Keanon Alderson, Ph.D.
Professor of Business
Director, CBU Family Business Center
Office Phone: 951-343-4768
E-mail: kalderson@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: School of Business Building Room 230
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays: 11:45 am to 2:30 PM in office and by appointment on Webex on Tuesday through Sunday
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | Organization and Management, Emphasis in Leadership | Capella University | 2009 |
M.B.A. | Business Administration | University of Redlands | 1996 |
B.S. | Business Administration | California Baptist University | 1992 |
BUS 435 - Leadership in Organization
BUS 464 - Family Business Management
BUS 505 - Entrepreneurial Management
MKT 313 - Retailing and Merchandising
MKT 333 - Principles of Marketing
MKT 443 - Personal Selling and Sales Management
BUS 362 - Social Entrepreneurship
BUS 463 - Organizational Management
BUS 515 - Organizational Behavior
BUS101 Introduction to Business
Small/Family Business
Ashford University
Alderson, K. (2012). At the Crossroads: Social and Faith Based Entrepreneurship. Thunderbird International Business Review.
Alderson, K., & Winter, N.C.,. "Building Lives in Kenya: A Case Study of a Successful Social Enterprise." The Eleventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business. Oahu, HI. May 2011.
Alderson, K. (2011) Understanding the Family Business. NY. Business Expert Press.
Alderson, K. (2011). The role of moral and spiritual capital in a social entrepreneur's personal development: A brief review of the literature. International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 1, (1) p. 21-28.
Bianchi, C. & Alderson, K. (2012). Family Councils: What do we really know about them and ought to know? In Carsrud, A. & Brannback, M. (Eds.). International Prespectives on Future Research in Family Business: Neglected Topics and Under-utilized Theories. Springer International Entrepreneurship Series.
Lozano, M., Overbeke, K., K. & Alderson, K. (2011, in press). Father/Daughter Succession: A Case Study of a Colombian Family Business. In Halkias, D., Swierez, P.M., Smith, C., & Nason, R. S. (Eds.). Father/Daughter Succession in Family Business: A cross-cultural perspective. Aldershot, UK. Gower Publishing Ltd.
Alderson, K., (2011, winter). Family business owners go to Washington. Family Business Magazine, 22, (1). pp.16-17.
Alderson, K., (2011) Women playing a larger role in family owned businesses. Focus, National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
Alderson, K., & Winter, N. C., (2011). Creating a sustainable social entrepreneurship venture within a non-profit. In Whitfield, R. & Mueller, J. (Eds.). For profit does not mean not for performance: Tips for sustainable performance for global nonprofit firms. Read to Lead Series. Rockford, IL. InfoUSA Publishing.
Alderson, K. (2012). Effective Governance in the Family Owned Business. In Boubaker, S., Nguyen, B.D, Nguyen, D.K. (Eds.) Corporate Governance in the Family Owned Business in Recent Developments and New Trend. New York. Springer Publishing.
Lozano, M, Overbeke, K., K. & Alderson, K. (2012). Kambiri” An Entrepreneurial Alternative for Afro Descendent Women Displaced by Violence. In Halkias, D., & Thurman, P. W. (Eds.). Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: Business Solutions for Poverty Alleviation from around the World. Aldershot, UK. Gower Publishing Ltd
“Exploring the Complexities of the Family Business Decision Making Process.” Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Cancun, Mexico. April 16-18, 2010.
Riverside Opportunity Center (ROC) Community Development Corporation, Riverside, CA. "Marketing for the Small Business." January 30, 2010
Attendee: USASBE United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship National Convention, Nashville, TN. January 14-17, 2010.
Presentation: Alderson, K. & Bianchi, C. (2011). Update on Family Councils. Family Firm Institute National Conference, Boston. MA.
Alderson, Keanon. "Exploring the Complexities of Family Business Decision Making: How the Second Generation makes Decisions." Doctoral Dissertation, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN. 2009.
Presentation: Alderson, K. “Marketing to the Family Owned Business” Inland Empire American Marketing Association, September 15, 2011
Presentation: Alderson, K. “Managing the Family Business” Saddleback Community College, September 17, 2011
Alderson, Keanon. “Diversity Marks Family Owned Firm.” The Business Press, p. 13. August 18, 2008.
Alderson, Keanon. “Large Firms See Potential in Family Businesses.” The Business Press, p. 6. July 27, 2007.
Alderson, Keanon. “Children of Business Owners Obtain Valuable Education Early with Family.” The Business Press, p. 7. June 4, 2007.
Alderson, Keanon. “Family Businesses Need Myriad Solutions.” The Business Press, p. 5. April 9, 2007.
Attendee: Academy of Management National Meeting, Atlanta, GA. August 11-14, 2006.
Member, The Way World Outreach, San Bernardino
Pastor Armondo Fambres
Editorial Advisory Board: The Journal of Family Business Management (JFBM), Inderscience Publishers 2011 to present
Professor Alderson has been married for 42 years to the love of his life Sandy. He has two sons, Sean and CJ. He also has two grandkids, Jeren and Aurelia.
Dr. Alderson enjoys real estate, fixing up old homes, fly fishing, living at Green Valley Lake, classic rock, and helping students prepare for and choose their careers.
As an alumni, I am blessed to be teaching here. I believe I am living my purpose at CBU which is to show God's love to all, and be a good witness of God's grace and love.