Jeff McNair, Ph.D.
Professor of Education
Director, Moderate/Severe Education Specialist Program
Office Phone: 951-343-4489
E-mail: jmcnair@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: Eugene and Billie Yeager Center, Room B234
Office Hours: Fall 2020 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | Special Education | University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana | 1989 |
M.A. | Special Education | California State University at Los Angeles | 1982 |
B.A. | Christian Education | Wheaton | 1978 |
EDU 341 Exceptional Child
EDU 525 Survey of Educational Research
SPE 568 Instruction of students with severe disabilities
SPE 569 Instruction of students with severe disabilities: Community integration
Community integration of adults with disability
Models of disability
Church's role in supporting people with disabilities/disability ministry
Biblical perspectives on disability
California State University at San Bernardino: 15 years
Baca, J. & McNair, J. (2013). Almost friends. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 2.1, 27-41.
Lane, K.E., Swartz, S. & McNair, J. (1993). Implications of special education on school design: Practicality not
theory. Education Facility Planner.
Logomarcino, T., Trach, J., Rusch, F. & McNair, J. (1988). Overview of practices and emerging trends in employment
services. In J.L. Matson & A. Marchetti (Eds.), Developmental disabilities: A life span perspective (pp. 312-328).
New York: Grune & Stratton.
McNair, J. (in press). Social model interventions: A response to discrimination. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability.
McNair, J. (in process). Disability ministry and culture change within the Christian community. Journal of Religion
and Disability.
McNair, J. (2019). People with disabilities in in short-term mission. In D. Deuel & N. John (eds.), Disability in Mission: The Church’s Hidden Treasure. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.
McNair, J. (2018). Theological perspectives on the valuation and “meaning” of human impairment
Social Role Valorization Journal.
McNair, J. (2016). Disability studies applied to disability ministry. Baptist Review and Expositor, 113(2), 159-166.
McNair, J. (2016). Human services via faith groups. Chinasource, March 7, 2016.
McNair, J. (2016). The church, disability and loving your neighbor. Dharma Deepika.
McNair, J. (2015) Disability and human supports. Christian Journal of Global Health. 2(2), 10-15.
McNair, J. (2014). The power of those who seem weaker. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 3.1, 93-107.
McNair, J. (2010). Inclusive religious education: Making it happen. Journal of Religion, Disability and Health.
McNair, J. (2010). Inclusive religious education. Journal of Religion Disability and Health.
McNair, J. (2008). The indispensable nature of persons with intellectual disabilities to the church. Journal of Religion Disability & Health, 12(4), 321-329.
McNair, J. (2007). Christian social constructions of disability: Church attenders. Journal of Religion Disability & Health, 11(3) 51-64.
McNair, J. (2004). The limits of our practices. Journal of Religion Disability & Health, 8(3/4), 63-69.
McNair, J. (2000). The local church as a network supporting adults with disabilities in the community: One perspective. Journal of Religion, Disability & Health, 4(1),33-56.
McNair, J., & Ashcroft, R. (1993). Providing transition training to teachers of students with disabilities. Issues in Teacher Education, 2(1), 7-18.
McNair, J. & Carter, E. (eds.), (2010). Inclusive religious education Part 2. Journal of Religion Disability & Health.
McNair, J. & Carter, E. (eds.), (2010). Inclusive religious education Part 1. Journal of Religion Disability & Health.
McNair, J. & McKinney, B. (2016). Disability when viewed as impaired and unchosen relationships. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 5.2, 69-90.
McNair, J. & McKinney, B., (2015). Social ramps: The principles of universal design applied to the social environment. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 4.1, 43-68.
McNair, J. & Rhodes, B. (2020). Social Healing: Cultural Change as an Alternative to the Devaluation of Persons with Disabilities. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 9(1), 44-75.
McNair, J. & Rhodes, B. (2019). Toward a Christian Model of Disability. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 8(1), 11-36.
McNair, J., & Rusch, F. R. (1991). Parent involvement in transition programs. Mental Retardation, 29, 93-101.
McNair, J. & Rusch, F.R. (1992). The Co-worker Involvement Instrument: A measure of indigenous workplace support. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 11(2), 101-110.
McNair, J. & Sanchez, M. (2007). Christian social constructions of disability: Church leaders. Journal of Religion Disability & Health, 11(4), 35-50.
