
Kimberly Williams earned her B.A. in Psychology from Cal State San Bernardino and is currently working toward her M.S. in Counseling Psychology from California Baptist University, anticipating graduation in Spring 2024. She is interested in working with the adolescent and young adult population. She loves to sing, is very family-oriented, and is the tallest of her four sisters. Her favorite bible verse is Isaiah 40:30-31, “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men shall utterly fall, but they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall soar on wings as eagles; they shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Contact the Counseling Center

Phone: (951) 343-5050
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Request a first-time appointment.

CBU Wellness Center
3626 Monroe Street
Riverside, CA 92504