Trevor Gillum, Ph.D.
Professor of Kinesiology
Program Director of Exercise Science
Office Phone: 951-343-4950
E-mail: tgillum@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: Health Sciences Campus, F89
Office Hours: 12:00-12:00; 2:00-4:00 Mon/Wed/Fri
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | Exercise Physiology | University of New Mexico | 2010 |
M.S. | Health, and Human Performance | University of Montana | 2006 |
B.S. | Health and Exercise Science | University of Oklahoma | 2004 |
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist – Cert # 1031048
ACSM Exercise is Medicine Credential, Level 2
Exercise Physiology
Exercise Testing and Prescription
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Research Design and Evaluation in Kinesiology
Sport Nutrition
Thermoregulation, Hypoxia, Carbohydrate Oxidation
ResearchGate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Trevor_Gillum
PubMed Publications: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/1Fw0Rryszf4Qm/bibliography/public/
Our Lab: www.cbuexphyslab.com
Conrad N, Heckler E, Lee B, Hill G, Flood T, Wheeler L, Costello R, Walker E, Gillum T, Willems M, Kuennen M. New Zealand blackcurrant extract modulates the heat shock response in men during exercise in hot ambient conditions. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2024 Aug;124(8):2315-2328. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-024-05439-w
Magana M, Gorini F, Kuennen M, Lutz C, Almond D, Lira A, Apilado A, Kim J, Boyer W, Gillum T. Caffeine has no effect on submaximal running in hypoxia in low caffeine consuming males and females. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2024 Sep;64(9):863-870. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.24.15840-9
Dorsett G, Gorini F, Kuennen M, Waugh K, Barnard J, Bennett J, Garcia G, Gillum T. Repeated short cold-water immersions are sufficient to habituate to the cold, but do not lead to adaptations during exercise in normobaric hypoxia. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2024 May 1;49(5):659-666. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2023-0523
Gorini F, Greenfield A, Kuennen M, Gillum T. Exercise induced plasma volume expansion lowers cardiovascular demand during 15-km cycling time-trial in acute normobaric hypoxia. PLoS. 2024 Feb 2;19(2):e0297553. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0297553
McKenna Z, Ducharme J, Berkemeier Q, Pecht J, Fennel Z, Gillum T, Deyhle M, Amorim F, Mermier C. Ibuprofen increases markers of intestinal barrier injury but suppresses inflammation at rest and after exercise in hypobaric hypoxia. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2023 Jan 1;55(1):141-150. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003032
McKenna Z, Gorini F, Gillum T, Amorim F, Deyhle M, Mermier C. High altitude exposure and intestinal barrier dysfunction. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2022 Mar 1;322(3):R192-R203. https://doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00270.2021.
Shariffi B, Dillon K, Gillum T, Boyer W, Sullivan S, E Lee, Kim JK. Effect of combined Citrulline supplementation on hemodynamic responses to exercise in young males. Journal of Dietary Supplements 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/19390211.2021.2023246
Dillon K, Shariffi B, Gillum T, Boyer W, Sullivan S, Kim JK. Effects of Chronic Dietary Grape Seed Extract Supplementation on Aortic Stiffness and Hemodynamic Responses in Obese/Overweight Males during Submaximal Exercise. European Journal of Sport Science 2021; May 20; 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2021.1923815
Greenfield A, Gorini F, Boyer W, Apakarian M, Kuennen M, Gillum T. Short-Term Hot Water Immersion Results in Substantial Thermal Strain and Heat Acclimation Onset; Comparison with Heat-Exercise Exposures. Journal of Thermal Biology 2021 April; 97:102898. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2021.102898
Mckenna Z, Berkemeier Q, Gorini F, Kuennen M, Naylor A, Kleint A, Gillum T. Effects of exercise in hot and humid conditions and bovine colostrum on salivary immune markers. Journal of Thermal Biology 2020; Oct;93:102717 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2020.102717
Naylor A, Shariffi B, Gillum T, Sullivan S, Kim JK. Effects of combined histamine H1 and H2 receptor blockade on hemodynamic responses to dynamic exercise in males with high-normal blood pressure. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2020; 45(7): 769-76.
Berkemeier Q, Alumbaugh B, Gillum T, Coburn J, Kim J, Reeder M, Fechtner C, Smith G. Physiological and Biomechanical Differences Between Seated and Standing Uphill Cycling. International Journal of Exercise Science 2020; 13(2): 996-11.
Hill G, Gillum T, Lee B, Romano P, Schall Z, Kuennen M. Reduced inflammatory and phagocytotic responses following normobaric hypoxia exercise, despite greater elevations in gastrointestinal barrier permeability. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2019; 45(6): 628-40.
Hill G, Gillum T, Lee B, Romano P, Schall Z, Hamilton A, Kuennen M. Prolonged treadmill running in normobaric hypoxia causes gastrointestinal barrier permeability and elevates circulating levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. 2019. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2019; 45(4): 376-86.
