H. Bruce Stokes, PhD
Professor of Behavioral Science
Major Representative, Behavioral Sciences and Christian Behavioral Sciences
Office Phone: 951-343-4269
E-mail: hbstokes@calbaptist.edu
Office Location: W.E. James Building, Room 133
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
PhD | Anthropology | University of California at Riverside | 1994 |
M.A. | Anthropology | University of California at Riverside | 1991 |
B.A. | Anthropology / Behavioral Sciences | California State University at Dominguez Hills | 1983 |
A.A. | Music | Golden West College | 1981 |
COURSES TAUGHT: Undergraduate
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Introduction to Physical Anthro and Archeology
Introduction to General Psychology Abnormal psychology for Nurses
Survey of Behavioral Sciences Cross Cultural Communication
Social Theory Culture and Personality
Anthropological Theories of Behavior Theories of Personality
Marriage and Family Integration of Behavioral Science and Theology
Introduction to Psychology Theology as a Behavioral Science
Psychophysiology Christian Institutions and the Church
Integration of Psychology and Theology ( M.F.T. graduate course)
Cross Cultural Values and Ethics (M.F.T. graduate course)
Human Sexuality (M.F.T. graduate course)
Marriage and Family Ministry (CM graduate Course)
Christian Ethics (M.Div. seminary course)
Models of Cross Cultural Ministry (M. Div. seminary course)
Cultural Anthropology for Educators (M.A. C.L.A.D. course)
Systematic Theology (M.Div. graduate course)
Human Development and the Biblical Life Cycle
Relational Counseling Techniques
Identity and Marginality
Diversity and Identity
Messianic Judaism
Integration of Theology and Behavioral Sciences
Culture and Personality
Adjunct, California State University, Long Beach, CA (1991)
Adjunct, Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary, Ontario, CA (1993-Present)
Adjunct, Netzer David International Yeshiva at St. Petersburg Seminary, FL (2005-Present)
Stokes, H. Bruce "Messianic Judaism: Ethnicity in Revitalization." Diss., 1994.
2018 Cultural Adolescence or Biblical Youth: A Religious parent’s Challenge. Kesher Issue 33. MJTI. San Diego
2018 The Haredim: a Socio-cultural Perspective, On the Derekh Conference, Chosen People Ministries, New York,
2017 Plenary Speaker, Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship Conference, Phoenix, AR
2017 Southwestern Anthropological Association Conference (Board Member), Fresno, CA
2016 The Challenge Ahead, Presentation to CBU Trustees, Deans and Faculty
2016 Speaker, Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship Conference, St. Louis, MO
2016 Concepts of Sexuality in Judaism, Hashivenu Theological Conference, Enfield, CN
2016 Board Member, Southwestern Anthropological Association
2015 Congregation Management” Yeshiva Presentation for St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, FL
2015 “Amplified Holy Bible. Translation Team Member. Zondervan.
2015 “Biblical Life-Cycle in the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Baker Books
