Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
Ph.D. Old Testament Gateway Theological Seminary
MDiv Divinity Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
BAT Applied Theology California Baptist University

Old Testament Exegesis
Pentateuch and Former Prophets
Latter Prophets and Writings
Old Testament Survey
Old Testament Theology
Church History
Biblical Interpretation
The Christian Life
Introduction to Christianity
New Testament Survey
Paul and the Early Church
Overview of the Bible
Comparative Religions
Biblical Theology
Foundations of Christian Thought
Ministry with Youth
Intro to Philosophy

Biblical Hebrew
Old Testament Exegesis
Biblical Theology

Course Developer and Adjunct Professor, Colorado Christian Univeristy:
Bachelors Course Developed and Taught: Old Testament Introduction
Graduate Course Developed and Taught: Old Testament Introduction

Adjunct Professor, Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention:
Doctoral Lectures Delivered: Preaching Proverbs; Preaching Psalms; Preaching Parables
Graduate Courses Taught: Old Testament Introduction I; Old Testament Introduction. II; Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew; Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew for Korean Students; Hebrew Exegesis: Amos; Hebrew Exegesis: Proverbs; Hebrew Exegesis: Malachi; Advanced Biblical Preaching; History of American Evangelicalism

Visiting Professor, Seminario Teológico Bautista Mexicano, Mexico City:
Graduate Course Taught: Apologetics/Philosophy

Visiting Professor, Karin Theological Seminary, Burma/Myanmar:
Undergraduate Course Taught: Young Men and Women in Leadership

"The ultimate aim of biblical theology is to bring us to our knees in worship and prayer" - Bruce Waltke