Falgiano P, Gillum T, Schall Z, Strag H, Kuennen M. Dietary curcumin supplementation does not alter peripheral blood mononuclear cell responses to exertional heat stress. In Press. doi.org/10.1007/s00421-018-3998-5. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
Patton M, Gillum T, Szymanski M, Gould L, Lauterbach C, Vaughan R, Kuennen M. Heat acclimation increases inflammatory and apoptotic responses to subsequent LPS challenge in C2C12 myotubes. 2018 Jun 16. doi: 10.1007/s12192-018-0923-0. Cell Stress and Chaperone.
McKenna Z, Berkemeier Q, Naylor A, Kleint A, Gorini F, Ng J, Kim J, Sullivan S, Gillum T. Bovine colostrum supplementation does not affect plasma I-FABP concentrations following exercise in a hot and humid environment. 2017 Dec;117(12): 2561-2567. doi: 10.1007/s00421-017-3743-5. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
Szymanski M, Gillum T, Gould L, Morin D, Kuennen M. Short term dietary curcumin supplementation reduces gastrointestinal barrier damage and physiological strain response during exertional heat stress. 2018 Feb 1;124(2):330-340. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00515.2017. Journal of Applied Physiology.
McKenna Z, Gillum TL. Effects of Exercise Induced Dehydration and Glycerol Rehydration on Anaerobic Power in Male Collegiate Wrestlers. 2017 Nov;31(11):2965-2968. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001871. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Gillum TL, Kuennen, M, McKenna Z, Castillo M, Jordan-Patterson A, Bohnert C. Exercise increases lactoferrin, but decreases lysozyme in salivary granulocytes. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 117(5): 1047-1051. 2017.
Gillum TL, Kuennen, M, McKenna Z, Castillo M, Jordan-Patterson A, Bohnert C. Exercise does not increase salivary lymphocytes, monocytes, or granulocytes, but does increase salivary lysozyme. Journal of Sports Sciences. 35(13): 1294-99. 2017
Bodell N, Gillum TL. 90 Minutes of Moderate-Intensity Exercise does not attenuate Postprandial Triglycerides in Older Adults. International Journal of Exercise Science. 9(5): 677-84. 2016.
Granados J, Gillum TL, Castillo W, Christmas K, Kuennen M. Functional respiratory muscle training during endurance exercise causes modest hypoxemia but overall is well tolerated. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(3): 755-62. 2016.
Kuennen M, Jansen L, Gillum TL, Granados J, Castillo W, Christmas K, Nabiyar A. Dietary nitrate reduces the oxygen cost of a loaded battle march performed in desert conditions but paradoxically elevates body temperatures. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 115(12): 2557-69. 2015.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Castillo, M, Williams N, Jordan-Patterson A. Exercise, but not sleep loss, increases salivary antimicrobial protein expression. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(5): 1359-66. 2015.
Nguyen B, Gillum TL. Manipulation of Step Height and its Effect on Lactate Metabolism during a One-Minute Anaerobic Step Test. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(6): 1578-83. 2015.
Williams N, Coburn J, Gillum TL. Static stretching vs. dynamic warm-ups: a comparison of their effects on torque and electromyography output of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles In Press. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.
Granados J, Gillum TL, Christmas K, Kuennen M. Prohormone supplement 3b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-17-one enhances resistance training gains but impairs user health. Journal of Applied Physiology. Mar;116(5):560-569. 2014.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Riley L, Holguin T. Sex and menstrual phase effects of salivary antimicrobial protein expression in response to acute treadmill running. Exercise Immunology Reviews. 20:23-38. 2014.
Quesada T, Gillum TL. Effect of acute creatine supplementation and subsequent caffeine ingestion on ventilatory anaerobic threshold. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online. 16(4): 112-20. 2013.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Sex differences in heat shock protein 72 expression after acute exercise in the heat. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 11(4). 2013.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Schneider S, Dokladny K, Moseley P. Salivary antimicrobial protein response to prolonged running. Biology of Sport. 30(1):3-8. 2013
Kuennen M, Gillum TL, Dokladny K, Bedrick E, Schneider S, Moseley P. Thermotolerance and heat acclimation may share a common mechanism in humans. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology. 2011 Aug;301(2):R524-33.
Gillum TL, Kuennen M, Schneider S, Moseley P. A review of sex differences in immune function after aerobic exercise. Exercise Immunology Reviews. 17: 106-23. 2011.
Kuennen M, Gillum TL, Amorim F, Sub Kwon Y, Schneider S. The effect of palm cooling on hyperthermic subjects. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 108(6): 1217-23. 2010.
Gillum TL, Kravitz L. Assessing the lactate threshold. Idea Fitness Journal. 5(2): 21-23. 2008.
Gillum TL, Dumke CL, Ruby BC. Muscle glycogenolysis and resynthesis in response to a half-ironman triathlon. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 1: 404-9. 2006.
