Elevate Your Learning

The University Tutoring Center (UTC) fosters the academic needs of students outside of the classroom to improve their academic performance, increase knowledge of course material, and facilitate paths to graduation.


The UTC offers CBU students a variety of in-person and online services to meet their academic needs and help them succeed, including one-on-one tutoring, group tutoring and supplemental instruction, peer mentoring, peer financial coaching, and proctored make-up examinations.

To schedule a Tutoring appointment click HERE . A list of available courses can be viewed by using the "Limit to" dropdown menu when searching for available appointments in WCOnline.

Please read instructions below carefully before booking your appointment:

  • When you first log in, you will have to register for an account. Please be sure to use your LancerMail email address.
  • If you need to edit or cancel your appointment, select your scheduled appointment and click "Edit Appointment" or "Cancel Appointment."

We have many group tutoring and supplemental instruction opportunities. Please call 951-343-4349 or email tutoring@calbaptist.edu to find out about how to join these sessions.

Peer Mentors are available to discuss time managment, study skills, motivation, or other academic challenges. 

To meet with a Peer Mentor just stop by the Universtiy Tutoring Center Study Space, Lancer Arms 54. Peer Mentors are availalbe and ready to help. 

To schedule an appointment with a Peer Financial Coaching click HERE or call 951-343-4349.

When logging in for the first time please register for an account and select the Peer Financial Coaching schedule.

Make-Up Exams are taken in the University Tutoring Center (Lancer Arms #54, upstairs, next to the Events Center). If you have missed an exam, please discuss your options with your professor BEFORE submitting a Test Contract request. Submitting a Test Contract does not guarantee approval to make up the exam.


  1. Student submits "Student Section" of Test Contract
  2. Faculty submits "Faculty Section" of Test Contract
  3. Student receives an email notifying them that the request has been approved, and they may schedule their exam. Exams must be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance.




Contact the Tutoring Center

Email: tutoringcenter@calbaptist.edu
Phone: (951) 343-4349
Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Friday, 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday-Sunday, Closed

Lancer Arms 54
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504

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