Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
Psy.D. Organizational Development Psychology University of the Rockies 2015
MSW Master of Social Work Ohio State University 2009
BS Psychology/Social Work (Double Major) Ohio University 2004

Dr. Shané P. Teran is an Organizational Development (OD) Psychologist, Licensed Clinical Social Work therapist (LCSW), trainer, consultant and author who enjoys helping Christian and faith-based leaders and business owners establish a bold and purpose-driven lifestyle. She is the Founder of the leadership and organization health consulting firm, SP Consulting Group, LLC where she serves as the Senior Executive Wellness Coach and Organizational Development (OD) Strategist for leaders seeking to align their purpose with bold, holistic, and sustainable business strategies.

With a span of over 18 years of experience, Dr. Teran has 11 years in federal healthcare and over 10 years of experience merging her skills as a mental health therapist, Lean Six Sigma Specialist, Certified Transformational Coach, and OD Psychologist to serve as a consultant and advisor to community leaders, business owners, and c-suite level executives seeking the fulfillment of their purpose as a more balanced and intentional servant leader.

As a faith-based leader, Dr. Teran has maintained global influence as a contracted researcher, leadership & team development trainer, OD strategist and consultant, speaker,
and Executive Wellness Coach for faith-based and high-impact leaders within top-performing organizations, e.g., Amazon, Netflix, Puma NA, UCLA and Facebook to name a few. Provides peer reviews for Harvard Business Review Press (HBR) and the Journal of Faith in the Academic Profession publications. Dr. Teran previously fulfilled a joint appointment with UCLA as a Clinical Instructor as well as an Adjunct Faculty at Azusa Pacific University, Azusa CA. She currently services as Assistant Professor at California Baptist University, in Riverside, CA

Introduction to Social Work
Social Work Practice II
Social Work Management & Leadership
Mental Health and Psychopathology
Advance Generalist Practice I-II
Advanced Field Practicum
Field Practice Seminar
Social Welfare Policy
Program Development

Burnout Mitigation in the Workplace
Emotional Intelligence and Resilience
African American Women in the Workplace
Building Psychological Safety in Burned-Out Work Cultures
Executive Wellness Coaching and Consulting for Enhanced Employee Wellbeing
African American Women Survivors of Dometic Violence in the Workplace
African American Women and Stress in Academia
Faith Integration and Stress Management in Higher Education MSW Programs
Practical Application of the Kingdom Professional Model in Faith-Based Institutions

UCLA; Azusa Pacific

The Life Church, Riverside, CA

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc
National Association of Christian Social Workers
National Association of Social Workers - CA
National Association of Black Social Workers

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. - Galations 6:9 (KJV)