Greenfield A, Gorini F, Gillum T. The impact of short-term hot water immersion on heat acclimation and thermotolerance. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Gorini F, Gillum T. High Intensity Intervals Expands Plasma and Improves Exercise Performance in Acute Hypoxia. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Gorini F, Gillum T. Downhill Running: An Effective Countermeasure to Limitations of Exercise in Acute Hypoxia? American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
Mckenna Z, Kuennen M, Berkemeier Q, Naylor A, Kleint A, Kim J, Gillum T. Bovine colostrum supplementation has no effect on salivary lactoferrin and lysozyme after exercise in a hot humid environment. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.
Hernandez C, Rhouni N, Favela D, Ramirez J, Corella E, Reid MJ, Gillum T, Coburn, J, Dabbs N. The Acute Effects of Miniature Trampoline Usage on Muscle Activation During Vertical Jumping. Southwest National Strength & Conditioning Association’s Regional Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
Favela D, Rhouni N, Ramirez J, Corella E, Hernandez C, Reid MJ, Gillum T, Coburn J. Dabbs, NC. The Acute Effects of Mini-Trampoline Jumping on Jump Performance in Recreationally Trained Individuals. Southwest National Strength & Conditioning Association’s Regional Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
Reid MJ, Rhouni N, Corella E, Favela D, Hernandez C,*Ramirez J, Gillum T, Coburn J. Dabbs NC. Immediate Effect of Mini-Trampoline Jumping on Balance. Southwest National Strength & Conditioning Association’s Regional Meeting, Santa Monica, CA.
Gillum TL, McKenna Z, Castillo M, *ordan-Patterson A, Bohnert C. Moderate Intensity Running Alters Salivary Granulocyte Expression Of Lactoferrin And Lysozyme Without Changing Extracellular Saliva Concentration. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
Gillum TL, Castillo M, McKenna Z, Tobi-Patterson J, Bohnert C. Exercise increases salivary granulocytes and lymphocytes, but not monocytes. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Gillum TL, Castillo M, Williams N, Jordan-Patterson A. Exercise, but not sleep deprivation, increases salivary alpha-defensins and cathelicidin. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
Gillum TL, Williams N, Stone K, McLeod S. Sleep, stress, and sickness in collegiate cross country runners while in season. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
Granados J, Gillum TL, Kuennen M. Advantages and Disadvantages to prohormone supplementation in resistance trained males. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
Wigginton M, Barth M, Gillum TL, Sands C. Assessment of physical activity and health indicators in American-Indian high school students. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.
Invited Presentation: The birds and the bees and B (cells) and the T (cells): Sex differences in immune response to exercise. Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting, 2012. Newport Beach, CA.
Gillum T, Holguin T, Riley L. Men and women differ in antimicrobial protein response to acute, moderate, treadmill running. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Crohare E, Rhodes S, Gillum T, Kuennen M. Irritable bowel syndrome disrupts mental and physical function in female endurance athletes. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Gillum T, Gourley C, Kuennen M, Schneider S. Antimicrobial protein response to prolonged running. California Baptist University. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
Gillum T, Kuennen M, Gourley C, Alumbaugh B, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Gender differences in heat shock protein 72 expression and inflammation in response to acute exercise in the heat. University of New Mexico. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Kuennen M, Gillum T, Christmas K, Daklodney K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Thermotolerance and heat acclimation share a common mechanism in humans. Experimental Biology. Anaheim, CA.
Gillum T, Kuennen M, Christmas K, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Time course of intracellular heat shock protein 72 expression during and after acute cycle ergometry. University of New Mexico. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA
Kuennen M, Gillum T, Christmas K, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. Assessment of heat shock protein 72 day-to-day reliability. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA
Mermier C, Kuennen M, Gillum T, Christmas K, Dokladny K, Schneider S, Moseley P. The effect of mild dehydration on heat shock protein 72 expression during an acute cycling bout. University of New Mexico. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA
Kuennen M, Gillum T, Amorim F, Sub Kwon Y, Schneider S. The effect of palm cooling on hyperthermic subjects. University of New Mexico. 2008 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN
Gillum TL, Dumke CL, Ruby BC. Muscle glycogenolysis and resynthesis in response to a half-ironman triathlon. University of Montana. 2006 Northwest American College of Sports Medicine. Corvallis, OR
Stephanie Adrian, Trevor Gillum. The EMG activity of figure skating off-ice single and double loop jumps. Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Nicole Williams, Trevor Gillum. The effect of different warm-up techniques on EMG output and torque of quadriceps muscles. Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Newport Beach, CA.
Jacob Perez, Endeah Chandler, Tyler Krieger, Josh Marsile, Trevor Gillum. An Acute Leg Press Exercise Session Can Decreases Systolic Blood Pressure. Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Reno, NV.
Laura Shipman, Ashley Bennet, Hannah Braun, Trevor Gillum. The Effects of Power Balance Bands on Strength, Balance, and Flexibility. Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Reno, NV.
Patrick Solano, Arron Bethel, Trevor Gillum. Effects of Static Stretching on Maximal Leg Strength. Southwest ACSM Chapter Meeting. Reno, NV.
Stone Arbor Church
President - Southwest ACSM
Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine
Anti-sloth living