McNair, J. & Schindler, A. (2011). A secular case for religious inclusion of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In D. Schumm & M. Stoltfus, (eds.) Disability and Religious Diversity. University of Illinois, Chicago.
McNair, J. & Smith, H. (1998). Community Based Natural Support through Local Churches. Mental Retardation, June 1998, 237-241.
McNair, J. & Smith, H. (2000). Church attendance of adults with mental retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 35(2), 222-225.
McNair, J. & Soper, T. (2012). Christian social constructions of disability: Adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 1(1).
McNair, J. & Swartz, S.L. (1997). Local church support to individuals with developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 32(4), 304-312.
Rusch, F., McNair, J. & DeStefano, L. (1988). Research priorities in secondary special education and transitional services: A national survey. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 11, 99-110.
Tumeinski, M. & McNair, J. (2012). What would be better? Social role valorization and the development of ministry to persons affected by disability. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability 1(1), 11-22.
McNair, J. & McNair, K. (2021). Lessons from the Light & Power Company: Hebrews. Createspace.com.
McNair, J. & McNair, K. (2018). Lessons from the Light & Power Company: Romans. Createspace.com.
McNair, J. & McNair, K. (2017). Lessons from the Light & Power Company: The Psalms. Createspace.com.
McNair, J. (2017). Meowoof. Createspace.com.
McNair, J. (2015). The Church and Disability 2: The weblog disabledChristianity. Createspace.com.
McNair, J. (2009). The Church and Disability: The weblog disabledChristianity. Createspace.com.
McNair, J. (2009). The Orchard: A story about political engagement in modern times. Createspace.com.
McNair, J. (1998). The Light Team. Genesis Communication.
Other Publications
McNair, J. (2009). The confrontation of disability. National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministry, August 10.
McNair, J. (2005). Instructor’s manual to accompany: Instruction of students with severe disabilities (6th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
McNair, J. (July/August, 2005). There are no retarded people in St. Louis. Prism Magazine.
McNair, J (2005). Becoming anti-private. Audacity Magazine.
McNair, J. (2005). Community integration through faith networks. Community services reporter, 12, 11.
McNair, J. (2003). Secular benefits of religious participation. Proceedings 2003 NACSW conference.
McNair, J. (2001). A nation of Scrooges? Available at http://www.jeffmcnair.us/articles/
McNair, J. (1997). A discussion of networks supporting adults with disabilities in the community. The Center for the Study of Religion and Disability. Available at, http://www.jeffmcnair.us/articles/
McNair, J. (1993). The local church as an agent of natural supports to individuals with developmental disabilities. In
J. McNair & G. Legutki, (Eds.), Issues in Transition II. San Bernardino, California: The Transition Specialist
Program at California State University San Bernardino.
McNair, J. & Legutki, G. (1993), Issues in Transition II. San Bernardino, California: The Transition Specialist
Program at California State University San Bernardino. (ERIC Document Service)
McNair, J. (1992). Workplace support. In J. McNair & N Kronick (Eds.), Issues in Transition. San Bernardino,
California: The Transition Specialist Program at California State University, San Bernardino.
McNair, J. & Kronick, N. (1992), Issues in Transition. San Bernardino, California: The Transition Specialist Program
at California State University, San Bernardino. (ERIC Document Service)
McNair, J. & McNair, K. (2011). Faith formation for adults with disabilities. In J. Eareckson-Tada, S. Bundy & P.
Verbal (eds.), Beyond Suffering: A Christian view on disability ministry.
McNair, J. & McNair, K. (2011). Wolfensberger’s 18 wounds of disability. In J. Eareckson-Tada, S. Bundy & P.
Verbal (eds.), Beyond Suffering: A Christian view on disability ministry.
Rusch, F,R,, Hughes, C., & McNair, J. (1992). The Coworker Involvement Instrument. Champaign, Illinois: The Secondary Transition Intervention Effectiveness Institute at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
Swartz, S., McNair, J., & Sherwin, G. (2005). Transition for individuals with disabilities. In W. Camp et al. (Eds.), The Principal's Legal Handbook, 2nd Edition. National Organization on Legal Problems in Education.
Trinity Evangelical Free Church in Redlands
The Light and Power Company, a group that includes adults with developmental disabilities at my church
Oil Painting
Weblog http://disabledchristianity.blogspot.com
For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are,so that no man may boast before God.
- 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, NASB