ISP Immersion
Immersion teams will spend 4-8 weeks fully immersed in ministry to the unreached in strategic parts of the world.
Immersion teams will spend 4-8 weeks fully immersed in ministry to the unreached in strategic parts of the world.
Immersion teams will spend 4-8 weeks fully immersed in ministry to the unreached in strategic parts of the world.
About Immersion and International Service Projects
ISP is a program that brings together teams of CBU students to do life, learn, and serve globally. Immersion teams provide opportunities for students to engage in a peer-led biblical community for the purpose of joining in the mission of God among the nations. Immersion teams will spend 4-8 weeks fully immersed in ministry to the unreached in strategic parts of the world. We define immersion as being fully occupied in thought, life, relationships and service with Jesus Christ. Are you ready to take a bold step and play your part in reaching the lost?

Before You Apply: Immersion Program Information
Read the program information for prerequisites, cost, length of trip, training requirements and training curriculum before you start the application.

Team Previews
The projects are full! Come back in fall 2025 for information on how to apply for next year!

2024-25 SSP Applications Are Closed