

Darren Gamble

I like designing and building things. This program has a lot of hands-on classes and internship opportunities. I've been looking into the automotive industry and aerospace but I'm not completely sure yet what I want to do with my degree. The engineering program believes that service in the community is a great way to give back while using engineering skills, and they acknowledge different perspectives on certain ideas.

Darren Gamble '21

Luke Dix

I chose engineering because I like to problem solve and I liked physics in high school. All the professors at CBU are really smart and they love Jesus. They have helped me think about how to integrate faith into my profession.

Luke Dix '21

Domingo Vargas

I like to figure out how things work. I'm not sure yet what I want to do specifically, but I do know I want to be a mechanical engineer.

Domingo Vargas '20

sae club

Student Opportunities: SAE Club

Students in CBU's SAE Car Club compete annually in competitions, gaining experience with SAE car design, a prerequisite for employment with SpaceX, and other engineering companies. In June 2021, at the Las Vegas competition, the Lancers placed fourth overall, ahead of all other California schools.

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Career Possibilities

Engineering majors can apply their field of study to a variety of careers in the engineering industry and beyond. Some careers listed below may require further education.

  • Engineer
  • Researcher
  • Bioengineer
  • Doctor
  • Lawyer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Global Applications Specialist
  • Developer

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Join our community. At CBU, you’ll be challenged to become an individual whose skills, integrity, and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish you in the world.