2015 Corporate Board Member. Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society Conference. Dallas, TX
2015 Speaker- Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
2015 Panel Member – Research in Anthropology. Southwestern Anthropology Association. Long Beach, CA
2015 Panel Respondent – Jewish Perspectives on Divorce. Hashivenu Conference. Hartfield CN.
2015 Invited Observer- Palestinian Christians and Messianic Jews Borough Park Symposium, Chosen People Ministry. New York
2014 Panel Chair. “Gentiles in the Messianic Movement. Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations Conference.Baltimore. MD
2014 Plenary Speakers “The Five Major Covenants” Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship Conference. Baltimore. MD
2014 Panel Respondent. Jewish Ethics and Messianic Judaism Hashivenu Conference. Los Angeles
2012 Invited Observer- Role of Torah. Borough Park Symposium. Chosen People Ministry. New York
2012 Respondent on Dispensationalism and Messianic Covenantal Theology. Hashivenu Conference, Pasadena, CA
2011 – The Problems of Non-Denominationalism. DiscipleCenter Media and Publications. Anaheim Hiils, CA
2011- Establishing a Relational Community: Theology of Community Invited Paper. Hashivenu Conference, Agoura Hills, CA
2011- Invited One Week Seminar Community and Unity among Jews and Christians, UMJC Capetown, SA
2011- Panel Leader on Jewish Evangelism and Christian Missions UMJC conference Dallas, TX
2011 Plenary Speaker on Spiritual Warfare Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship Phoenix, AR
2010- Judeo-Christian Catechism DiscipleCenter Media and Publications. Anaheim Hills, CA
2010- Invited Observer/Scholar to Borough Park Symposium on Deity of the Messiah CPM NYC
2009- The Gospel to the Jews Invited Paper. North American Mission Board. Atlanta, GA
2009- Heretics, Apostates and Sectarians in Historical Context Invited Paper. Hashivenu Conference, Pasadena, CA
2008- Invited panel on Future of Messianic Judaism Union of Messianic Congregations Jerusalem, IS
2008- Plenary Speaker Discipleship in Judaism and Christianity Southern Baptist Messianic Conf. Indianapolis, IN
2008- Presentation on Extended Adolescence at Christian College. San Bernardino, CA
2008- Presentation on Parenting for Foster Parents, Koinonia Family Services, San Bernardino, CA
2008- Panel on Judaism and Deity of the Messiah, Hashivenu Conference Pasadena, CA
2008 – Panel on Messianic Judaism at First Baptist Church, Dallas, TX
2007- Response to Mark Kinzer: Bi-lateral Ecclesiology Invited Paper. Hashivenu Conference, Pasadena, CA
2007- Invited Observer/Scholar to Borough Park Symposium on the Gospel. Chosen Peoples Ministries, NYC
2007 – Invited panel on the Future of Messianic Judaism, International Messianic Jewish Alliance, Jerusalem, Israel
2007- Invited Panel on Messianic Judaism and Southern Baptists SB Messianic Fellowship, San Antonio, TX
2007 – Presented CBU Counseling Ministry American Association of Christian Counselor Conf. Nashville, TX
2005 – Re-Thinking Christian Institutions DisciplePress, Anaheim
2004 – CCCU Conference, Baylor University, Dallas TX, A Great Commission University: A Baptist Model
Co-authored with Jonathan Parker and Daniel Skubic
2003 – Toward a Christian Marriage DisciplePress, Anaheim.
2003 – CBU Faculty Retreat – Riverside, CA, The Great Commission: A Behavioral Science Perspective
2001 – Messianic Jewish Life: Congregation as Community: IMJA – Lederer Publications
1999 - Kesher: Journal of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, Sex and Religion: a Culture History
1999 - Integration of the Behavioral Sciences and Theology: a systematic and relational approach. EYP, New York. . Co-authored with Nathan P. Lewis
1998 – Messianic Jewish Life: The Role of Gentiles in Messianic Judaism: IMJA – Lederer Publications
1997 - International Messianic Judaism Alliance - Puerto Vallerta, Mexico, The Role of Gentiles in the Messianic Movement
1997 - Kesher: Journal of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations The Role of Gentiles in the Messianic Movement
1995 - New American Standard Bible - Update, (Translation Committee) The Lockman Foundation, Brea, CA
1991 - Southwestern Anthropology Association - Berkeley, CA Marginality: Fluid Borders of the Ethnic Mind
Pastor - The DiscipleCenter, Anaheim Hills
Member - Ethnic Council of the Southern Baptist Convention
Self-defense and Rape prevention instructor for the Shoshin Ryu Jiujutsu Yudanshakai
President, Southern Baptists Messianic Fellowship
President, Union of Messianic Believers
Pastoral Counselor, DiscipleCenter Family Services, Anaheim Hills
Consultant, Family Counseling Center, Riverside
Music: Guitar / String Bass
Martial Arts: 10th Degree Black Belt in Danzan Ryu JuJitsu
Sailing Certification from Newport Sailing Club
"Anyone attending college can get a degree. Only those who seek knowledge and study beyond the classroom will achieve an education."