Welcome Lancer Family, In this issue
July 26, 2024
Research Articles
Dr. Teresa Hamilton, professor of nursing, Dr. Rebecca Meyer, professor of nursing, Dr. Terri Thompson, professor of nursing, Dr. Melissa Anozie, associate professor of nursing, Dr. Marion Dunkerley, associate professor of nursing, and Dr. Karen Bradley, dean of the College of Nursing: Wisdom and the Bible in Teaching-Learning through Global Service Experiences. Nursing Science Quarterly.
Dr. Lindsay Fahnestock
Dr. Lindsay Fahnestock, associate professor of public health: Decoding Training Needs: Using Relevance and Exposure to Identify Training Needs. Journal of Environmental Health (July/August 2024).
Dr. Alex Chediak
Dr. Alex Chediak, professor of physics and engineering: How Can I Be a Christian in My Workplace? Ligonier Ministries on May 29.
Dr. Josh Fullman
Dr. Joshua Fullman, professor of English: book review of The House of 49 Doors by Laurie Klein. The North American Anglican (July 11).
Fiction and Poems
Dr. Gretchen Bartels-Ray
Dr. Gretchen Bartels-Ray, professor of English: poems On Discovering a Bewick’s Wren Nest in the Basket of Our Garden State and And There Was Evening and There Was Mourning. Eunoia Review (July 8).
Dr. Liza Arellano
Dr. Liza Arellano, professor of social work: workshop Step up to Step Down, California; Engaging Caregivers in Training Solutions. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) National Conference on June 21 in Washington, D.C.
Keelan Kaiser
Keelan Kaiser, professor of architecture: Cosmological Design Principles Reconsidered: Exploiting Cosmological Traits and Pattern Toward Expression and Resiliency. International Conference on Design Principles and Practices Cultures of Transformative Design in Valencia, Spain, in March 2024.
Dr. Rebecca Meyer
Dr. Rebecca Meyer, professor of nursing: The Role of Nurses in Medical Missions. Global Medical Missions Alliance Conference in Irvine on June 28-29.
Dr. Keith Hekman
Dr. Keith Hekman, professor of mechanical engineering: Automated Grading with Rapid Feedback for SOLIDWORKS Files. 2024 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition in Portland, Oregon, on June 26.
Dr. Kendra Flores-Carter, associate professor of social work, and Dr. Dretona Maddox, assistant professor of social work: Best Practices in Prevention, Identification, and Treatment of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. A two-day training for perinatal providers in Washington state. Presented June 3-4 and 10-11.
Dr. Kendra Flores-Carter, associate professor of social work, and Dr. Jasmine Reed, assistant professor of social work: Examining Social Determinants of Health Using a Culturally Responsive Approach for Black Birthing Individuals. Riverside University Health Systems, Behavioral Health, and San Bernardino County Children's Network Perinatal Mental Health Training on June 26.
Stephanie Arjona, transcript and records analyst II, and Jessica Reyes, transcript and records analyst II: Getting Started with TES EQs and TES Maintenance. Reyes also presented Surf’s Up: Ride the Wave of Course Bundles in Transferology. Arjona also presented Respond and Share: Transfer Solutions. 2024 CollegeSource Annual Conference in San Diego on June 18-20.
Dr. Humberto Gallegos
Dr. Humberto Gallegos, professor of civil engineering: Enhancing the GeoSpatial Engineering Curriculum at California Baptist University and How the Dodgers' Los Angeles Stadium was Built Upon through the Powers of Eminent Domain. UESI Surveying and Geomatics Conference at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, on June 2-4.
Dr. Mary Ann Pearson
Dr. Mary Ann Pearson, professor of communication: panelist on Mentorship Mastery. Webinar hosted by CAPIO (California Public Information Officials) on June 24.
Dr. Kristin Mauldin
Dr. Kristin Mauldin, associate professor of sport and performance psychology: Finding Flow. Pacific Division Annual Meeting for the American Association for the Advancement and of Science in San Diego on June 19.
Dr. Sophia S. Mun
Dr. Sophia S. Mun, assistant professor of behavioral sciences: Character Building in Undergraduate Researchers. CONNECTUR24 (Council on Undergraduate Research) in Maryland on June 25.
Dr. Philip Breitenbucher and Anna "Lizzie" Saunders
Dr. Philip Breitenbucher, associate professor of social work, and Anna “Lizzie” Saunders, social work undergraduate: workshop Emerging Excellence: Sustainable Skills and Strategies for Professional Advancement. 2024 Youth Summit hosted by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Opioid Affected Youth Initiative in Orlando, Florida, on June 26. Saunders serves on the initiative’s National Youth Advisory Board. She was selected in the spring through a competitive application process.
David Isaacs
David Isaacs, visiting professor of English: poster Diabolically Drawn: Depictions of the Devil in Graphic Novel Bibles. International Visual Language 2024 Conference at Tilburg University in the Netherlands on June 27.
Professional Accolades
Sonya Singh
Sonya Singh, instructor of journalism, was named a finalist in the Los Angeles Press Club's annual Southern California Journalism Awards on June 23. Judges reviewed more than 2,300 pieces in this year's competition. Singh took second place in Soft News Features. The story, If you ain't got love, you've just got chicken wings: How food helped three chefs start again after prison, was published in The Guardian last fall.
Dr. Charles Sands and Shawnn Palmer
Shawnn Palmer, director of academic technology and reporting, was named employee of the month for July. Her nomination included the following statements: “Shawnn is the go-to person for academic reporting. She is professional in her interactions and effectively works across levels of the university. As we continue through the implementation of Banner, Shawnn is the leader in advocating and driving needs for the student information system. Academic Advising and the Registrar routinely extol her work and value in this process.”
Student Highlights
Five CBU students and alumni, all current and former members of Lancer Media Group, served as Baptist Press photography staff and interns during the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting in Indianapolis on June 8–12. Their images documented the convention — from community outreach events at local churches to main-stage speakers — and were used throughout BP's coverage and appeared in state and national publications. Josselyn Guillen, Elijah Hickman, Luc Stringer, Camille Grochowski and Lindsey Stumpf were joined by Sonya Singh, instructor of journalism, Casey Maldonado, interim director of student publications, and Jim Veneman, adjunct professor of journalism and new media.
Personal Milestones
Melanie McCluskey
Melanie McCluskey, library assistant, earned her Master of Education from Hope International University on May 18. Her thesis research focused on how school libraries can support the emotional well-being of students.
Personnel Changes
Check out job opportunities at CBU by clicking here.